Obama did charge the Russians, he invoked sanctions
MaObama promised "improved" relations with Russia, sucking up to them at every chance. MaObama was caught on "hot mic" telling Dimitri Medvedev "I'll have more wiggle room after my final election". MaObama specifically told his National Security team to 'stand down' with regards to Russian hacking and Russian meddling in the elections.

MaObama should be brought up on criminal charges. And you would be if there were laws against stupidity and ignorance.
The difference between Medvedev and Putin is like the difference between Obama and Stalin.
And we don’t know if they rigged the vote. No one made that type of assessment.
Common sense has already made that “assessment”, sweetie. :lmao:

Obama did charge the Russians, he invoked sanctions
MaObama promised "improved" relations with Russia, sucking up to them at every chance. MaObama was caught on "hot mic" telling Dimitri Medvedev "I'll have more wiggle room after my final election". MaObama specifically told his National Security team to 'stand down' with regards to Russian hacking and Russian meddling in the elections.

MaObama should be brought up on criminal charges. And you would be if there were laws against stupidity and ignorance.
The difference between Medvedev and Putin is like the difference between Obama and Stalin.
Exactly. None.
Obama did charge the Russians, he invoked sanctions
MaObama promised "improved" relations with Russia, sucking up to them at every chance. MaObama was caught on "hot mic" telling Dimitri Medvedev "I'll have more wiggle room after my final election". MaObama specifically told his National Security team to 'stand down' with regards to Russian hacking and Russian meddling in the elections.

MaObama should be brought up on criminal charges. And you would be if there were laws against stupidity and ignorance.
The difference between Medvedev and Putin is like the difference between Obama and Stalin.
Exactly. None.
Spoken like a true brainwashed ignoramus functional idiot... Tell me the phony scandals you refer to... Absolute idiocy
[The difference between Medvedev and Putin is like the difference between Obama and Stalin.
Dmitri Medvedev was third in Russia, under Putin at the time, genius. Get your facts straight before commenting.
You sure you are not a Russian troll, you certainly know more about Russian politics than American politics LOL....
Last edited:
I can not. I have to look at other corroborating evidence.

You do not believe illegals vote ?

The absence of massive proven spying evidence doesn't mean there isn't spying. The nature of the act is covert and to avoid detection,

LPRAs are not voting, undocumented immigrants are not voting, and those convicted of entering the country absent authorization are not voting because they’re deported.

There is reasonable suspicion and evidence to tighten voter ID laws and monitoring to make sure.
No. There is no basis. That is only what the rabid eight pretends so they can try to suppress the vote. This has been admitted to by your fearless leaders.

I find it rather suspicious that out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won? 14 of them had no voter ID act. We know from the work of Project Veritas that voters were going to be bused from one voting precinct to another.......but Shillian says that voter ID law acts are not necessary......of course not, Shillian.....of course not.

I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
No corruption no thievery, just Fox and Rush Limbaugh blowing b******* between staffers out of all proportion... And MSNBC and CNN and MSM loving the controversy of the phony scandals...
Our media is a disgrace but Fox is Criminal.

LPRAs are not voting, undocumented immigrants are not voting, and those convicted of entering the country absent authorization are not voting because they’re deported.

There is reasonable suspicion and evidence to tighten voter ID laws and monitoring to make sure.
No. There is no basis. That is only what the rabid eight pretends so they can try to suppress the vote. This has been admitted to by your fearless leaders.

I find it rather suspicious that out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won? 14 of them had no voter ID act. We know from the work of Project Veritas that voters were going to be bused from one voting precinct to another.......but Shillian says that voter ID law acts are not necessary......of course not, Shillian.....of course not.

I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...
There is reasonable suspicion and evidence to tighten voter ID laws and monitoring to make sure.
No. There is no basis. That is only what the rabid eight pretends so they can try to suppress the vote. This has been admitted to by your fearless leaders.

I find it rather suspicious that out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won? 14 of them had no voter ID act. We know from the work of Project Veritas that voters were going to be bused from one voting precinct to another.......but Shillian says that voter ID law acts are not necessary......of course not, Shillian.....of course not.

I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
No. There is no basis. That is only what the rabid eight pretends so they can try to suppress the vote. This has been admitted to by your fearless leaders.

I find it rather suspicious that out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won? 14 of them had no voter ID act. We know from the work of Project Veritas that voters were going to be bused from one voting precinct to another.......but Shillian says that voter ID law acts are not necessary......of course not, Shillian.....of course not.

I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.
I find it rather suspicious that out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won? 14 of them had no voter ID act. We know from the work of Project Veritas that voters were going to be bused from one voting precinct to another.......but Shillian says that voter ID law acts are not necessary......of course not, Shillian.....of course not.

I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.

What evidence? The only one allowed to view the server was DNC friendly Crowdstrike....none of the 17 alphabet intel agencies were permitted to view it. We do know that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the data dump and John Podesta said in an e-mail that the leaker needed to be made an example of.

Why are you not disturbed about the contents of the leaked e-mails? Why are you more pissed that they were exposed than you are the contents, dupe?
I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.

What evidence? The only one allowed to view the server was DNC friendly Crowdstrike....none of the 17 alphabet intel agencies were permitted to view it. We do know that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the data dump and John Podesta said in an e-mail that the leaker needed to be made an example of.

Why are you not disturbed about the contents of the leaked e-mails? Why are you more pissed that they were exposed than you are the contents, dupe?
The content of the emails was BS between powerless staffers and Powerless DNC dot-dot-dot super dupe. Twisted into all kinds of phony scandals by your propaganda machine.
I find it suspicious that trumpscum don’t care that Russia attacked our elections and make up insane garbage to get to pretend it didn’t happen.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight

LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.

What evidence? The only one allowed to view the server was DNC friendly Crowdstrike....none of the 17 alphabet intel agencies were permitted to view it. We do know that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the data dump and John Podesta said in an e-mail that the leaker needed to be made an example of.

Why are you not disturbed about the contents of the leaked e-mails? Why are you more pissed that they were exposed than you are the contents, dupe?
Everyone looked at the evidence and said it is incontrovertible that the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave it to WikiLeaks. Watch some news someday, idiot. Read a newspaper for crying out loud.
LMAO!!! Tinfoil hat? Coming from someone that believes that the Hildebeast was cheated out of her rightful place in power by ROOSKIES that hacked the DNC server revealing the CHEATING and corruption of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

I doubt that this helps ya any....but it was Seth Rich that downloaded the e-mails. As I have said before, leftards like you are not mad about the content...you are simply pissed that it was revealed....says a lot about you and your fellow commie pals.
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.

What evidence? The only one allowed to view the server was DNC friendly Crowdstrike....none of the 17 alphabet intel agencies were permitted to view it. We do know that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the data dump and John Podesta said in an e-mail that the leaker needed to be made an example of.

Why are you not disturbed about the contents of the leaked e-mails? Why are you more pissed that they were exposed than you are the contents, dupe?
Everyone looked at the evidence and said it is incontrovertible that the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave it to WikiLeaks. Watch some news someday, idiot. Read a newspaper for crying out loud.

LMAO!!!! DNC friendly Crowdstrike was the only one allowed to view the server......no one else. William Binney, former NSA second in command said that it was impossible for a foreign entity to invade a firewall without setting off alarms to the IT folks...the download speed would have been impossible. It was an inside job without a doubt.....

Now, why are you ducking my question of why are you more angry that the revelations of Wikileaks showed criminal corruption of the DNC were made public than it's contents????????
Ok, 'boys'. I'm loving the phallic swinging comp. here :), BUT it's all about Ocasio Cortez & how she might impact our balance of political power on a National stage... no?

Of course, ... it could never happen, would never happen, ... that the senile Sanders (Socialist) would choose her as a VP running mate. Am I wrong here, could it happen...? might it happen... or am I just seeing the most fortunate figment of my wildest female version of a conservative election cycle 'wet dream' here... lol
Ok, 'boys'. I'm loving the phallic swinging comp. here :), BUT it's all about Ocasio Cortez & how she might impact our balance of political power on a National stage... no?

Of course, ... it could never happen, would never happen, ... that the senile Sanders (Socialist) would choose her as a VP running mate. Am I wrong here, could it happen...? might it happen... or am I just seeing the most fortunate figment of my wildest female version of a conservative election cycle 'wet dream' here... lol

sabha----it could happen------maybe-----but we will survive it if it does
It's a conspiracy!!!! Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot...

It's morons like you that believe that the ROOSKIES cheated the Hildebeast out of being CEO of USA.INC, dupe.
Our entire Congress who looked at the evidence agree with me, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you don't watch any news, stupid.

What evidence? The only one allowed to view the server was DNC friendly Crowdstrike....none of the 17 alphabet intel agencies were permitted to view it. We do know that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the data dump and John Podesta said in an e-mail that the leaker needed to be made an example of.

Why are you not disturbed about the contents of the leaked e-mails? Why are you more pissed that they were exposed than you are the contents, dupe?
Everyone looked at the evidence and said it is incontrovertible that the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave it to WikiLeaks. Watch some news someday, idiot. Read a newspaper for crying out loud.
Read a newspaper you're all confused...

LMAO!!!! DNC friendly Crowdstrike was the only one allowed to view the server......no one else. William Binney, former NSA second in command said that it was impossible for a foreign entity to invade a firewall without setting off alarms to the IT folks...the download speed would have been impossible. It was an inside job without a doubt.....

Now, why are you ducking my question of why are you more angry that the revelations of Wikileaks showed criminal corruption of the DNC were made public than it's contents????????
Only on Fox!! LOL!
Ok, 'boys'. I'm loving the phallic swinging comp. here :), BUT it's all about Ocasio Cortez & how she might impact our balance of political power on a National stage... no?

Of course, ... it could never happen, would never happen, ... that the senile Sanders (Socialist) would choose her as a VP running mate. Am I wrong here, could it happen...? might it happen... or am I just seeing the most fortunate figment of my wildest female version of a conservative election cycle 'wet dream' here... lol
That is the same sentiment that almost the entire left had with Trump. Are you really going to make the same mistake?


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