Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

You never did explain how presidents move the median income up and down. Explain where you think they get the power to do so.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Nice try. There was no tax increase. There was a temporary payroll tax cut. A tax cut is not a tax increase;

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

I'm in good company as my observations are clear. EconChick takes you guys to the woodshed on a daily basis.

Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

I'm in good company as my observations are clear. EconChick takes you guys to the woodshed on a daily basis.


LMAO. Your hero eh goforit. Econochick. Hey maybe, between the two of you, you all might be able to afford a the econolodge. Where you all can shower each other with your vast amounts of bullshit and lies.

But no one on here is going to the woodshed with you or her.
I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

I'm in good company as my observations are clear. EconChick takes you guys to the woodshed on a daily basis.


LMAO. Your hero eh goforit. Econochick. Hey maybe, between the two of you, you all might be able to afford a the econolodge. Where you all can shower each other with your vast amounts of bullshit and lies.

But no one on here is going to the woodshed with you or her.

Of course, losers never go willingly

Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.

Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.

Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.


Clearly, you can't read a chart. It's OK, it's complicated and takes math skills.

Median incomes are up $200 over the last 2 years but down almost $2,000 since Obama became President. You think that means median incomes are up, good for you! How does 2 feel about adding itself to another 2? Remember, there's no wrong answer. Or you can just say "Obama!" and get a Gold star
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


Says the idiot who doesn't know difference between MEAN and MEDIAN.

Your cred was ruined early in this thread, Macky. But thanks for bumping.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.


You're not in any position to say what O's policies are, dumdum. You don't even know why economists use MEDIAN income over MEAN. You don't understand apples to apples.

Bottom line? You're a lib when it comes to economics.

Oh, and a lib when it comes to foreign policy.

And bottom dweller libs think you're not a lib, LOL. That's because they're soooo far left that to them you don't look like one, but're definitely a birdbrain lib.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.


Clearly, you can't read a chart. It's OK, it's complicated and takes math skills.

Median incomes are up $200 over the last 2 years but down almost $2,000 since Obama became President. You think that means median incomes are up, good for you! How does 2 feel about adding itself to another 2? Remember, there's no wrong answer. Or you can just say "Obama!" and get a Gold star


Sz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I think that's the sound of Macky being burnt to a crisp.

Mac, the more you post, the more you get exposed as having poor math skills. Won't that hurt your livelihood?

Nahhhhhhhh financial advisors don't have to be right......they can just keep taking money from fools that are easily bullshitted.

What does the title say, dummy?

Is it true or not?

Never lack reading comprehension as well as math skills.
Last edited:
Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

I'm in good company as my observations are clear. EconChick takes you guys to the woodshed on a daily basis.


Hey G!

Weeeee take those bottom dwellers to the woodshed every day. LOL.

Like shooting fish in a barrel when the fish have no math skills. Or are indoctrinated like pinky. Fun isn't it???

Dayyyummm I'm loving life watching libs get completely demoralized and pummeled when even leftie economists admit how screwed up O's policies are.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.


What would of been really cool is if the fucking Republicans (who brought us the Great Depression) would have tried to do ANYTHING that would have helped the middle class and their incomes.

But nothing from the asshole Republicans for the middle class.

But they sure did help the top 5%, Huge gains in income for the top earners. Typical Republican bullshit.

Then, after creating the Great Depression over a few years, they have the balls to complain that a Democrat President hasn't fixed THEIR fuckups fast enough. Amazing.

Can't make this shit up.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Most leftie economists have admitted it.

And we're supposed to believe Mac knows more than all the economists out there on the left and right on this topic.

I love how inflated his sense of self worth is on economics. Stupid as a door knob.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


They're down under Obama. They're down since 2009. Even Huffington acknowledges Obama's a failure and has driven median incomes down.

Median Income Falls For 5th Year Inequality At Record High

Yes, they're down since 2009 because the momentum of the Meltdown's damage was still in effect.

The momentum ended, incomes bottomed out and are now increasing. The chart you posted confirms this.

I don't like looking like I'm defending Obama's economic policies, and things should be better, but I'm not going to lie about what's actually happening.


What would of been really cool is if the fucking Republicans (who brought us the Great Depression) would have tried to do ANYTHING that would have helped the middle class and their incomes.

But nothing from the asshole Republicans for the middle class.

But they sure did help the top 5%, Huge gains in income for the top earners. Typical Republican bullshit.

Then, after creating the Great Depression over a few years, they have the balls to complain that a Democrat President hasn't fixed THEIR fuckups fast enough. Amazing.

Can't make this shit up.

LOL, Obummer has done more to help the top 1% than any of us could've dreamed of.

But thanks for bumping.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


Says the idiot who doesn't know difference between MEAN and MEDIAN.

Your cred was ruined early in this thread, Macky. But thanks for bumping.

You're welcome.

Clearly you haven't quite figured out why I'm more than happy to bump your thread.

I'm confident that, at some point, you'll begin to demonstrate the intelligence you're trying so desperately to convince us exists.

Last edited:
Okay. Prove that families under $250,000 are now paying more in net taxes than they did in 2008.

And don't forget to factor in the tax cuts that Obama signed since he's been president.

I will start here.



WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans will pay higher federal taxes in 2013, even though the tax package Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99% of Americans from an income tax increase.

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group.

That's because even though just 1% of households will pay higher income taxes, an increase in federal payroll taxes will hit nearly every wage earner, the Tax Policy Center says.

Households earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year face an average tax increase of $579 in 2013, according to the Tax Policy Center's analysis. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year face an average tax hike of $822.

Deal means taxes will rise for most Americans

Two points:

1. Wasn't that because the payroll tax CUT expired?

2. If it was a tax increase, your link says Obama AND Senate Republicans made an agreement.

How many Republican Senators promised not to raise taxes?


If I were a republican I might actually care.

Obama raised taxes. Another lie form the Liar in Chief


Is that really all you got there gofirt? The FICA tax that should have never been fucked with, that "cut" EXPIRES and you want to claim Obama increased taxes. Along with Senate Republicans.

Like I say gofirit, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. Good lord boy, you as weak as econochicky.

I'm in good company as my observations are clear. EconChick takes you guys to the woodshed on a daily basis.

Thanks for the laugh.
Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


Says the idiot who doesn't know difference between MEAN and MEDIAN.

Your cred was ruined early in this thread, Macky. But thanks for bumping.

You're welcome.

Clearly you haven't quite figured out why I'm more than happy to bump your thread.

I'm confident that, at some point, you'll begin to demonstrate the intelligence you're trying so desperately to convince us exists.


Dude, I have one goal. It's to drum morons that think like you out of office. In three weeks I will get my wish.

You can take that to the bank, princess.

Anddddddddddddd you still showed what an idiot you are by showing a graph with the MEAN instead of the MEDIAN income............and I will never let you live that down, genius.

Median income 2009: $54,059
Median income 2013: $51,939

Looks down to me

Real Median Household Income in the United States - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Look at that chart, they've moving back up. The chart I posted says the same thing.

Household incomes dropped terribly with the meltdown, that momentum lasted a while, and the inference of the thread is that they're still going down.

The OP is dishonest, regardless of how many personal insults, vulgarities, multiple posts and exclamation points she uses.


Says the idiot who doesn't know difference between MEAN and MEDIAN.

Your cred was ruined early in this thread, Macky. But thanks for bumping.

You're welcome.

Clearly you haven't quite figured out why I'm more than happy to bump your thread.

I'm confident that, at some point, you'll begin to demonstrate the intelligence you're trying so desperately to convince us exists.


Here, let's remind everyone of you getting your ass kicked to kingdom come....and that's by a friend no less.

Here's Kaz schooling you in post #164.

Gawd I love replaying this:

Hi Mac,

Your graph didn't contradict the discussion. First of all, it it based on nominal income, not real income. Second, it's based on mean income, not median income.

1) It's based based on nominal income not real income: Note that from 2006 to present the line has ticked up slightly in the graph for the middle percent. Nominal dollars erode in value with inflation. All my articles, and I believe econchicks, are based on real dollars, which means inflation adjusted. Your slight up tick would be a clear down tick in spending value if you add inflation.

2) You are showing mean income. The difference is for mean income that you take all salaries and divide them. With mean income, you take the 50 percentile person and look at their salary. Income is not a normal distribution, higher salaries pull the mean up more than low salaries bring them down. That's intuitive if you think about how a guy who makes $10,000,000 clearly would pull the average income up than a guy who makes $5,000 would pull it down.

The articles we (EconChick) and I are showing are not just right, they are mixed. None of the articles by liberals have contradicted them. They spin the data differently.

That the median income for the middle citizen has gone down under Obama is a clear and indisputable stat that the spending power of most Americans is going down. If the public understood that, it would be devastating for the Democrats no matter how much they try to pin it on Bush. Who left office six years ago.

Ooops, Mac, that's YOU getting your ass handed to you.

But by all means, keep bumping my thread.

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