Your race card is worn out.

In your fantasy world, if a rational student of history rejects a political ideology that has failed 100% of the time it's been tried--If a rational student of history rejects a political ideology that has caused untold misery and murder of millions, you state that person is a racist. That is nothing less than proof of a scrambled, mentally ill mind.

Okay, buddy... going to explain this to you one more time. What you whine about Socialism could be equally applied to Capitalism. Capitalism has failed most of the times it's been tried, and has caused untold misery and killed millions of people.

Now, personally, I worry a bit that the radicals like Oscio and Bernie are becoming a louder voice in the DNC... We've already got one party dominated by the crazies..

But you have to ask yourself why "Democratic Socialism" has appeal to so many young people. Could it possibly be because they watch their parents work themselves to death paying off debts to the one percent?

You guys like to whine about what an awful place Cuba is under Castro, without talking about what a miserable place it was under Batista, which is why Castro took power to start with.

You really need new material or learn how to read a history book. I'm guessing you'll stick with the race card. Please do so. We need more rational, patriotic, working Democrats to be embarrassed by your silly antics and Walk Away.

Yeah, buddy, the only people I see saying Walk Away were the same ones who vote for the Weird Mormon Robot in 2012.

Trump's approval is still underwater for a good reason, and the Dems are leading by 8% in the generic ballot.
Ah the fake former republican praising Castro........I love calling liars like you out.
Cuba was way better off under Batista. Sure he was a dick and a dictator, but so was Castro......We didn't have boatloads of people fleeing Batista, but we did with Castro, because his regime was much worse. Under Batista, we could visit Cuba, they had economic development, under Castro, the same socialist shit hole look as every other socialist country.
Your race card is worn out.

In your fantasy world, if a rational student of history rejects a political ideology that has failed 100% of the time it's been tried--If a rational student of history rejects a political ideology that has caused untold misery and murder of millions, you state that person is a racist. That is nothing less than proof of a scrambled, mentally ill mind.

Okay, buddy... going to explain this to you one more time. What you whine about Socialism could be equally applied to Capitalism. Capitalism has failed most of the times it's been tried, and has caused untold misery and killed millions of people.

Now, personally, I worry a bit that the radicals like Oscio and Bernie are becoming a louder voice in the DNC... We've already got one party dominated by the crazies..

But you have to ask yourself why "Democratic Socialism" has appeal to so many young people. Could it possibly be because they watch their parents work themselves to death paying off debts to the one percent?

You guys like to whine about what an awful place Cuba is under Castro, without talking about what a miserable place it was under Batista, which is why Castro took power to start with.

You really need new material or learn how to read a history book. I'm guessing you'll stick with the race card. Please do so. We need more rational, patriotic, working Democrats to be embarrassed by your silly antics and Walk Away.

Yeah, buddy, the only people I see saying Walk Away were the same ones who vote for the Weird Mormon Robot in 2012.

Trump's approval is still underwater for a good reason, and the Dems are leading by 8% in the generic ballot.
Ah the fake former republican praising Castro........I love calling liars like you out.
Cuba was way better off under Batista. Sure he was a dick and a dictator, but so was Castro......We didn't have boatloads of people fleeing Batista, but we did with Castro, because his regime was much worse. Under Batista, we could visit Cuba, they had economic development, under Castro, the same socialist shit hole look as every other socialist country.

Your ignorance amazes me. Why post on issues you know NOTHING about, when you can be so easily exposed?

See some history here:
Fulgencio Batista - Wikipedia

you don't read your own shit, do you?

I did read the link, BTW. For the reader, it does not praise Castro, but gives a description of how authoritarianism usually ends, by revolution.

That is the genius of our Constitution, we have the opportunity to quell the damage being done by Trump in November, by taking back the Congress. And, in 2021 send him away to the trash heap of history, unless he is in jail before the 2020 election.
well i mostly meant posting about things you know nothing about.
Okay, buddy... going to explain this to you one more time. What you whine about Socialism could be equally applied to Capitalism. Capitalism has failed most of the times it's been tried, and has caused untold misery and killed millions of people.

Now, personally, I worry a bit that the radicals like Oscio and Bernie are becoming a louder voice in the DNC... We've already got one party dominated by the crazies..

But you have to ask yourself why "Democratic Socialism" has appeal to so many young people. Could it possibly be because they watch their parents work themselves to death paying off debts to the one percent?

You guys like to whine about what an awful place Cuba is under Castro, without talking about what a miserable place it was under Batista, which is why Castro took power to start with.

Yeah, buddy, the only people I see saying Walk Away were the same ones who vote for the Weird Mormon Robot in 2012.

Trump's approval is still underwater for a good reason, and the Dems are leading by 8% in the generic ballot.
Ah the fake former republican praising Castro........I love calling liars like you out.
Cuba was way better off under Batista. Sure he was a dick and a dictator, but so was Castro......We didn't have boatloads of people fleeing Batista, but we did with Castro, because his regime was much worse. Under Batista, we could visit Cuba, they had economic development, under Castro, the same socialist shit hole look as every other socialist country.
Okay, buddy... going to explain this to you one more time. What you whine about Socialism could be equally applied to Capitalism. Capitalism has failed most of the times it's been tried, and has caused untold misery and killed millions of people.

Now, personally, I worry a bit that the radicals like Oscio and Bernie are becoming a louder voice in the DNC... We've already got one party dominated by the crazies..

But you have to ask yourself why "Democratic Socialism" has appeal to so many young people. Could it possibly be because they watch their parents work themselves to death paying off debts to the one percent?

You guys like to whine about what an awful place Cuba is under Castro, without talking about what a miserable place it was under Batista, which is why Castro took power to start with.

Yeah, buddy, the only people I see saying Walk Away were the same ones who vote for the Weird Mormon Robot in 2012.

Trump's approval is still underwater for a good reason, and the Dems are leading by 8% in the generic ballot.
Ah the fake former republican praising Castro........I love calling liars like you out.
Cuba was way better off under Batista. Sure he was a dick and a dictator, but so was Castro......We didn't have boatloads of people fleeing Batista, but we did with Castro, because his regime was much worse. Under Batista, we could visit Cuba, they had economic development, under Castro, the same socialist shit hole look as every other socialist country.

Your ignorance amazes me. Why post on issues you know NOTHING about, when you can be so easily exposed?

See some history here:
Fulgencio Batista - Wikipedia

So which point are you disputing? And if it's all of them, pick one.....and tell me how im wrong.

for example on the economy I was right...using your source

Upon his seizure of power, Batista inherited a country that was relatively prosperous for Latin America. Although a third of the population still lived in poverty, Cuba was one of the five most developed countries in the region, according to the figures of the government of Batista.[45] In the 1950s, Cuba's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was roughly equal to that of Italy at the time, although Cuba's per-capita GDP was still only a sixth of that of the United States.[46] Moreover, although corruption and inequality were rife under Batista, Cuban industrial workers' wages rose significantly.[46] According to the International Labour Organization, the average industrial salary in Cuba was the world's eighth-highest in 1958, and the average agricultural wage was higher than some European nations. However, despite an array of positive indicators, in 1953, the average Cuban family only had an income of $6.00 a week, 15% to 20% of the labor force was chronically unemployed, and only a third of the homes had running water.

the economy was good under it was pre Batista...when did it go to shit? yep, CASTRO....that's when. Thank you for proving me correct on this.

Ummmm........Batista had investments from the US Government, Major Corporations , tourism and the Mob and still the average Cuban family made $6 a week while Batista became very wealthy

Castro was boycotted by the US for 50 years...of course his economy struggled
Welcome to socialism and think Castro lived like his people?
Batista lived better because he was a criminal and thug. He skimmed money off the millions of dollars co I got in from overseas
With all that wealth, little trickled down to the people

For you to compare Batista to Castro is ridiculous
fret not-----she is a silly young woman-------she got good marks in her undergraduate courses. She is the product of aggressive grooming by very ambitions scum

Let's see where here constituents are in a number of years... lol

Conservatives don’t understand Socialism

It involves government control of production and pricing

Show where that is happening

Her "college education" and degree in "International Relations" has really, really paid off!!! Yes it's a parody... but it aint too far off from reality, lol

Her "college education" and degree in "International Relations" has really, really paid off!!! Yes it's a parody... but it aint too far off from reality, lol

I attended what was considered a HOT SHOT ---college for women. It was actually supposed to be
"highly selective" As I recall----those who could not manage to pass such courses as CHEMISTRY or Physics-------kinda fell into "SOCIOLOGY" or
POLITICAL SCIENCE" of course the music and
art majors were a whole different class------their
problems were simply the tough road they chose

Her "college education" and degree in "International Relations" has really, really paid off!!! Yes it's a parody... but it aint too far off from reality, lol


A fake interview
Looks like something out of James OKeefe
I know... it's FAKE, so why all the outrage and butt hurt over it? Perhaps the 'valley girl' ineptitude strikes too close to home...
I know... it's FAKE, so why all the outrage and butt hurt over it? Perhaps the 'valley girl' ineptitude strikes too close to home...
The interviewer was not THAT bad
I know she is blonde but I think it might be fake like her breasts
so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.
What the ever loving fuck does this have to do with the candidate from New York???

Her "college education" and degree in "International Relations" has really, really paid off!!! Yes it's a parody... but it aint too far off from reality, lol

Poor Stuckey. She can't argue the facts, and so she has to build a straw man.


Her "college education" and degree in "International Relations" has really, really paid off!!! Yes it's a parody... but it aint too far off from reality, lol

Poor Stuckey. She can't argue the facts, and so she has to build a straw man.


Shhhh....she is blonde and has fake tits
Everything a conservative could ask for
I know... it's FAKE, so why all the outrage and butt hurt over it? Perhaps the 'valley girl' ineptitude strikes too close to home...

Leftists, like Satan, cannot bear to be mocked.

They also tend not to have much of an actual sense of humor.
I know... it's FAKE, so why all the outrage and butt hurt over it? Perhaps the 'valley girl' ineptitude strikes too close to home...

Leftists, like Satan, cannot bear to be mocked.

They also tend not to have much of an actual sense of humor.

Conservative comedy is limited to pies in the face and slipping on a banana peel
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.

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