Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've always been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

I am sorry, that is wrong...……...unless you want to dictate what healthcare people are allowed to make.

If that is the case, then tell everyone for the good of the country, whatever you are in...……….you can only make what BERNARD says you can, and market forces have no sway in it.

Tell the doctors, tell the nurses, tell the specialists. YOU tell them that they are NOT free, and that they now work for whatever BERNIE decides they do.

And isn't that scenario, using the point of the government gun telling you to do what we say?
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .
Dimsocialist Yale prof says so........

official cost projections for Medicaid were low by over 700%.

Funny thread.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .
Who is gonna pay for it genius?
Makes sense since our HC system is outrageously expensive, fraudulent, and ineffective.

Bernie cites this study and the Koch Brothers study. Ops but Bernie is a fucking commie who wants to institute the KGB and gulags in America. Oh noooooooooooooooo.
'Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year'

It will not cost a dime. It will pay for itself. It will educe the cost of premiums and if you like your doctor / plan you can keep them......

Oh wait, that was BarryCare.

Under the 'Great Socialist Take-Over-Care', your private health insurance plans will be outlawed and you branded a criminal if you have / attempt to keep any.

You will be herded like sheep into the New Communist/Socialist Democrat-ruled health care-rationing program which will provide less care than that given to illegals and far less than your new Masters ensure they and their families have.

It's going to be great....for the self-proclaimed Rulers.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with drug costs, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Abolish Medicare, Medicaid, and the FDA....Then correctly apply the commerce clause to nullify state "must issue" statutes and return insurance to a truly free market model...The State has no whatsoever role in the medical care business.
The one thing consistent about big spenders....


right W......

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.

To me, right there, W should have been impeached. The W Administration is 100% busted deliberately lying to Congress about the estimated cost of SOCIALIZING senior drugs... complete with THREATS against the actuary who did the cost estimate...

all in the post 1998 GOP rush to sell out America, drain America of freedom, flood our high schools with free taxpayer funded addictive pills, and push us into another false flag sponsored "terror war."
Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry.
We become the shareholders instead of the Wall Street cigar class.

It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

Save the country 450 Billion a year huh?
How does that work?

Too many ignorant / 'programmed' people today want their every need to be take care of by the government from cradle-to-grave...they would be completely satisfied if they were plugged into a 'Matrix' and were never the wiser.

'Pioneer Spirit'?

If today's Liberals / snowflakes were the ones who came to America and had to be the ones to carve out this nation, Native Americans would still have this whole nation to ourselves.

Got to love the way that some want to abandon a healthcare model and switch to one that is failing in other countries.
They can hardly wait to see fewer doctors created every year.
Everyone is excited to do away with semiprivate rooms and go to barracks style.
Great idea to make non life threatening surgery to take over a year to schedule but there will be pain meds to become addicted to to tide you over.
Large numbers of small hospitals will be forced to close because the pay is lower. So those people will have to spend more to travel to see a doctor. Much farther for an ambulance to travel to an accident and hospital.

And all just this great care can be yours for higher unemployment and higher taxes.
QUOTE="Oddball, post: 24119036, member: 17281"]
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with drug costs, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Abolish Medicare, Medicaid, and the FDA....Then correctly apply the commerce clause to nullify state "must issue" statutes and return insurance to a truly free market model...The State has no whatsoever role in the medical care business.[/QUOTE]


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