Media Surprised That Christians Schools Are . . . Christian

The problem that I have with this is the use of the term "Christian" to represent that this school's viewpoint represents the views of all people in the Christian faith. It does not. This is why we have to come up with separate names for separate groups of Christians. The history of Europe is replete with adherence to separate sects, all contending for the title of 'Christian." Many people who identify as Christian are busy creating safe spiritual homes for LGBTQs and others.
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.
Anyway, as I was saying, is this not exactly what the left has been demanding and harping on since forever? They keep insisting that they aren't attacking Christianity, they have no interest in suppressing Christianity. How many times have we heard this meme? "I just don't want the Bible shoved down my throat. Keep your religion to yourself, and we're fine."

Leaving aside arguments about how demanding self-censorship IS suppressing Christianity, are Karen Pence and Imanuel Christian not doing exactly what the left vehemently insists is "all they want"? They are not espousing their beliefs in a public school, or anywhere that receives any sort of public funds. They're a private school, on their own private property, and no one is being forced to hear or live with their beliefs who does not agree with them. Indeed, they are encouraging people who don't agree with them to not be there.

Is this not what the Left told us was "all they wanted"? And yet they're still pitching a media pissy fit over it. It's almost as though they've been lying all this time, or something.
This is a case where the Christians are the ones attacking, as per usual..
The problem that I have with this is the use of the term "Christian" to represent that this school's viewpoint represents the views of all people in the Christian faith. It does not. This is why we have to come up with separate names for separate groups of Christians. The history of Europe is replete with adherence to separate sects, all contending for the title of 'Christian." Many people who identify as Christian are busy creating safe spiritual homes for LGBTQs and others.
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.
Once again you show your ignorance in bright flashing neon signs. Everything in the OT was fulfilled in Jesus. We don't slaughter animals on an altar and sprinkle their blood for remission of sin because Jesus has made the final sacrifice on the cross for our sin. You poor pitiful creature.
The problem that I have with this is the use of the term "Christian" to represent that this school's viewpoint represents the views of all people in the Christian faith. It does not. This is why we have to come up with separate names for separate groups of Christians. The history of Europe is replete with adherence to separate sects, all contending for the title of 'Christian." Many people who identify as Christian are busy creating safe spiritual homes for LGBTQs and others.
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
The only reason the Jews stopped doing animal sacrifices was due to the destruction of their temple in 70 AD.
Since Jesus died for our sins does that include the original sin?

So no we can be immortal again?
The problem that I have with this is the use of the term "Christian" to represent that this school's viewpoint represents the views of all people in the Christian faith. It does not. This is why we have to come up with separate names for separate groups of Christians. The history of Europe is replete with adherence to separate sects, all contending for the title of 'Christian." Many people who identify as Christian are busy creating safe spiritual homes for LGBTQs and others.
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.Matthew 5:17
Exactly. Jesus fulfilled the law. It no longer exists. It died on the cross. The books of Roman's, Collossians and Hebrews explain this. You don't understand the meaning of "fulfilled".
We already have terms for people that call themselves Christians, yet don't believe the Scriptures. They're called "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

I'm always amazed at the arrogance of unbelievers that somehow think they know what Scripture says. They don't have the Teacher (Holy Spirit), yet they will go on and on making fools of themselves. It's sadly humerous.
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Damn that Christ he was utterly clueless..
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Damn that Christ he was utterly clueless..
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on judgment day.
Only among those fools who insist that the king james bible is both inerrant and infallible. Ever read Leviticus, even if this writing is attributed to the Supreme Being? How does it feel to live as an Orthodox Jew of the first-second century C.E.

According to Leviticus, a woman is "unclean" for 33 days after giving birth to a boy and 66 days after giving birth to a girl. And there is a lot more sexual stuff in Leviticus, as well as stuff that does not pertain to anything to do with sex.. Enjoy reading Leviticus. Enjoy being an ultra-orthodox Jew.
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is your ignorance of the Bible. The point of sin and unclean things was to show mankind their distance from God because of sin. Everything in Leviticus shows the fallen nature of man and how holy God is. A scholar knows this. You're not a bible scholar. You're just another hopelessly ignorant sinner that refuses to seek the truth.
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Christians also like to pervert meanings to apply to their propaganda..What law was he talking about since you are evidently the only person who can decipher anything said?
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Damn that Christ he was utterly clueless..
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on judgment day.
How does a spirit wear shoes?
Even if I believed that the bible was inerrant and infallible, which I definitely do not, you need to live Leviticus if you quote Leviticus.This is not a matter for a "scholar," whose credentials may just be from some cult school.

Read Leviticus again, and good luck living up to the requirements in this writing from thousands of years ago. We modern people do not believe that anyone is "unclean" after giving birth to a child of either sex, and it is hilarious to think that the sex of the child born would dictate the mother's period of exclusion.

And you know how to celebrate the Sabbath, don't you?

Hello, ultra-orthodox Jew! There are few Jews even in Israel who follow what you follow. Remember how to cut your hair and not cut it.

Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Damn that Christ he was utterly clueless..
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on judgment day.

He's trolling for effect and nearly always fails
Leviticus is Old Testament, Old Covenant,mostly Mosaic Law. Christ came to us with the New Covenant.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about and only embarrssing yourself
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17

You're another utterly clueless one

Damn that Christ he was utterly clueless..
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on judgment day.
How does a spirit wear shoes?
Spirit body. You're under the mistaken impression that Spirit means without substance.
I'm always amazed at the arrogance of unbelievers that somehow think they know what Scripture says.
Is that why scholars use companions for scripture to know the meaning of the statement?
Companions? What do you mean?
It is an aid in reading the Bible I am guessing you didn't have a Biblical scholar in yer family like I did, my Grandmother was a doctorate level Biblical scholar...So I do know somewhat what is in the Bible and what it means since as a child I was require to memorize the Bible and be in the choir since she was the music director, no women could be a preacher or leader of a church back then...

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