NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.

"Baseless, unwarranted attack" = "How dare you actually quote her?!"
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.

Brown People!
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.


I don't agree with everything the woman is saying - some things I do though.

But I am sick of this cowardly and disgusting habit of Trumpbots to just viciously attack ANYONE who openly does not support Trump or what he stands for.

It's dishonorable, un-American and childish.

They cannot attack them intellectually - so they attack them straight out of their anus.
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NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.


I don't agree with everything the woman is saying - some I do though.

But I am sick of this cowardly and disgusting habit of Trumpbots to just viciously attack ANYONE who openly does not support Trump or what he stands for.

It's dishonorable, un-American and childish.

They cannot attack them intellectually - so they attack them straight out of their anus.

"Trumpbot, childish, cannot attack intellectually" = "STOP QUOTING HER DIRECTLY, DAMN IT!"
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.
The authoritarian right’s baseless, unwarranted attack of Ocasio-Cortez is consistent with their fear of diversity and dissent, and their desire to compel conformity.

She's a threat to the gravy train for the non working class.

She's also the future of the country.
Nobody says people stop working and live off the dole
For generation after generation after generation, women purchase their own hygiene products. But all of a sudden, the left advocates to “live off the dole” and insistst that tax payers owe women their hygiene products.

Male House Democrat Wants Taxpayer-Funded Tampons For His Office
Who the fuk cares about some freakin tampons?
I do...when the left insists that society should pay for them. And you would too if you weren’t a parasite.
When Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) realized his office didn’t have tampons for female employees and visitors, he ordered a bunch ―
Why?!? What woman menstruating isn’t carrying her own products?!? Let me ask you something, asshole, did Rep. Maloney also order men’s underwear for “male employees and visitors”?!? What happens if he has a male visitor who is devoid of underwear or spills something on himself while there?

Do you understand what an asshole you sound like now? Stop trying to justify the unjustifiable.
I need a freak’n Tampon

Conservatives are so heartless
Why do you need a “freak’n tampon”? Because you were too irresponsible to bring your own?

Progressives are so ridiculous that they won’t take personal responsibility for even lifting a fork to their own mouth. They will demand that conservatives be turned into slaves to do it for them.
The people suffered....that is why they overthrew him
More alternative “facts” from the left. That’s literally as idiotic as saying “the people” overthrew Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr in Iraq.

The people didn’t overthrow Batista. Fidel Castro did. Nobody ever got on rafts and risked their life to escape Cuba under Batista.

You’ll deny history and reality in your quest to bring communism to the shores of the U.S. so you can live your life as a parasite.
The people suffered....that is why they overthrew him
More alternative “facts” from the left. That’s literally as idiotic as saying “the people” overthrew Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr in Iraq.

The people didn’t overthrow Batista. Fidel Castro did. Nobody ever got on rafts and risked their life to escape Cuba under Batista.

You’ll deny history and reality in your quest to bring communism to the shores of the U.S. so you can live your life as a parasite.
Revisionist history

You don’t have a revolution without the people behind you.
If Castro had the same foreign investment that Batista did, his economy would have been just fine
If Castro had the same foreign investment that Batista did, his economy would have been just fine
Nobody makes shit up like wrongwinger. Castro did have foreign investments that Batista did. In fact, he had more. The U.S.S.R. was throwing every resource imaginable at him to prop up his nation.

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