Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

The only Bush median income number that is remotely relevant here is the one for December 2008. If that was below the best Bush number....then the OP could very well have been posted about him.


You're an idiot. You don't even know what median income is. No one takes you seriously, moron.

I only engage you when I want you to be my useful idiot and bump the thread. LOL

By all means....keep bumping it with allllllllllll the questions you want.

The economist refuses to tell us what the current median income is.

I wonder why?
The only Bush median income number that is remotely relevant here is the one for December 2008. If that was below the best Bush number....then the OP could very well have been posted about him.


You're an idiot. You don't even know what median income is. No one takes you seriously, moron.

I only engage you when I want you to be my useful idiot and bump the thread. LOL

By all means....keep bumping it with allllllllllll the questions you want.

The economist refuses to tell us what the current median income is.

I wonder why?

The same reason I don't answer any of your questions. You're beneath me. You're too stupid to discuss this topic. Mac makes a total fool of himself with a graph...and you're like, "yeah, I shoulda used that graph to back my posts up."

Moron. You're such a bottom dweller, I didn't even take the time to call you out.

But thanks for being my village idiot. I want to see this thread make the first page as much as possible. Thanks, hun.
The only Bush median income number that is remotely relevant here is the one for December 2008. If that was below the best Bush number....then the OP could very well have been posted about him.


You're an idiot. You don't even know what median income is. No one takes you seriously, moron.

I only engage you when I want you to be my useful idiot and bump the thread. LOL

By all means....keep bumping it with allllllllllll the questions you want.

The economist refuses to tell us what the current median income is.

I wonder why?

The same reason I don't answer any of your questions. You're beneath me. You're too stupid to discuss this topic. Mac makes a total fool of himself with a graph...and you're like, "yeah, I shoulda used that graph to back my posts up."

Moron. You're such a bottom dweller, I didn't even take the time to call you out.

But thanks for being my village idiot. I want to see this thread make the first page as much as possible. Thanks, hun.

You might be a retard.

I linked to that that same graph in my first post in this thread. I was poking fun at Mac when I said that to him. Did you forget? You fail. You fail so often.....that I am losing track.

Now...what is the current median income? You are an economist. This should be easy for you.
Oh look my ALL time favorite idiot.....and I have a lot of them....bumped my thread for me while I was gone. Who says Loner Loser doesn't have some use.

As for making this relevant. You and Mac don't know shit about economics.

The OP was spot on. Everyone knows it. MSNBC knows it. The Washington Post knows it. Everyone with a brain knows it. LOL
The only Bush median income number that is remotely relevant here is the one for December 2008. If that was below the best Bush number....then the OP could very well have been posted about him.


You're an idiot. You don't even know what median income is. No one takes you seriously, moron.

I only engage you when I want you to be my useful idiot and bump the thread. LOL

By all means....keep bumping it with allllllllllll the questions you want.

The economist refuses to tell us what the current median income is.

I wonder why?

The same reason I don't answer any of your questions. You're beneath me. You're too stupid to discuss this topic. Mac makes a total fool of himself with a graph...and you're like, "yeah, I shoulda used that graph to back my posts up."

Moron. You're such a bottom dweller, I didn't even take the time to call you out.

But thanks for being my village idiot. I want to see this thread make the first page as much as possible. Thanks, hun.

You might be a retard.

I linked to that that same graph in my first post in this thread. I was poking fun at Mac when I said that to him. Did you forget? You fail. You fail so often.....that I am losing track.

Now...what is the current median income? You are an economist. This should be easy for you.
Oh look my ALL time favorite idiot.....and I have a lot of them....bumped my thread for me while I was gone. Who says Loner Loser doesn't have some use.

As for making this relevant. You and Mac don't know shit about economics.

The OP was spot on. Everyone knows it. MSNBC knows it. The Washington Post knows it. Everyone with a brain knows it. LOL

What does your thread title say?

What is the median household income today?
What was it a year ago today?
Two years ago today?

Once again.........word, biaaatch.
EconChic has been predicting that the economy will get worse for quite some time now. Unless she puts a time frame on it....the predictions are meaningless. Eventually, it will get worse. It doesn't take an economist to make that prediction.

What is the median household income at the present time in America?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.
EconChic has been predicting that the economy will get worse for quite some time now. Unless she puts a time frame on it....the predictions are meaningless. Eventually, it will get worse. It doesn't take an economist to make that prediction.

What is the median household income at the present time in America?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Maybe if Obamer left more money in your pockets things could improve



President Obama Alters Middle Class Tax Promise

President Barack Obama has altered his 2008 “firm pledge” that no family making less than $250,000 per year would see “any form of tax increase.” Obama has now limited the pledge to merely “income taxes” – and only for “next year.”

On Sept. 12, 2008, speaking in Dover, New Hampshire, candidate Obama said:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

But this Wednesday, August 8, speaking in Grand Junction, Colorado, President Obama said:

“So if your family makes under $250,000 -- which, by the way, 98 percent of Americans do -- 97 percent of small businesses do, you will not see your income taxes increase by a single dime next year. That’s my plan.”

Why the abrupt shift? It may have something to do with the fact that President Obama has already broken his “firm pledge” to the American people on two occasions:

Read more: President Obama Alters Middle Class Tax Promise Americans for Tax Reform

EconChic has been predicting that the economy will get worse for quite some time now. Unless she puts a time frame on it....the predictions are meaningless. Eventually, it will get worse. It doesn't take an economist to make that prediction.

What is the median household income at the present time in America?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Maybe if Obamer left more money in your pockets things could improve



President Obama Alters Middle Class Tax Promise

President Barack Obama has altered his 2008 “firm pledge” that no family making less than $250,000 per year would see “any form of tax increase.” Obama has now limited the pledge to merely “income taxes” – and only for “next year.”

On Sept. 12, 2008, speaking in Dover, New Hampshire, candidate Obama said:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

But this Wednesday, August 8, speaking in Grand Junction, Colorado, President Obama said:

“So if your family makes under $250,000 -- which, by the way, 98 percent of Americans do -- 97 percent of small businesses do, you will not see your income taxes increase by a single dime next year. That’s my plan.”

Why the abrupt shift? It may have something to do with the fact that President Obama has already broken his “firm pledge” to the American people on two occasions:

Read more: President Obama Alters Middle Class Tax Promise Americans for Tax Reform

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.
EconChic has been predicting that the economy will get worse for quite some time now. Unless she puts a time frame on it....the predictions are meaningless. Eventually, it will get worse. It doesn't take an economist to make that prediction.

What is the median household income at the present time in America?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans
I invite any of the posters here who agree with EC's OP to explain why U-6 was also down, along with U-3,

if U-3 was only down because of parttimers and discouraged workers.
EconChic has been predicting that the economy will get worse for quite some time now. Unless she puts a time frame on it....the predictions are meaningless. Eventually, it will get worse. It doesn't take an economist to make that prediction.

What is the median household income at the present time in America?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?

The current median income...which is supposedly at it's absolute best that Obama can far below Bush's best, which was $4000 better than Obama's best.

There is a $4000 difference in median income between what Bush could achieve and what Obama could achieve.

Get it?

Got it?


You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief

You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

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