border control
Daniel actually thinks he can dupe us into believing that capitalism is political and democracy is economical and that controlling our borders (per the U.S. Constitution) and ensuring our sovereignty is “not” capitalism but rather socialism (when it is in fact neither).

He’s too stupid to even understand that we laugh at him. He honestly believes he can dupe us into buying into his socialism.
special pleading in a vacuum is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
trade wars
Uh...what about them? We couldn’t have a “trade war” if we weren’t engaged in free trade with other nations.

China has screwed us out of trillions for decades. Because you love communist states and hate the U.S., you loved that. But the rest of the U.S. didn’t. All President Trump did was level the playing field with China (resulting in billions and billions per year in our favor). We’re not the least bit sorry that you are steaming pissed off about that.
trade wars are not capitalism. it is like saying drug wars are capitalism.

abolish trade wars not subsidies.
free trade, and end Regulation, at the Border capital right wingers.
No one is ever going to take you seriously if you can’t even form basic sentences properly. If you’re too stupid to use punctuation (not to mention capitalization) properly, it’s safe to say you’re fuck’n clueless about economics, politics, etc.

Here is a quick lesson:
Free trade and end regulation at the border, capitalist right-wingers.
The “f” in free is supposed to be capitalized because it starts a sentence. Both the “r” in regulation and the “b” in border should not be capitalized as they are not proper nouns. And your use of commas? Jesus...your use of commas. Not enough time here to give you a crash course on that. But you can’t just stick them in whenever you feel like it, snowflake.
lol. I don't make excuses.
free trade, and end Regulation, at the Border capital right wingers.
No one is ever going to take you seriously if you can’t even form basic sentences properly. If you’re too stupid to use punctuation (not to mention capitalization) properly, it’s safe to say you’re fuck’n clueless about economics, politics, etc.

Here is a quick lesson:
Free trade and end regulation at the border, capitalist right-wingers.
The “f” in free is supposed to be capitalized because it starts a sentence. Both the “r” in regulation and the “b” in border should not be capitalized as they are not proper nouns. And your use of commas? Jesus...your use of commas. Not enough time here to give you a crash course on that. But you can’t just stick them in whenever you feel like it, snowflake.
lol. I don't make excuses.
you don't make any sense either.
free trade, and end Regulation, at the Border capital right wingers.
No one is ever going to take you seriously if you can’t even form basic sentences properly. If you’re too stupid to use punctuation (not to mention capitalization) properly, it’s safe to say you’re fuck’n clueless about economics, politics, etc.

Here is a quick lesson:
Free trade and end regulation at the border, capitalist right-wingers.
The “f” in free is supposed to be capitalized because it starts a sentence. Both the “r” in regulation and the “b” in border should not be capitalized as they are not proper nouns. And your use of commas? Jesus...your use of commas. Not enough time here to give you a crash course on that. But you can’t just stick them in whenever you feel like it, snowflake.
lol. I don't make excuses.
you don't make any sense either.
the right wing only has fallacy, not valid arguments.

Military on the border is not free trade.
free trade, and end Regulation, at the Border capital right wingers.
No one is ever going to take you seriously if you can’t even form basic sentences properly. If you’re too stupid to use punctuation (not to mention capitalization) properly, it’s safe to say you’re fuck’n clueless about economics, politics, etc.

Here is a quick lesson:
Free trade and end regulation at the border, capitalist right-wingers.
The “f” in free is supposed to be capitalized because it starts a sentence. Both the “r” in regulation and the “b” in border should not be capitalized as they are not proper nouns. And your use of commas? Jesus...your use of commas. Not enough time here to give you a crash course on that. But you can’t just stick them in whenever you feel like it, snowflake.
lol. I don't make excuses.
you don't make any sense either.
the right wing only has fallacy, not valid arguments.

Military on the border is not free trade.
and people who wish to discuss issues don't fall back on generic stereotypes and bitch at "the right wing" when engaged in singular conversations.

that isn't an argument. that's simply bitching and moaning. WAH - not my way. WAH.
NEW YORK — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender and Bernie Sanders campaign organizer who won a stunning congressional primary victory against a powerful New York incumbent Tuesday, said she would support impeaching President Donald Trump if she wins in November.

Primaries upend political landscape ahead of midterm elections and could spell trouble for Trump

so - the left says the constitution is out dated and needs to be "fixed" so guns can be controlled, yet they now go to a concern from the 1700s where franklin got a box of diamonds from the king of france and john jay got a horse from the king of spain.

yet neither of them were presidents.

just another noise maker pimping hate it would seem. but lets dig deeper. let's see who was at her victory party, shall we?

Ocasio-Cortez invited anti-Semitic, racist to victory party

"Not only did Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Communist Democrat movement win, she brought known anti-Semite and racist called Jews “Greedy Jewish Landlord” and blacks the N-word. He even campaigned for Oscasio-Cortez using his vile anti-Semite rhetoric. "

i'm glad to see the democrats advocating change. but it looks like they're doubling down on the direction that is currently bringing them down.

buckle up.

I am NOT a fan of her more extreme, socialist views.


Attacking a rookie, 28 year old politician purely for her legal political views so viciously and recklessly is absolutely pathetic.

You are showing yet another reason why Trumpbots are so completely cowardly and disgusting.

You people make me sick...thank GOD Trump will be gone in 2020 and the bile-spewing, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic stupid and/or mentally disturbed, whackjob Trumpbots like you will go with him.

You people are not conservatives. A true, decent conservative should spit on you Trumpbots. You people are little more than neo-Nazis - passionately supporting a disgusting, dictator wannabe who openly admires the harshest and most despicable world leaders.

Welcome to my Ignore gutless bully.

Uh huh. There's always an excuse why it's unacceptable and outrageous for anyone to criticize a Democrat, and always a reason why it's okay to do the same to Republicans, because "It's different! Because it IS!"

Welcome to my contempt, you cowardly hypocrite. Oh, wait. You were already there.
border control
Daniel actually thinks he can dupe us into believing that capitalism is political and democracy is economical and that controlling our borders (per the U.S. Constitution) and ensuring our sovereignty is “not” capitalism but rather socialism (when it is in fact neither).

He’s too stupid to even understand that we laugh at him. He honestly believes he can dupe us into buying into his socialism.
special pleading in a vacuum is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
Ignorant comments about topics you know nothing about is why nobody takes the left seriously about anything.
trade wars are not capitalism.
Yes they are, ignorant little dupe. President Trump didn’t take any action on the U.S. economy, nor did he block free trade. He merely leveled the playing field with foreign nations. Speaks volumes that that upsets you so much.

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