Seems you oppose anything that will help the people

Imagine having free healthcare
Never having to worry about becoming sick
Never receiving a bill when you are in the hospital
Not having to worry about losing your house just because you got sick

Many countries have that.....why wouldn’t you want it?

you picked one item?
It doesn't help people
I don't worry about being sick now.
Is there anything you think people should be responsible for?

I mean why do you want to live under the government all your life?
Are you not capable of helping yourself?
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW
They always use Europe as the example.

Well Europe is diversifying and getting more crime and those social services are getting worse. They have to go back to good old capitalism to solve the problem, even in Sweeden!

Terms of Service Violation
Oh so socialism lite is what you mean?
just a little bit....
It ends up in the same place. The government runs everything, which is why I will never understand you people.

Would you prefer a National Police Force, local police agencies, or for private companies to bid to enforce laws and hold prisoners in private for profit facilities?

Keep in mind, there is no established government. We the People control government, every two years we can make a change.

This November you can vote and change the course of history. If enough like you continue to allow one Political Party to control all three branches of government, you and they will have rejected the genius of our Constitution - the Separation of Power.

Uh the police are a state function, so I'm ok with the status it is today.
And I love what the republicans are doing, so I will be voting Straight R
For Gov- I voted for Dianne Black
for SEN- I voted for Marsha Blackburn
for house- I voted for Charlotte Bergman
Wait the three top spots I voted for women in primaries.......I guess I don't hate's amazing how dumb the left is......I will gladly vote for all 3 in Nov.

Don't know the other two but I do know this:
Only a LOON would vote for Marsha Blackburn.

Oh a comment out of context. She's infinitely smarter than Ocasio-Cortez.
And she's a very smart woman as are Black and Bergman

To be fair, I'm pretty sure both my pets and at least a couple of my houseplants are smarter than Ocasio-Cortez, so that's not a high bar to clear.

True, but his comeback was she said Git R that has anything to do with's just snobbery......Blackburn is a smart woman.......and the next senator of TN
You are closer to Hitler than
Ocasio-Cortez is to Venezula.

You are closer to an intestinal parasite than a nazi is to a human being.

Furthermore you have more in common with hitler on a political basis than anyone to the right of FDR.

Now go outside and apologize to the trees for wasting the oxygen they produce you malignant piece of shit.

Seems you oppose anything that will help the people

Imagine having free healthcare
Never having to worry about becoming sick
Never receiving a bill when you are in the hospital
Not having to worry about losing your house just because you got sick

Many countries have that.....why wouldn’t you want it?

you picked one item?
It doesn't help people
I don't worry about being sick now.
Is there anything you think people should be responsible for?

I mean why do you want to live under the government all your life?
Are you not capable of helping yourself?
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Hell, you could live in a homeless shelter here and be better off than the people of Venezuela.
you picked one item?
It doesn't help people
I don't worry about being sick now.
Is there anything you think people should be responsible for?

I mean why do you want to live under the government all your life?
Are you not capable of helping yourself?
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Not necessarily
Workers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have subsidized healthcare, free education, five weeks vacation, retirement at 60

We could do the same, it is a question of priorities.
Their CEOs do not make as much, their millionaires pay higher taxes, their military is funded at 2 percent GDP instead of our 4 percent

It doesn't work man. The Pilgrims tried it, found out people who don't need to work, don't work......
Those countries are looking at reducing their welfare...not increasing it.
you picked one item?
It doesn't help people
I don't worry about being sick now.
Is there anything you think people should be responsible for?

I mean why do you want to live under the government all your life?
Are you not capable of helping yourself?
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Hell, you could live in a homeless shelter here and be better off than the people of Venezuela.
Well put...Where are all the Hollywood actors who loved Chavez??? nothing from them on Venezuela....typical lefties....sucker you into something and when it hits the fan......they gone...loooooong gone
Would you prefer a National Police Force, local police agencies, or for private companies to bid to enforce laws and hold prisoners in private for profit facilities?

Keep in mind, there is no established government. We the People control government, every two years we can make a change.

This November you can vote and change the course of history. If enough like you continue to allow one Political Party to control all three branches of government, you and they will have rejected the genius of our Constitution - the Separation of Power.

Uh the police are a state function, so I'm ok with the status it is today.
And I love what the republicans are doing, so I will be voting Straight R
For Gov- I voted for Dianne Black
for SEN- I voted for Marsha Blackburn
for house- I voted for Charlotte Bergman
Wait the three top spots I voted for women in primaries.......I guess I don't hate's amazing how dumb the left is......I will gladly vote for all 3 in Nov.

Don't know the other two but I do know this:
Only a LOON would vote for Marsha Blackburn.

Oh a comment out of context. She's infinitely smarter than Ocasio-Cortez.
And she's a very smart woman as are Black and Bergman

To be fair, I'm pretty sure both my pets and at least a couple of my houseplants are smarter than Ocasio-Cortez, so that's not a high bar to clear.

True, but his comeback was she said Git R that has anything to do with's just snobbery......Blackburn is a smart woman.......and the next senator of TN

At least Larry the Cable Guy is genuinely humorous, as opposed to just about any "comedian" on the left at this point. Samantha Bee? Have never watched her show, because just the trailers for it coming up during my regular TV programs make me cringe and want to complain to the network. Michelle Wolf? I've heard 3rd-grade boys tell fart jokes with more humor and sophistication than that shrew. Jimmy Kimmel? If he ever divorces his wife, I hope he thinks to ask for his testicles back as part of the settlement. I laugh at him, but not for the reason he intends me to.

Also, Daniel Lawrence Whitney, the comedian whose stage name is Larry the Cable Guy, is quite a bright, articulate, thoughtful man when he's not in his stage persona. Pretty sure "Crazy Eyes" Ocasio-Cortez is all persona.
You are closer to Hitler than
Ocasio-Cortez is to Venezula.

You are closer to an intestinal parasite than a nazi is to a human being.

Furthermore you have more in common with hitler on a political basis than anyone to the right of FDR.

Now go outside and apologize to the trees for wasting the oxygen they produce you malignant piece of shit.

And who were you voting for?
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Not necessarily
Workers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have subsidized healthcare, free education, five weeks vacation, retirement at 60

We could do the same, it is a question of priorities.
Their CEOs do not make as much, their millionaires pay higher taxes, their military is funded at 2 percent GDP instead of our 4 percent
Not quite as easy as you think RW.
First, looks at the populations of each of those counties you picked, then look at ours....quite a contrast, wouldn't you say?
Also, they don't have to spend what we do on their military because we are the ones that protect them.
There are some very bad actors in this world and we have to stay ahead of them, we ARE the superpower.
You mention salaries of CEO's and millionairs, well....we don't have enough of them in this country to offset the 326 million people we have here.
Guess where it goes from there.....that's right, we need to start taxing the middle class more to offset the social program costs that
you want funded to help the middle class.
Like I said
It comes down to priorities

They prioritize social programs
We prioritize low taxes on the wealthy and the biggest military in the world
I think we are the wealthiest nation on earth
Our people should be able to expect a reasonable standard of living, affordable healthcare, access to higher education, a chance to someday retire
Many nations are able to do it.

We prefer to give tax cuts to billionaires and be policeman for the world
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Not necessarily
Workers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have subsidized healthcare, free education, five weeks vacation, retirement at 60

We could do the same, it is a question of priorities.
Their CEOs do not make as much, their millionaires pay higher taxes, their military is funded at 2 percent GDP instead of our 4 percent

It doesn't work man. The Pilgrims tried it, found out people who don't need to work, don't work......
Those countries are looking at reducing their welfare...not increasing it.
Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole

But we allow people who actually work their asses off to earn a decent living and have decent healthcare
I like this young Alexandria lady. She's a good speaker with a bright future but she needs to back off on the socialism a little. She should know by now that socialism in this country's reserved for bailing out banks, wall street, major corporations etc. Certainly not for the poor and needy.
We are the wealthiest nation on Earth because we aren't those other socialistic nations.......yet.
And where does that wealth concentrate?
Among the very few.......while we allow those who create it to struggle
In your eyes we just dummy everything down until we are no better than those nations which you cherish?
Even those in poverty here live a good life compared to the poverty in those nations which you cherish, RW

Not necessarily
Workers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have subsidized healthcare, free education, five weeks vacation, retirement at 60

We could do the same, it is a question of priorities.
Their CEOs do not make as much, their millionaires pay higher taxes, their military is funded at 2 percent GDP instead of our 4 percent

It doesn't work man. The Pilgrims tried it, found out people who don't need to work, don't work......
Those countries are looking at reducing their welfare...not increasing it.
Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole

But we allow people who actually work their asses off to earn a decent living and have decent healthcare
My friend's step daughter was on public assistance for nearly a year. She finally got a job and is making a livable wage
at a hospital. She has decided to have her hours cut back so she can get back on food stamps and housing assistance.
I'm sure this isn't just an isolated case. There is the value of socialism at it's best.
You guys like to whine about what an awful place Cuba is under Castro, without talking about what a miserable place it was under Batista, which is why Castro took power to start with.
Fidel Castro wasn’t voted into power, you nitwit. He staged a coup.
Capitalism has failed most of the times it's been tried, and has caused untold misery and killed millions of people.
Capitalism has created unimaginable prosperity. I know. The masses know it. And even your dumb (and desperate) ass knows it. all want to be a parasite.
Do you think the average conservative/republican has degrees in Econ & IR?
And what good did either of those do her? All those degrees have done is illustrate the miserable state the education system. Proving yet again that the left destroys everything it touches.

This woman is an embarrassment to the left. She has said some of the dumbest things in political history and she’s only had two major interviews so far. She is the gift that keeps on giving conservatives. And so is your dumb ass.

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