Median CEO pay crosses $10 million

What kills me is that the first reaction of the American Progressive is: Kill the CEOS!
Many CEOs work till a very old age. Sheldon Adelson is 80. Must not be too bad for ones health. Pretty sure average ceo hours is much less than that plus lots of vacation. But post real stats if you have them. Haven't seen an 80 year old football player yet.

I've seen a 100 year old senator so obviously politicians don't work too hard and take all kinds of time off too.

And we do know that the best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to public office.

I don't disagree with you. People running companies and politicians are the only ones I know who want to "work" at such advanced ages.

I am not either a want to work till i die if possible.

Did you ever think that maybe it's the fact that they want to work that gets them these positions?
I've seen a 100 year old senator so obviously politicians don't work too hard and take all kinds of time off too.

And we do know that the best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to public office.

I don't disagree with you. People running companies and politicians are the only ones I know who want to "work" at such advanced ages.

I am not either a want to work till i die if possible.

Did you ever think that maybe it's the fact that they want to work that gets them these positions?

No like politicians it's about having power.
Many CEOs work till a very old age. Sheldon Adelson is 80. Must not be too bad for ones health. Pretty sure average ceo hours is much less than that plus lots of vacation. But post real stats if you have them. Haven't seen an 80 year old football player yet.

Not all athletes get bad health either.

You seriously think the two are remotely comparable?

Yes. But then again, I don't hate either of them for making money for what they do.
I don't disagree with you. People running companies and politicians are the only ones I know who want to "work" at such advanced ages.

I am not either a want to work till i die if possible.

Did you ever think that maybe it's the fact that they want to work that gets them these positions?

No like politicians it's about having power.

I was referring more to the CEOs.

I like working. Not all my work is the most pleasant, but i like working.
What kills me is that the first reaction of the American Progressive is: Kill the CEOS!

Or rob from them.

Personally, I'd much rather learn from them.

Learn how to be born into the job like the Koch bros? Or learn how to negotiate a golden parachute? Or learn how to collude and hold down wages like jobs did?
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What kills me is that the first reaction of the American Progressive is: Kill the CEOS!

My reaction is whether CEOs are being paid for their performance. As a stockholder I have concerns over their high pay and my inability to control it as an individual stockholder. Also, with middle class wages stagnant, I have concerns over the rapid growth of executive pay. I also have concerns over the elimination of employee pensions and their transfer over to executive pension.

It seems to me that being a CEO gives one an ability to vote oneself a pay raise. Could you imagine if union workers were given that power? Compare CEO pay in other countries that out perform the USA economically. Obviously it is not a matter of paying for top talent.

What amuses me is those who vigorously defend CEO pay.
It would be different if they were getting paychecks that reflected these outsized salaries. But they aren't. The bulk of these huge salaries is in stock options.
Can't BELIEVE workers want 10$! Can you believe that! How selfish of them! MAN! Wow...There did my best republican impression. Probably should have thrown in a few lazy,losers,worthless,get better educated bs but ya know.Can't steal all their thunder its amusing watching them self destruct.

Who said it's selfish other than you?

The issue isn't whether it's selfish. It's the tactics used. Extortion, violence, etc is unacceptable no matter how little money you want. As is refusing to honor your word.

All men are free to negotiate greater pay for themselves. They can do it most easily by showing their value for said pay.

Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna try to push this thread into more of a solutions-based conversation than the standard hyperbole and partisan politics-filled insult-fest so common here.

For the sake of the conversation, let's just stipulate that we have a problem (I'd agree, by the way). So rather than the standard partisan back-and-forth, I wonder if anyone on the Left can toss out some specific ideas on how this might be addressed:

  • Some kind of law that puts a maximum on salary based on percentages?

  • No, bad idea

    [*]Higher top-end marginal income tax rates?

    [*]Ending stock options as compensation?
    How about taxing them if the options are acted upon or sold?
There is no extortion or violence used. :) You can argue with me all you want,I covered most if not all republican talking points.

I won't honor my word unless you give me more is extortion. Disrupting business with a show of force is violence. As is any government intervention to assist.
CEO pay doesn't have a correlation with the pay of workers. What the neo-socialists should worry about is taxpayer funded bonuses for bureaucrat drones in the VA who save money by murdering patients.
You seriously expect people who are hungry,need money for bills and rent to hassle a manager over 8$ or 10$ an hour..they TELL YOU what the pay is you take it or leave it. Its not cut and dry like you want it to be...this isn't some corporate job where you can debate the either take it and you organize and try to get better pay or you don't take it and you starve and lights and water get turned off and you get evicted for not being able to pay rent.There would be no reason for "extortion" if a livable wage was paid to ALL workers.

Yes. In fact, I expect people who are hungry and need money to be more motivated to negotiate, to build their skills, and prove their value to potential employers. Hunger is a good motivation.

It's called working hard and sacrificing our wants for our needs.
Or rob from them.

Personally, I'd much rather learn from them.

Learn how to be born into the job like the Koch bros? Or learn how to negotiate a golden parachute? Or learn how to collude and hold down wages like jobs did?

Not very bright or ambitious are you?

Wow so you don't answer my question and instead make a baseless claim. You are going to be hard to take seriously.

I typically work over 80 hours a week and am not poor.
Learn how to be born into the job like the Koch bros? Or learn how to negotiate a golden parachute? Or learn how to collude and hold down wages like jobs did?

Not very bright or ambitious are you?

Wow so you don't answer my question and instead make a baseless claim. You are going to be hard to take seriously.

I typically work over 80 hours a week and am not poor.

When you ask serious questions instead of mouth propaganda stereotypes Ill seriously answer them.

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