Ok, 'boys'. I'm loving the phallic swinging comp. here :), BUT it's all about Ocasio Cortez & how she might impact our balance of political power on a National stage... no?

Of course, ... it could never happen, would never happen, ... that the senile Sanders (Socialist) would choose her as a VP running mate. Am I wrong here, could it happen...? might it happen... or am I just seeing the most fortunate figment of my wildest female version of a conservative election cycle 'wet dream' here... lol

Depends entirely on how she does in her election.

Sanders is certainly senile and out-of-touch with reality enough to not realize how badly she plays outside of her own little cozy NY bubble.
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled

And yet that smug asshole John Oliver continues to make the same “mistakes”. Typical leftist. Incapable of learning.

It seems many on the right here are equally incapable of learning. Wishing for a socialist to run on the democratic party because it will make the 'win' easier is a crazy stance to take. That is exactly what Hillary thought about Trump - then she lost.
It never works. It always ends in catastrophic failure and perpetual poverty.
After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence. Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of individual rights.
Only an idiot and a parasite supports collectivism.

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution
First Fidel Castro admits that socialism doesn’t work. And now Nicolas Maduro admits that socialism doesn’t work.
Caracas (AFP) - Under-fire Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro admitted his economic model has "failed" in the wake of food and medicine shortages and public service paralysis, such as Tuesday's power failure that affected 80 percent of Caracas.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Venezuela's president admits economy has failed
Idiotic left-wing policy always ends in extreme poverty, loss of liberty, and universal misery.
San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.
No power? No water? Sounds like California. This is the insanity that progressives want to bring here to the U.S.

San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore
It never works. It never has worked. It never will work.
A Canadian province has decided to scrap its universal basic income pilot after lawmakers decided it was “quite expensive” and “not sustainable,” The Guardian reported.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Canadian province scraps ‘not sustainable’ basic income program pilot
i remember a time not too long ago that if you called a liberal a socialist you were defaming them. now they're angry if you dont call em a socialist!
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being, naturally unemployed in our at-will employment States is more market friendly. The First World can never compete on Cheap Labor. We should not bother.
i remember a time not too long ago that if you called a liberal a socialist you were defaming them. now they're angry if you dont call em a socialist!
They have rapidly become radicalized over the past decade and a half. About 5 years ago or so, Glenn Beck said there would be a time where the Democrats would finally admit they were socialists.

They have been for some time. But they couldn’t admit it because the people were well educated about the unimaginable evils of socialism. Between their indoctrination of the youth and their propaganda, they feel it is finally “safe” to admit it.

Frankly, I’m thankful. The entire point of our system of government is for candidates to honestly communicate their platform and allow the American people to decide if that’s the direction they want their nation to move.
I like her. She will do well
No wonder you like her. :lmao:

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Let's simplify government. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being naturally unemployed in our at-will employment States, can solve most of our problems.
Let's simplify government. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being naturally unemployed in our at-will employment States, can solve most of our problems.
Let's simplify it even further. A $5.00 an hour minimum wage and absolutely no "unemployment compensation". Much better than your idiotic "plan".
Let's simplify government. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for being naturally unemployed in our at-will employment States, can solve most of our problems.
Prime example of why the left-wing policies you support are so idiotic. Nothing ends in unemployment, poverty, misery, and catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy.

Minnesota’s minimum wage hike leads to significant job losses among young workers, study finds

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