Meet the 37 Rs who could lose their jobs because they shut down govt

and notice not one Democrat got blamed FOR ANYTHING again

not the Irs, Benghazi, now this shutdown
these sheep are pathetic and so is Hufferpuffer post
but this gets their cult members all wet just thinking about
stephanie and her ignorant and selective memory strike again.
First of all, IT IS THE JOB OF THE IRS TO CHECK AND VERIFY ALL GROUPS THAT FILE FOR TAX FREE STATUS. And, after all was said and done, if I am not mistaken more Democratic groups than republican groups were targeted and I do not believe any group, Democratic or republican, lost tax free status.
Secondly, ignoring the fact that you never complained when dozens were killed during the 11 or 12 attacks on embassy's while bush was president, and ignoring the fact that security for embassy personnel was reduced due to republican cuts to the State Department budget, keep in mind that darryl issa went over Benghazi again, and again, and again, and again and was unable to prove that the Democratic administration had done anything wrong. Every one of his investigations turned up EMPTY.
And finally, not one Democratic Congressman was blamed for the shut down for the simple reason that NOT ONE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN WORKED TO SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT. Thanks to cruz and the tea party, who celebrated and cheered the shut down, the blame for what happened falls directly on the republicans, AS IT SHOULD.
My God, you and people like you are pathetic.
There's got to be a way to work around the Gerrymandering. It's ridiculous they can set themselves up for life like that especially when the voters are finding out what it is they're doing at this point.

What is very disheartening is that the rw voter is absolutely in favor of lying, cheating and stealing to keep these criminals in office. What Ds refuse to tolerate in their representatives, rw's celebrate and reward.

rw voters really don't mind that R congress does nothing for 125 days a year, brags about doing nothing for 125 days a year, vacations the rest of the year and gets paid more than $125K for it.

I keep remembering the minorities in Florida standing for hours and hours while the polling places took their good old time allowing them to vote. The more these things get out, the less effect Republican obstruction has.

The advantage of waiting to the last second to vote. They were responsible for the long lines, not the poll workers.
Actually, NO. That's just the shit from talk radio you're believing. It isn't true.

Actually yes. Its true.

Thousands Of Americans See Their Health Plans Canceled

But from that very article:

By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost -- especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify. The law requires policies sold in the individual market to cover 10 “essential” benefits, such as prescription drugs, mental health treatment and maternity care. In addition, insurers cannot reject people with medical problems or charge them higher prices. The policies must also cap consumers’ annual expenses at levels lower than many plans sold before the new rules.

So it doesn't actually look like anyone is going to lose coverage, but it may change to a lower-cost alternative with better coverage. Gotcha.

Guess you don't know your dear leader waived the cap requirements for a year.
You really think that voters are going to change their vote based on this ?
YES! Perhaps I should be more explicit: FOR THE SHUT-DOWN AND FOR THE THOWING AWAY OF $24 BILLION ($24,000,000,000) DOLLARS.
Rest assured the campaigns against the republicans who are responsible for this mess are already being planned and there is absolutely no doubt that campaign ads showing people out of work, parks being closed, and money being thrown down the drain are already in production.
Now, when the dummy's in the House try to shut down the government in January it will only reinforce the public belief that republicans are pieces of shit and deserve to have their asses kicked out of office.
One final thought, the polling of the American public shows republicans poll numbers are the lowest historically that they have ever been. I expect a little bounce back but I suspect that republican numbers will remain in the crapper. This is especially true if the crazies in the House decide to shut the government down in January.
The truth of the matter is this, the House is behaving like an insane asylum with the inmates in charge and if you think people will ignore that you are very, very much mistaken.
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For those who have not noticed the shut down is yesterdays news Obamacare is now front and center and it's going to have a far bigger impact on the country and the people than all the shut downs combined ever have.
As usual, the rw's can't defend their own.

All they can do is attack.


what the hell is there to defend? the damn title says, they might lose their job

well let me give you a clue, some Democrats might lose their jobs too over Obamafailnocare

seven are on board showing their disgust with the whole mess and I expect we'll se more

but of course you would never post anything negative about the Democrats...

now go get some cheese with that whine
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Well now, considering that all the 'Conservatives' on this board have already declared the ACA a failure, should it be a success by Nov14, the GOP might have a problem. And if the Teabaggers once again shut down the government in January in another little snit, they are going to lose seats in November. Fools never learn.
Well now, considering that all the 'Conservatives' on this board have already declared the ACA a failure, should it be a success by Nov14, the GOP might have a problem. And if the Teabaggers once again shut down the government in January in another little snit, they are going to lose seats in November. Fools never learn.

The left wing media is calling it a failure. many dems in congress are calling it a failure. it is a failure.

Obama has destroyed the democrat party with his marxist collectivist dictatorial regime. But you fools voted for him---you deserve it.
There's got to be a way to work around the Gerrymandering. It's ridiculous they can set themselves up for life like that especially when the voters are finding out what it is they're doing at this point.

What is very disheartening is that the rw voter is absolutely in favor of lying, cheating and stealing to keep these criminals in office. What Ds refuse to tolerate in their representatives, rw's celebrate and reward.

rw voters really don't mind that R congress does nothing for 125 days a year, brags about doing nothing for 125 days a year, vacations the rest of the year and gets paid more than $125K for it.

I keep remembering the minorities in Florida standing for hours and hours while the polling places took their good old time allowing them to vote. The more these things get out, the less effect Republican obstruction has.

i remember in california all the whities standing for hours and hours to vote

your point?

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