right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
Actually, the number was $40 trillion. Left-leaning institutions claim that her tax plan would cover $2 trillion of that. Iā€™m willing to concede that number for the sake of this discussion. That leaves $38 trillion on the table still. $38 trillion that she canā€™t even explain how she plans to pay for.
right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
Actually, the number was $40 trillion. Left-leaning institutions claim that her tax plan would cover $2 trillion of that. Iā€™m willing to concede that number for the sake of this discussion. That leaves $38 trillion on the table still. $38 trillion that she canā€™t even explain how she plans to pay for.
Youre just pulling numbers out of your ass, cant you read?

Koch-backed study finds ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™ would save U.S. trillions
An estimated cost of $32.6 trillion over 10 years is less than the US would spend over the next 10 years under the current system.

I would imagine now, youre going to tell us Koch brothers are left leaning.
I thought I would see a box of rocks. This thread is misleading. Maybe we need to elect people to Congress who are smarter than a 5th grader?
Youre just pulling numbers out of your ass, cant you read?
Snowflake...if you would have watched the CNN interview (instead of claiming ā€œright-wing siteā€) you would see CNN state $40 trillion and her agree.

This is what happens when a partisan hack comments without reading a link first.
right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
Actually, the number was $40 trillion. Left-leaning institutions claim that her tax plan would cover $2 trillion of that. Iā€™m willing to concede that number for the sake of this discussion. That leaves $38 trillion on the table still. $38 trillion that she canā€™t even explain how she plans to pay for.
Youre just pulling numbers out of your ass, cant you read?

Koch-backed study finds ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™ would save U.S. trillions
An estimated cost of $32.6 trillion over 10 years is less than the US would spend over the next 10 years under the current system.

I would imagine now, youre going to tell us Koch brothers are left leaning.

Sir, if you believe Medicare for all would be a $$ saver youā€™re an idiot. With all due respect.
Letā€™s see if we can back up for a moment and dumb this down to the left-wing level. Letā€™s pretend for a moment that ā€œMedicare for allā€ would ā€œsaveā€ money. How is that the responsibility of the federal government? It is still unconstitutional. Youā€™re so greedy (and lazy) that you canā€™t see which way is up right now.
right now, we're already paying for it. It's called insurance premiums. Except in this case we're paying insurance companies to look for ways to fuck us over.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
Actually, the number was $40 trillion. Left-leaning institutions claim that her tax plan would cover $2 trillion of that. Iā€™m willing to concede that number for the sake of this discussion. That leaves $38 trillion on the table still. $38 trillion that she canā€™t even explain how she plans to pay for.
Youre just pulling numbers out of your ass, cant you read?

Koch-backed study finds ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™ would save U.S. trillions
An estimated cost of $32.6 trillion over 10 years is less than the US would spend over the next 10 years under the current system.

I would imagine now, youre going to tell us Koch brothers are left leaning.

Sir, if you believe Medicare for all would be a $$ saver youā€™re an idiot. With all due respect.
She doesnā€™t actually believe that. What she knows is that it will ā€œsaveā€ her money as she mooches off of society. The rest of us will get screwed over royally.
The math doesnā€™t work and MDs would be paid less that we would have a lot fewer qualified ones. Look at laser eye surgery and Botox. Not regulated and prices have gone way down because more doctors are in the field. The key to lower prices is less regulation not more. Plus insurance companies would never let that happen as they are making too much money.
Weā€™re not paying for $38 trillion in ā€œinsurance premiumsā€ right now. Would you like to try again? Maybe something with considerably less propaganda and considerably more facts?
The number was 32.6 trillion over 10 years, but the koch study says it would cost less than current setup.
Actually, the number was $40 trillion. Left-leaning institutions claim that her tax plan would cover $2 trillion of that. Iā€™m willing to concede that number for the sake of this discussion. That leaves $38 trillion on the table still. $38 trillion that she canā€™t even explain how she plans to pay for.
Youre just pulling numbers out of your ass, cant you read?

Koch-backed study finds ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™ would save U.S. trillions
An estimated cost of $32.6 trillion over 10 years is less than the US would spend over the next 10 years under the current system.

I would imagine now, youre going to tell us Koch brothers are left leaning.

Sir, if you believe Medicare for all would be a $$ saver youā€™re an idiot. With all due respect.
She doesnā€™t actually believe that. What she knows is that it will ā€œsaveā€ her money as she mooches off of society. The rest of us will get screwed over royally.

The Democrat has become the You problem party. Let someone else carry the burden. Same with immigration. Let the illegals in. Wait no not in my house or my money...you pay for it somehow. Same with healthcare. Party of the uneducated.
trade wars are not capitalism.
Yes they are, ignorant little dupe. President Trump didnā€™t take any action on the U.S. economy, nor did he block free trade. He merely leveled the playing field with foreign nations. Speaks volumes that that upsets you so much.
no, they are not any form of Capitalism and Voluntary social transaction that result in mutually beneficial trade.
Again, snowflake, President Trump didnā€™t take any action on the U.S. economy, nor did he block free trade. He merely leveled the playing field with foreign nations. Clearly youā€™re anti-American if that bothers you. Like all left-wing assholes, you want the U.S. to collapse so you can make your little case for communism (because youā€™re too fuckā€™n lazy to hold a job).
nothing but right wing fantasy? What happened to free trade and less regulation.
Sheā€™s awesome.
Only a fellow Dumbocrat would think this is ā€œawesomeā€ :lmao:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has ZERO answers about her own policies
Answers about her policies are on her web site, not on some shady far right site.

So what I'm hearing you say is that SHE is unable to articulate and explain her own policies, and we therefore need to get them from whichever staffer maintains her website.

This begs the question of why NY didn't just elect that staffer to the House, and save time and effort.
Donkey Face Cortez's platform was being anti-White. This is the democrat party of today. Straight up anti-White.

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