Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year.

This is a giant slap in the face for Donald Trump and the GOP who are fighting against universal health care.

It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

Furthermore, this is without the power a monolithic medical system would have on drug costs and other costs.

Goodbye Donald Trump, you are on the wrong side of health care.

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

The evidence abounds: A "Medicare for All" single-payer system would guarantee comprehensive coverage to everyone in America and save money.

Christopher Cai and colleagues at three University of California campuses examined 22 studies on the projected cost impact for single-payer health insurance in the United States and reported their findings in a recent paper in PLOS Medicine. Every single study predicted that it would yield net savings over several years. In fact, it’s the only way to rein in health care spending significantly in the U.S.

All of the studies, regardless of ideological orientation, showed that long-term cost savings were likely. Even the Mercatus Center, a right-wing think tank, recently found about $2 trillion in net savings over 10 years from a single-payer Medicare for All system. Most importantly, everyone in America would have high-quality health care coverage.

Medicare for All is far less costly than our current system largely because it reduces administrative costs. With one public plan negotiating rates with health care providers, billing becomes quite simple. We do away with three-quarters of the estimated $812 billion the U.S. now spends on health care administration. ...

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
I don't believe any of the costs that Bernie has given. All of the cost of the free this and that would jist bankrupt this country. He can' t even give the costs himself.
We're already bankrupt.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The Federal Reserve Continues Pumping Cash in U.S. Banks Potentially Creating a Massive Stock Market Bubble
This is a giant slap in the face for Donald Trump and the GOP who are fighting against universal health care.

It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

Furthermore, this is without the power a monolithic medical system would have on drug costs and other costs.

Goodbye Donald Trump, you are on the wrong side of health care.

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

Let us know how your physicians feel about this study.
It’s gonna be cool when today’s high school dropouts become tomorrow’s physicians; not to mention engineers and chemists.

Evidently you are not a physician, engineer, or chemist. You're an Mc Donald's University graduate?

How many physicians do you know personally?
Or medical students?
I’m betting zero.


Zero...I knew it.

Please don't publish your IQ and boast.
This is a giant slap in the face for Donald Trump and the GOP who are fighting against universal health care.

It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

Furthermore, this is without the power a monolithic medical system would have on drug costs and other costs.

Goodbye Donald Trump, you are on the wrong side of health care.

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
Let us know how your physicians feel about this study.
It’s gonna be cool when today’s high school dropouts become tomorrow’s physicians; not to mention engineers and chemists.

Evidently you are not a physician, engineer, or chemist. You're an Mc Donald's University graduate?

How many physicians do you know personally?
Or medical students?
I’m betting zero.


Zero...I knew it.

Please don't publish your IQ and boast.
That is just so weak when coming from someone who has never discussed this issue with an actual MD.

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
That was way too kind.
This is a giant slap in the face for Donald Trump and the GOP who are fighting against universal health care.

It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

Furthermore, this is without the power a monolithic medical system would have on drug costs and other costs.

Goodbye Donald Trump, you are on the wrong side of health care.

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
The military?... You really sure you want to go with that as a model of efficiency and efficacy?....lmao!

The police?...I thought that they were just a bunch of racists who shoot black folks at will.

The DOJ?...Fucking seriously?!?!

Most firefighters and EMS first responders are volunteers.

Try again.
Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry.
We become the shareholders instead of the Wall Street cigar class.

Oh, that is clever. Real clever.

Pretty much the end of all drug development.

You want to put that assholes that just ran the impeachment sham in charge of our healthcare and drugs.

You must already be on a load of them (drugs).
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

I don't believe any of the costs that Bernie has given. All of the cost of the free this and that would jist bankrupt this country. He can' t even give the costs himself.

Funny how every other modern country in the modern world already has everything Sanders wants and they do just fine. They have to do without the ridiculous inequality and horrible upward mobility. You people are brainwashed functional morons
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've always been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

I am sorry, that is wrong...……...unless you want to dictate what healthcare people are allowed to make.

If that is the case, then tell everyone for the good of the country, whatever you are in...……….you can only make what BERNARD says you can, and market forces have no sway in it.

Tell the doctors, tell the nurses, tell the specialists. YOU tell them that they are NOT free, and that they now work for whatever BERNIE decides they do.

And isn't that scenario, using the point of the government gun telling you to do what we say?

they already do and they're telling us we don't have any rights to health care and if we do it's really expensive because lobbyists. My father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. All the other doctors are staunch Republicans and greedy doctors... They will survive just fine and we'll all have any mountain of paperwork at all anymore.the whole thing is just horribly intelligent so it's hard for Republicans to understand LOL. Like Canada but with millions of MRI machines etc etc


You’re making more sense that franks with fries.

And the code is only known to me. It makes absolutely NO sense, but that's the point.......

Every other modern country has healthcare for all and they don't have mountains of insurance papers for doctors to fill out. That's why their healthcare is better than ours and costs 2/3 as much. Not because of brainwashed idiots like you

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
that's why Sanders made sure that there would be plenty of low cost health clinics in Obamacare like the ones that have mysteriously appeared in your communities. You're welcome s*** heads
Evidently you are not a physician, engineer, or chemist. You're an Mc Donald's University graduate?

How many physicians do you know personally?
Or medical students?
I’m betting zero.


Zero...I knew it.

Please don't publish your IQ and boast.

That is just so weak when coming from someone who has never discussed this issue with an actual MD.

Why would I discuss it with the 'help'?
There's nothing wrong with our current healthcare system except that it is too expense for most people. There are a number of fixes to Obamacare that could be made which lower premiums, deductibles, and copays.

Obamacare was a LIE, worse yet - a 'Trojan Horse'. Harry Reid stated right after Barry and the Democrats rammed the Socialist agenda minority-backed POS down the throats of the majority of Americans who did NOT want it that Obamcare was DESIGNED TO FAIL. He admitted it was a forced stepping stone meant to heard Americans towards single payer. Think of a bridge made of stepping stones, and after you step onto it each previous brick you moved across falls to the depths below - the option of going back eliminated.

This SHOULD not have come as a surprise t anyone - a video exists of Barry telling a crowd while campaigning that he wanted single payer.; of course, Barry was never actually 'vetted'. Instead, the media kept telling people that nothing in his past mattered.

Barry knew people would rebel at the time if he pulled a stunt like the 2020 class of Dems are doing, openly declaring THEY will make criminals of Americans who own their own private health insurance by outlawing privately owned policies.

Part of my fear - a proven legitimate fear - is the ignorance / lack of common sense of so many Americans, willing to gullibly believe anything the Democrats / put it bluntly, DAMN....Jonathon Gruber was SO right about SO many people being 'stupid'. Case in point, when Barry declared Obamacare would not cost a dime and would pay for itself, there is not one person on the face of this earth that should NOT have declared in one loud voice, "BULLSHIT!" There has never been, in the course of human history, a government program - any government - that has ever NOT cost anything or paid for itself. Sometimes you read a post or hear the 1st words out of someone's mouth, and it is such a blatant lie you just can't get past it and stop listening to anything else they say. 'It won't cost a dime and will pay for itself' was one of those.

EVERY single Democrat running for President in 2020 has already done the same thing regarding 'Medicare for All'.

1. 'Medicare For All' is a GOVERNMENT SOLUTION for a GOVERNMENT-CREATED PROBLEM....the government is great at doing that.

2. 'I have a plan' is always followed by 'I have a solution for that', and that 'solution' ALWAYS includes giving the government that created the problem more power and / or the government that created the problem SEIZING more power and freedom from the people they are supposed to SERVE.



Healthcare needs a radical redesign to make the whole system more competitive and more efficient.

Health insurance providers are colluding with hospitals to keep costs high and rising because both these entities make more money when the costs are rising.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

No one can possibly know this.
How many physicians do you know personally?
Or medical students?
I’m betting zero.


Zero...I knew it.

Please don't publish your IQ and boast.

That is just so weak when coming from someone who has never discussed this issue with an actual MD.

Why would I discuss it with the 'help'?
You consider you physician “help”!
Or was that yet one more in a line of boring ad hominems?
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

Ask 110 million employees if they are willing to give up their health care plans. After you've convinced then get back to us.
No one can possibly know this.
Common sense tells me it would work.
Do you realize how much it would save for people to
have regular check ups which would prevent most of the illnesses that
lead to ER visits ? That alone would likely save $200 billion every year.
Common sense tells me that you aren't accounting for random injuries, etc., and ignoring the fact that you cannot paint people with a broad brush. Many times as has been seen, reality trumps short sightedness.
This is a giant slap in the face for Donald Trump and the GOP who are fighting against universal health care.

It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

Furthermore, this is without the power a monolithic medical system would have on drug costs and other costs.

Goodbye Donald Trump, you are on the wrong side of health care.

22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
Medicare for all means all of Mexico. It saves money because care is rationed. Reasons are manufactured to deny medical care. Old, unhealthy life style. No medical care. Now medical care is used for social programming. No medical care for racists or those who aren't gay. Eventually medical care is reserved for party loyalists.

Worse though is the persecution and imprisonment of doctors. All doctors are government employees. What happens to a doctor that treats someone previously denied care and gets paid for it?

This is the march to communism.

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