yes, it is. compulsion is social-ism.
No matter how many times I see it, I never cease to marvel at your astounding stupidity. You actually believe that socialism means anything that is social is nature (hence you're idiotic "social-ism" over and over and over). You think because it has "social" in the word it means anything that society has agreed on.

Socialism is an economic system you idiot. It has nothing to do with social pacts. :banghead:
Social-ism is what I am referring to. Social is the term.
But Idiot-ism is what you keep delivering. :lmao:
yes, it is. compulsion is social-ism.
No matter how many times I see it, I never cease to marvel at your astounding stupidity. You actually believe that socialism means anything that is social is nature (hence you're idiotic "social-ism" over and over and over). You think because it has "social" in the word it means anything that society has agreed on.

Socialism is an economic system you idiot. It has nothing to do with social pacts. :banghead:
Social-ism is what I am referring to. Social is the term.
But Idiot-ism is what you keep delivering. :lmao:
I am not the one appealing to ignorance and claiming i am right, without getting more in tune with any solar clock. Only the right wing, does that.
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up. the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards - even though she has done nothing illegal and seems a decent person who was legally elected to represent the people of her voting district.

I sure don't agree with all of her policies.

But I am not such a pathetic loser as to viciously attack someone who has done nothing (relatively) wrong.

You Trumpbots are pathetic, uneducated, largely stupid, dishonorable cowards.

At least most of you are old and will be dead relatively soon...and then the rest of us can forget all about you. the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards - even though she has done nothing illegal and seems a decent person who was legally elected to represent the people of her voting district.
And yet you support (and cheer) the side that gets out from behind their keyboard to engage in acts of physical violence against Republicans who have done “nothing illegal” and who were “legally elected to represent the people of their voting district”.

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ‘We are hunting you’

GOP senator reveals the gruesome text message his wife received after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh

WATCH: Trump supporters ‘attacked’ during protest outside CNN

Video: Man tears up Ted Cruz signs, melts down when caught doing so — then it gets way more bizarre

Antifa violently attacks right-wing group during a peaceful march for law and order in Portland
But I am not such a pathetic loser as to viciously attack someone who has done nothing (relatively) wrong.
The fact that you use the term “pathetic loser” kind of makes you a “pathetic loser”.

(Psst...the 80’s called...they want their phrase back sweetie).
You Trumpbots are pathetic, uneducated, largely stupid, dishonorable cowards.
Why? Because they dare to - gasp! - engage in the political process and their 1st Amendment constitutional right to question, challenge, or criticize public officials?

Oh the horrors! How dare they not be a mindless fascist like you! the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards
Irony. You take the opportunity to attack President Trump while complaining about people attacking Ocasio-Cortez.

She chose to step out from behind her keyboard and run for public office. And she choose to do so on an unconstitutional platform. She is fair game for criticism. Quit your pitiful whining.
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up. the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards - even though she has done nothing illegal and seems a decent person who was legally elected to represent the people of her voting district.

I sure don't agree with all of her policies.

But I am not such a pathetic loser as to viciously attack someone who has done nothing (relatively) wrong.

You Trumpbots are pathetic, uneducated, largely stupid, dishonorable cowards.

At least most of you are old and will be dead relatively soon...and then the rest of us can forget all about you.

"Viciously attack" = "Criticize just like any other elected politician"
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up. the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards - even though she has done nothing illegal and seems a decent person who was legally elected to represent the people of her voting district.

I sure don't agree with all of her policies.

But I am not such a pathetic loser as to viciously attack someone who has done nothing (relatively) wrong.

You Trumpbots are pathetic, uneducated, largely stupid, dishonorable cowards.

At least most of you are old and will be dead relatively soon...and then the rest of us can forget all about you.
yea, and all these people attacking trump behind their keyboards you call heros. :) the next woman the cowardly Trumpbots are going to viciously attack - from behind their keyboards
Irony. You take the opportunity to attack President Trump while complaining about people attacking Ocasio-Cortez.

She chose to step out from behind her keyboard and run for public office. And she choose to do so on an unconstitutional platform. She is fair game for criticism. Quit your pitiful whining.
come up with better solutions at lower cost, right wingers.
come up with better solutions at lower cost, right wingers.
We did, snowflake. It’s called the U.S. Constitution. It’s why the U.S. flourished under 2 years of complete and total Republican control.
lol. You all don't care about the Constitution, just your socialism on a national basis.
so how are we being socialist now?

this should be interesting. it's "cute" if not frustrating when kids use big words they don't understand, counting on an emotional ploy to carry their ignorance through.

so enlighten me, how is trump being "socialist"? educate me daniel.

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