Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole
That is exactly what your side advocates.
But we allow people who actually work their asses off to earn a decent living and have decent healthcare
People who work their asses off have had all of that and more for generations in America. Any other completely false claims you’d like to make?
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Not necessarily
Workers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have subsidized healthcare, free education, five weeks vacation, retirement at 60

We could do the same, it is a question of priorities.
Their CEOs do not make as much, their millionaires pay higher taxes, their military is funded at 2 percent GDP instead of our 4 percent

It doesn't work man. The Pilgrims tried it, found out people who don't need to work, don't work......
Those countries are looking at reducing their welfare...not increasing it.
Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole

But we allow people who actually work their asses off to earn a decent living and have decent healthcare
My friend's step daughter was on public assistance for nearly a year. She finally got a job and is making a livable wage
at a hospital. She has decided to have her hours cut back so she can get back on food stamps and housing assistance.
I'm sure this isn't just an isolated case. There is the value of socialism at it's best.

So you think this applies to the 30 million workers who work full time and still need public assistance?
Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole
That is exactly what your side advocates.
But we allow people who actually work their asses off to earn a decent living and have decent healthcare
People who work their asses off have had all of that and more for generations in America. Any other completely false claims you’d like to make?
Now you are making shit up

We are for people who work earning a fair wage. We can start by stopping subsidizing the super wealthy who don’t need it
Crooked Donnie has the IQ of a gerbil
Yeah, just got into the Ivy League Wharton School of Business, made billions in business, became an entertainment super star, and conquered the political world in his first attempt.

If President Trump has “the IQ of a gerbil”, then your girl Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has the IQ of a single cell amoeba and you have the IQ of a black hole.

Not to mention that you keep cheering for a girl who was caught lying about where she comes from. I thought you “hated” lying? You sure seem to pretend to when you believe the media’s false stories that President Trump has lied.
Now you are making shit up
We are for people who work earning a fair wage. We can start by stopping subsidizing the super wealthy who don’t need it

Who are YOU to decide who needs what?
Let's see you prove you believe in Socialism.
Let's take YOUR savings and YOUR income and cut it in half and redistribute that half to children in Mexico (you Do care about the children, don't you?)

After all, in the eyes of poverty stricken Mexicans, YOU are wealthy.

I guarantee this nugget will never consider it. These Socialist fools are always so eager to long as it's with someone ELSES money.

In true leftist BS style, he'll now make up some BS story about how charitable he is in 3....2...1...
These Socialist fools are always so eager to long as it's with someone ELSES money.
That’s exactly why Andrew Wilkow always says “socialism is for the people, not the socialist”. You’ll never see a socialist share their money or sacrifice their comfort to save the planet. They just expect everyone else to.
...Why do republicans keep trying to sell this? Your leader is a racist and you support him.
We're ALL racist to some extent or another... you, me, our colleagues here, everybody.

Generally speaking; we marry and spawn people who look like ourselves; we live amongst people who look like ourselves; we resonate better to our own, usually.

There are variations on the theme, and near-exceptions that almost prove the rule, but, generally speaking, racism is part of the human condition.

The trick is not to let whatever racism is natural to you and latent within you, to dominate your thinking, or your interactions with others, in private or public life.

Black Advocacy groups and their members and supporters are primarily dedicated to advancing their own race, and are very active, politically, in a racial context.

Hispanic Advocacy groups and their members and supporters are primarily dedicated to advancing their own race, and are very active, politically, in a racial context.

Ditto Indian-Hindu-Sikh Advocacy groups.

Ditto Asian Advocacy groups.

Ditto Native American Advocacy groups.

All "racist" in both a literal and figurative sense of the word.

A century-and-a-half of Liberal-Progressive social engineering and programming since the Civil War have worked to discourage White Folk from having their own.

Beyond the realm of the KKK and Neo-Nazi ultra right-wing scum that LibTards so frequently serve-up as an example to discourage White Advocacy...

There is no substantive and broadly embraced or supported group devoted primarily to advancing the cause of White Folk.

Hell... let a gaggle of White Folk band together to publicly talk about advancing their own interests, and the LibTards unleash their attack dogs; barking "racism".

Interestingly, as the Dems embrace Illegal Aliens and advance the cause of Blacks and Muslims and Gays while trying to keep White Folk in Racial Shaming mode...

Viscerally, White Folk continue to drift into the Republican camp, as the only game in town, that has the organization and power to help them hold their own...

Oh, there are plenty of White Folk still voting (D), but, increasingly, they are Younglings and Wiggers and Hippies-Turned-Old-Farts; not the Blue Collar Party of old.

That translates into putting up with a lot of $hit from a Republican candidate or President, when the GOP is in power...

They put up with such $hit because they know they have a finite period of time to set things right again, before the next wave of LibProg Oppression unfolds and manifests.

Rank-and-file Republicans already know that their Party has been hijacked in large part by Big Business, but it's the only remaining game in town willing to help White Folk.

Or, at least, serve-up lip service and dog whistles hinting that they're willing to help White Folk, throwing them an occasional bone to keep 'em on the hook.

Rank-and-filers want a booming economy, good jobs, low taxes, political dominance, limited welfare, secure borders, reversal of gay marriage, a strong military, etc.

Today's Democratic Party does not serve White Folk in many of those subject areas, so they naturally vote Republican, and put up with a turd like Drumpf, in the short-term.

That doesn't mean that most Drumpf supporters are one bit more "racist" than your average Black or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or Arab or Hindu or whatever...

It just means that they're goddamned sick-and-tired of decades of LibTards telling them that White Folk watching out for White Folk is evil, while everyone else is doing it.

Even if you're part of a large Majority ( 72-75% White ), decades of LibProg social engineering and programming tactics...

Telling White Folk that their Majority status means that they're not entitled to advocate for themselves and must let others walk all over them or risk being branded racist...

Decades of that kind of LibProg social engineering and programming tactics are eventually going to backfire and come back to bite you...

Your average LibTard doesn't understand this, or the terrible optics in the eyes of White Folk, and continue to race-bait and shame in the face of a mounting visceral reaction.

And then they're oh-so-shocked when it finally backfires on them, after decades of pushing their luck, and are literally incapable of appreciating what just happened to them.

Silly, myopic tunnel-visioned LibTards... dogmatic, inflexible, and incapable of objective analysis nor the pragmatism required to compensate and effectively remediate.
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