Media Matter Blames Beck!

Who is? I am? LMAO Hell yeah I do wanna take advantage of what the US has. What I do here in the US I would not be able to in Japan. Like for example, owning firearms, obtaining medical marijuana (I have a card) and not be discriminated against since i'm a woman. Women are treated like shit in Japan. I like it here much better here.

:clap2: One of my coworkers has a German national husband. He's gone full-on redneck since they moved here -- hunting, fishing, boating, four-wheeling. All things that are difficult if not impossible to do in Germany. I don't think he wants to go back. :lol:

I was up in WY in a bar, and these guy were talking about their experiences as hunting guides for German Tourists.....

Hunting Prairie Dogs.

No shit, they flew all the fucking way from Berlin to Casper, WY to shoot Prarie Dogs, and it thrilled the crap out of them. They were even having a Taxidermist mail "trophy" Prarie Dogs back to them in Germany.:lol:
We don't have a problem defending Beck. You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that he is promoting violence.

Who would have thought that teaching history is promoting violence.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:

He does teach history. It's funny what you learn by looking at original records. I've always thought that was a good policy.

Isnt it funny how despite the fact that youve been given ample opportunity you still havent shown a single fact he has wrong.

I get so sick of lies. You don't want to know!!! Every single time somebody provides proof of his insanity, you ignore it. I'd have more respect for you people if you just admitted that. You don't care. So stop saying nobody has provided any proof because that's a lie. There is no proof on God's green earth that you will accept. Because you worship Glenn Beck and that's the truth. You're all too ignorant to form your own opinions.
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Oh no, Beck isn't crazy or violent.

''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''
—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

''This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.''
—Glenn Beck, on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009

''Barack Obama ... chose to use his name Barack for a reason -- to identify, not with America -- you don't take the name Barack to identify with America. You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage? The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical? Is -- really? Searching for something to give him any kind of meaning, just as he was searching later in life for religion.''
—Glenn Beck, ''The Glenn Beck Program,'' Feb. 4, 2010

''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''
—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

''When you see the effects of what they're doing to the economy, remember these words: We will survive. No -- we'll do better than survive, we will thrive. As long as these people are not in control. They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered!''
—Glenn Beck, on FOX News, Nov. 3, 2009

''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''
—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007

'I want a chastity belt on this man. I want his every move watched in Washington. I don't trust this guy...This one could end with a dead intern. I'm just saying, it could end with a dead intern!''
—Glenn Beck, on Sen. Scott Brown saying his daughters are ''available'' during his election victory speech

''Because if you are a white human that loves America and happens to be a Christian, forget about it, Jack.''
—Glenn Beck, whining about how everyone hates him, April 2, 2007
Who is? I am? LMAO Hell yeah I do wanna take advantage of what the US has. What I do here in the US I would not be able to in Japan. Like for example, owning firearms, obtaining medical marijuana (I have a card) and not be discriminated against since i'm a woman. Women are treated like shit in Japan. I like it here much better here.

:clap2: One of my coworkers has a German national husband. He's gone full-on redneck since they moved here -- hunting, fishing, boating, four-wheeling. All things that are difficult if not impossible to do in Germany. I don't think he wants to go back. :lol:

I was up in WY in a bar, and these guy were talking about their experiences as hunting guides for German Tourists.....

Hunting Prairie Dogs.

No shit, they flew all the fucking way from Berlin to Casper, WY to shoot Prarie Dogs, and it thrilled the crap out of them. They were even having a Taxidermist mail "trophy" Prarie Dogs back to them in Germany.:lol:
:lol: The German government hasn't made gun ownership illegal, but it's as good as. It's very difficult to buy a weapon, and very difficult to get a hunting license.
Oh no, Beck isn't crazy or violent.

''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''
—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

''This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.''
—Glenn Beck, on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009

''Barack Obama ... chose to use his name Barack for a reason -- to identify, not with America -- you don't take the name Barack to identify with America. You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage? The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical? Is -- really? Searching for something to give him any kind of meaning, just as he was searching later in life for religion.''
—Glenn Beck, ''The Glenn Beck Program,'' Feb. 4, 2010

''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''
—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

''When you see the effects of what they're doing to the economy, remember these words: We will survive. No -- we'll do better than survive, we will thrive. As long as these people are not in control. They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered!''
—Glenn Beck, on FOX News, Nov. 3, 2009

''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''
—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007

'I want a chastity belt on this man. I want his every move watched in Washington. I don't trust this guy...This one could end with a dead intern. I'm just saying, it could end with a dead intern!''
—Glenn Beck, on Sen. Scott Brown saying his daughters are ''available'' during his election victory speech

''Because if you are a white human that loves America and happens to be a Christian, forget about it, Jack.''
—Glenn Beck, whining about how everyone hates him, April 2, 2007
Only the first quote can be reasonably (and rightly, IMO) construed as advocating violence, although it mostly talks about him doing it himself.

The others? No. You may disagree with them, but they are in no way advocating violence.
Again, posting opinions is not demonstrating what facts he has wrong.

You can't say he is teaching history or he is teaching it incorrectly and then refuse to show any instance where he got it wrong. Reality doesn't work that way.
Oh no, Beck isn't crazy or violent.

''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''
—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

''This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.''
—Glenn Beck, on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009

''Barack Obama ... chose to use his name Barack for a reason -- to identify, not with America -- you don't take the name Barack to identify with America. You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage? The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical? Is -- really? Searching for something to give him any kind of meaning, just as he was searching later in life for religion.''
—Glenn Beck, ''The Glenn Beck Program,'' Feb. 4, 2010

''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''
—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

''When you see the effects of what they're doing to the economy, remember these words: We will survive. No -- we'll do better than survive, we will thrive. As long as these people are not in control. They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered!''
—Glenn Beck, on FOX News, Nov. 3, 2009

''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''
—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007

'I want a chastity belt on this man. I want his every move watched in Washington. I don't trust this guy...This one could end with a dead intern. I'm just saying, it could end with a dead intern!''
—Glenn Beck, on Sen. Scott Brown saying his daughters are ''available'' during his election victory speech

''Because if you are a white human that loves America and happens to be a Christian, forget about it, Jack.''
—Glenn Beck, whining about how everyone hates him, April 2, 2007
Only the first quote can be reasonably (and rightly, IMO) construed as advocating violence, although it mostly talks about him doing it himself.

The others? No. You may disagree with them, but they are in no way advocating violence.

But apparently expressing one's opinion makes you violent.
We don't have a problem defending Beck. You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that he is promoting violence.

Who would have thought that teaching history is promoting violence.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:

He does teach history. It's funny what you learn by looking at original records. I've always thought that was a good policy.

Isnt it funny how despite the fact that youve been given ample opportunity you still havent shown a single fact he has wrong.

Didnt he say the president hates white people?
Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:

He does teach history. It's funny what you learn by looking at original records. I've always thought that was a good policy.

Isnt it funny how despite the fact that youve been given ample opportunity you still havent shown a single fact he has wrong.

Didnt he say the president hates white people?
Only the typical ones.
Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:

He does teach history. It's funny what you learn by looking at original records. I've always thought that was a good policy.

Isnt it funny how despite the fact that youve been given ample opportunity you still havent shown a single fact he has wrong.

Didnt he say the president hates white people?

That would be his opinion, based on the evidence he has seen, mainly from the President's own words. Opinions aren't facts

I think there is plenty of evidence that he doesn't like white people.

But then, I forgot. You guys define racist as Republican. So according to your definition, he can't be a racist.
If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
With what you've said, I can easily call bullshit on you. And as for stealing your material? Puleeze... get over your bad self.

Let me ask you this simple question. If he's such a faker and a liar, why has no one sued him for this? He's got more than enough enemies who have the money and will to do so. Fox can't afford to get busted with a scandal... Why not?

Scandal...will THIS do?

Glenn Beck, the guy who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off buying fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Congress Formally Opens Investigation into Goldline & Other Shady Gold Dealers

New York, NY – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn) and House Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D – Chicago) formally announced a hearing of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection to investigate the business practices of Goldline International, a precious metals dealer that uses aggressive sales tactics and conservative spokespeople such as Fox News’ Glenn Beck to sell overpriced gold coins. Weiner and Rush sent a letter to Goldline requesting information in preparation for the hearing.

The announcement follows an exposé on ABC News which detailed Goldline’s business model. Additionally, the Santa Monica City Attorney’s office launched a joint investigation with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office into the possible criminal practices of Goldline International.

Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme

Goldline International is under investigation by the Santa Monica City Attorney’s office, jointly with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, as well as being the subject of a separate investigation by Congress into the possible criminal practices.

The average Goldline markup was 90% above the melt value of the coin. The largest markup on any coin was 208% above the melt value. Furthermore, the average Goldline markup is 47% higher than better-priced competitors, with some of the company’s markups going as high as 102% compared to its competitors on one of the coins they offered.

• Goldline Falsely Claims To Offer “Good” Investments

By selling gold at twice the melt value, the price of gold would need to double for consumers to break even on their “investment.”

• Goldline Salespeople Misrepresent Their Ability To Give “Investment Advice”

Sales people imply that they are “investment advisors” or “financial advisers” by offering investment advice, which insinuates that they have some sort of fiduciary responsibility to get you the most return on your investment.

However, since they are not licensed investment advisors, they have no such responsibility. In 2006, the Missouri Secretary of States’ Office, Securities Division filed formal consent order against Goldline for exactly this reason and recovered over $200k for an elderly consumer that was ripped off.

• Goldline Plays off Public Fears of Government Takeover and Has Formed an Unholy Alliance with Conservative Pundits to Drive a False Narrative

Goldline employs several conservative pundits to act as shills for its’ precious metal business, including Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham, and Fred Thompson. By drumming up public fears during financially uncertain times, conservative pundits are able to drive a false narrative. Glenn Beck for example has dedicated entire segments of his program to explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack Obama as president. He will often promote the purchase of gold as the only safe investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods. When the show cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from Goldline.

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”
Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme

Ah yes, the manufactured "Goldline Scandal".

I suppose Michael Savage, Mike Gallagher, Rush Limbaugh and a dozen other conservative hosts who shill for Goldline are also profiteering? They do exactly the same thing. OMG! It's a Vast Mic Conspiracy!!!! Alert Ted Koppel!

Nice to see Innocent until proven guilty still exists in this nation particularly when the congressional investigation is a fraud. BTW, Wiener has a history of histrionics, hysterics and tantrums for the sake of publicity. And isn't it interesting that Weiner is a former Media Matters employee... Hmmmmmm! Could there be a possible bit of collusion going on? Ohhh no no no... that would be unethical!

Here are some partisan sources, since you saw fit to use them, quid pro quo.

Anthony Weiner’s AAA Rated Attack on Beck and Goldline: Amateur, Arrogant and Asinine - Big Government

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers |

Rep. Anthony Weiner targets Glenn Beck and Goldline International - Kenneth P. Vogel -

This is more of what's really going on. Not the false allegations you're pimping as 'truthiness' from the blogosphere by a corrupt public official. How IS that investigation going BTW? Dropped due to lack of evidence?

Tell me Bfgrn. You ever do a post that didn't explode in your face?
Tell me Bfgrn. You ever do a post that didn't explode in your face?

....."explode in his face"

OMG Big Fitz is making violent imagry!!!!

1........Bfgrn is able to sharpen his witty retort to include calling Big Fitz "pea brain" for the 1000th time, and then begin to whine about a "right wing conspiracy."
Scandal...will THIS do?

Glenn Beck, the guy who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off buying fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Congress Formally Opens Investigation into Goldline & Other Shady Gold Dealers

New York, NY – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn) and House Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D – Chicago).

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”

It "will do" to discredit Goldline, but Beck doesn't work for Goldline, pea-brain.

Shit, all the sudden these guys are concerned about "People's Nest Eggs??"

Where the hell was Weiner and Rush when AIC was making wildly shakey hedgefund investments?

Ah, yes he DOES work for Goldline. Glenn Beck is a paid spokesman for Goldline.

Why the Probe of Glenn Beck Sponsor Goldline Might Interest the FTC

The most interesting aspect of California authorities’ investigation of Goldline — sponsor of Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck – is what information it might uncover about the relationship between Beck, his advertisers, and his bosses at Fox. That information might also be of interest to the FTC, which just issued new rules about celebrities who hook up with misleading advertisers.

The allegations that Goldline rips off its customers by selling gold coins at prices far higher than they’re worth have been around since December. Goldline is one of very few advertisers that has stuck by Beck since there was an exodus of sponsors after the right-wing talk show host called President Obama “a racist” who has a “hatred for white people.”

As I noted back in December 2009, the Beck-Goldline relationship appears to be in contravention of Fox’s own rules for its on-air talent. And there appears to be no dividing line between Beck’s editorial views (you should buy gold because the economy’s on the verge of collapse) and the views of Goldline (gold is a safe haven for investors who believe the economy’s on the verge of collapse). Here’s what we know about Beck, Goldine and News Corp. (NWS)’s Fox unit as it relates to the advertising/editorial divide:

* Beck has said on his radio show he is getting paid by Goldline and Goldline has called him its “paid spokesman.”
* Beck continues to routinely endorse the buying of gold on shows where Goldline is a sponsor.
* Beck has filmed a commercial for Goldline.
* Beck has told his bosses at Fox he is not a paid spokesman for Goldline.
* Fox prohibits any on-air talent from endorsing products or serving as an ad spokesman.
* (And Beck apparently communicates with his bosses at Fox through his lawyers.)

The FTC issued new rules in October governing celebrities who get paid to endorse products. Basically, those payments must now be disclosed, and celebrities are no longer immune from action of they know the ads they appear in are misleading. Yet according to Fox itself, Beck has denied that he gets paid personally by Goldline.

Penalties for getting this disclosure thingy wrong are start at $11,000.

Why the Probe of Glenn Beck Sponsor Goldline Might Interest the FTC | BNET
according to Fox itself, Beck has denied that he gets paid personally by Goldline.

Penalties for getting this disclosure thingy wrong are start at $11,000.

Why the Probe of Glenn Beck Sponsor Goldline Might Interest the FTC | BNET

Probe of Goldline hasn't gone anywhere

bnet bloger hasn't proved Beck received a dime

You have nothing but smoke and mirrors.........Maybe I'll create a blog that will make ridiculous accusations so that morons on message boards can use it as "evidence," Titled:

Man with Pea-Brain: Why the Probe of Bfgrn Might Interest Science.
Tell me Bfgrn. You ever do a post that didn't explode in your face?

....."explode in his face"

OMG Big Fitz is making violent imagry!!!!

1........Bfgrn is able to sharpen his witty retort to include calling Big Fitz "pea brain" for the 1000th time, and then begin to whine about a "right wing conspiracy."
well thank you Pat Grey! ROFL
Scandal...will THIS do?

Glenn Beck, the guy who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off buying fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Congress Formally Opens Investigation into Goldline & Other Shady Gold Dealers

New York, NY – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn) and House Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D – Chicago).

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”

It "will do" to discredit Goldline, but Beck doesn't work for Goldline, pea-brain.

Shit, all the sudden these guys are concerned about "People's Nest Eggs??"

Where the hell was Weiner and Rush when AIC was making wildly shakey hedgefund investments?

Ah, yes he DOES work for Goldline. Glenn Beck is a paid spokesman for Goldline.

Why the Probe of Glenn Beck Sponsor Goldline Might Interest the FTC

The most interesting aspect of California authorities’ investigation of Goldline — sponsor of Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck – is what information it might uncover about the relationship between Beck, his advertisers, and his bosses at Fox. That information might also be of interest to the FTC, which just issued new rules about celebrities who hook up with misleading advertisers.

The allegations that Goldline rips off its customers by selling gold coins at prices far higher than they’re worth have been around since December. Goldline is one of very few advertisers that has stuck by Beck since there was an exodus of sponsors after the right-wing talk show host called President Obama “a racist” who has a “hatred for white people.”

As I noted back in December 2009, the Beck-Goldline relationship appears to be in contravention of Fox’s own rules for its on-air talent. And there appears to be no dividing line between Beck’s editorial views (you should buy gold because the economy’s on the verge of collapse) and the views of Goldline (gold is a safe haven for investors who believe the economy’s on the verge of collapse). Here’s what we know about Beck, Goldine and News Corp. (NWS)’s Fox unit as it relates to the advertising/editorial divide:

* Beck has said on his radio show he is getting paid by Goldline and Goldline has called him its “paid spokesman.”
* Beck continues to routinely endorse the buying of gold on shows where Goldline is a sponsor.
* Beck has filmed a commercial for Goldline.
* Beck has told his bosses at Fox he is not a paid spokesman for Goldline.
* Fox prohibits any on-air talent from endorsing products or serving as an ad spokesman.
* (And Beck apparently communicates with his bosses at Fox through his lawyers.)

The FTC issued new rules in October governing celebrities who get paid to endorse products. Basically, those payments must now be disclosed, and celebrities are no longer immune from action of they know the ads they appear in are misleading. Yet according to Fox itself, Beck has denied that he gets paid personally by Goldline.

Penalties for getting this disclosure thingy wrong are start at $11,000.

Why the Probe of Glenn Beck Sponsor Goldline Might Interest the FTC | BNET
Already been debunked as a partisan, and possibly illegal political attack by a sitting congressmen by the links in my last post which you obviously didn't read.

Maybe you can post your prison population graphs as a smoke screen and escape in the chaos? Tell your liberal friends that you escaped by getting us conservative liquored up, surrounded us and escaped in the confusion after outwitting us. YOU PEOPLE will believe anything.

The FTC issued new rules in October governing celebrities who get paid to endorse products. Basically, those payments must now be disclosed, and celebrities are no longer immune from action of they know the ads they appear in are misleading. Yet according to Fox itself, Beck has denied that he gets paid personally by Goldline.


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