Medium strength opioids ??

Is Vicodin ?? Medium strength
So, you found out the Tramadol is ineffective. It's no better than an NSAID.
I know some that take 2 Tramadol, 2 Ibuprofin, and a Vicodin for their pain. Sounds like a lot, but they swear by it.

I mentioned methadone to you before. You should try it. A 10mg dose initially. It comes in pill form, but the liquid is the cats meow.
Put an ad on Craigslist if your doctor says no. Junkies sell it so they can get the real stuff.
I have an idea. Stop relying on drugs to “cure” all your problems and simply change your diet. Get rid of sugars, fake sweeteners, seed oils, GMOs, MSG, preservatives, high carb & processed “food,” soda pop, fast food, and all the rest of that junk and start eating grass fed meats & butter, home-grown, heirloom veggies, and water. Watch your life change dramatically in less than a year.
I have an idea. Stop relying on drugs to “cure” all your problems and simply change your diet. Get rid of sugars, fake sweeteners, seed oils, GMOs, MSG, preservatives, high carb & processed “food,” soda pop, fast food, and all the rest of that junk and start eating grass fed meats & butter, home-grown, heirloom veggies, and water. Watch your life change dramatically in less than a year.
I have mental issues too
I am on viibryd , buspar
Is Vicodin ?? Medium strength

Meh...I wouldnt call it quarter strength.

If you're really in pain I'd start with a low dose of Morphine in an extended relief tab.
They just upped my extended relief tab from 15 to 30 and it made a world of difference.
They did however take one of my fast acting morphine tabs out leaving me with one.
Upping the slow release worked so well I dont even take the fast release anymore,I save em for a just in case moment.
I have an idea. Stop relying on drugs to “cure” all your problems and simply change your diet. Get rid of sugars, fake sweeteners, seed oils, GMOs, MSG, preservatives, high carb & processed “food,” soda pop, fast food, and all the rest of that junk and start eating grass fed meats & butter, home-grown, heirloom veggies, and water. Watch your life change dramatically in less than a year.

Thats not always the issue.
In my case my hip is fucked up after 5 surgeries and I still have one to go.
Also had back surgery and it still gives me problems although it's getting better over time.
What really fucked me up were the two dislocations of my hip after the second surgery.
It fucked up the nerves. I've had the wire implant in my spine and it didnt do jackshit so I'm left with Morphine.
I have mental issues too
I am on viibryd , buspar
All your mental problems are in your mind.
Do you drink alcohol?

Have you noticed that some of those meds you are on may cause symptoms that you have?
Thats not always the issue.
In my case my hip is fucked up after 5 surgeries and I still have one to go.
Also had back surgery and it still gives me problems although it's getting better over time.
What really fucked me up were the two dislocations of my hip after the second surgery.
It fucked up the nerves. I've had the wire implant in my spine and it didnt do jackshit so I'm left with Morphine.
That liquid morphine is good but here you can only get it when in hospital. I have a good other but cannot remember its name -- can only get it when abroad and it is prescribed to women having complications after a C section . Heavy duty . Begins with the letter A -- fat load of use . Sorry.
That liquid morphine is good but here you can only get it when in hospital. I have a good other but cannot remember its name -- can only get it when abroad and it is prescribed to women having complications after a C section . Heavy duty . Begins with the letter A -- fat load of use . Sorry.

I get it in tablets.
I have to see the pain Doc once a month so they can make sure I'm not abusing the stuff.
To be honest I dont get a buzz from the stuff at all which I'm thankful for. All it does is keep the pain manageable.
When I went to the emergency room one time with suspected kidney stones they gave me Dilaudid through an IV.
And Holy Shit is that stuff strong!!! I got to enjoy it for all of 10 minutes before I was out.
I can see why they keep a tight grip on that stuff,it was like floating on a cloud.
I get it in tablets.
I have to see the pain Doc once a month so they can make sure I'm not abusing the stuff.
To be honest I dont get a buzz from the stuff at all which I'm thankful for. All it does is keep the pain manageable.
When I went to the emergency room one time with suspected kidney stones they gave me Dilaudid through an IV.
And Holy Shit is that stuff strong!!! I got to enjoy it for all of 10 minutes before I was out.
I can see why they keep a tight grip on that stuff,it was like floating on a cloud.
I need something less than morphine
I need something less than morphine

While it can be a pain in the ass to get morphine it actually works.
And they wouldn't give you a shitload of it. They'd probably start you with the 15mg slow release tabs at two a day.
You cant even tell you took anything other than your pain is significantly reduced.
Hell,I still drink and it doesnt change the effects.
The only reason I mentioned it is because you keep coming back and saying the latest pain med you took didnt work.
I'd ask your Doc if it's an option and if he could recommend a good pain Doc.
A good one will first try and find out why you're in pain before giving you anything.
And they're capable of inserting the wire in your spine,injections to pinpoint the problem and as a method to help the pain without pain medication.
While it can be a pain in the ass to get morphine it actually works.
And they wouldn't give you a shitload of it. They'd probably start you with the 15mg slow release tabs at two a day.
You cant even tell you took anything other than your pain is significantly reduced.
Hell,I still drink and it doesnt change the effects.
The only reason I mentioned it is because you keep coming back and saying the latest pain med you took didnt work.
I'd ask your Doc if it's an option and if he could recommend a good pain Doc.
A good one will first try and find out why you're in pain before giving you anything.
And they're capable of inserting the wire in your spine,injections to pinpoint the problem and as a method to help the pain without pain medication.
I did see a pain doc in LV but did not help
. Should I see another one
I have DDD
While it can be a pain in the ass to get morphine it actually works.
And they wouldn't give you a shitload of it. They'd probably start you with the 15mg slow release tabs at two a day.
You cant even tell you took anything other than your pain is significantly reduced.
Hell,I still drink and it doesnt change the effects.
The only reason I mentioned it is because you keep coming back and saying the latest pain med you took didnt work.
I'd ask your Doc if it's an option and if he could recommend a good pain Doc.
A good one will first try and find out why you're in pain before giving you anything.
And they're capable of inserting the wire in your spine,injections to pinpoint the problem and as a method to help the pain without pain medication.
I have severe depression, severe anxiety and ocd
Of course you'd want to ask the Doc if those would be an issue combined with Morphine.
Of course that shouldnt be an issue since they'll want a list of everything you take anyway.
My pain is nowhere your level !!

Viibryd and buspar I take at super max dose
My pain is nowhere your level !!

Viibryd and buspar I take at super max dose

Does it work?
From what you've said nothing has.

The pain in my case can be really bad but it's mainly the constant pain that never lets up.
Using the pain scale the Docs use my pain is zero if I'm laying flat on my back,in fact I sleep better now than I have since I was around 25.
Morning lower back pain chased me out of bed after 7 hours at best. Now I can sleep as long as I want to with zero back pain. Dont know if it's from the muscle relaxers or the morphine but after over 25 years of getting up due to pain it sure is nice to just lay there as long as I want.
In the sitting position without morphine it gets really bad after about an hour and I'd say it's around a 6.
Standing or walking without morphine I'm fucked after about ten minutes and the pain will jump up to around 8.
I very rarely get to 10 if it happens it's usually because I moved wrong.
On the morphine I rarely get above a 3 although walking or standing still sucks and it gets exhausting and usually I have sweat pouring down my face.
In your case like I said it wouldnt take much to make you comfortable.

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