Meet The Press: Obama Campaign Manager says "We must raise the debt ceiling......"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

David Plouffe, Obama's Senior Adviser and campaign manager said several things that I couldn't believe. One of them really stuck out.

He said that we must raise the debt ceiling from time to time.

Excuse Me!!!

Is it official Obama policy to go deeper and deeper in debt? Am I getting this right???

A couple of other things that stuck out was that he claimed that taxes must be raised to help the Middle Class taxpayer deal with higher fuel prices and food prices. This to me means that inflation is not only acceptable but something this administration has no intention on dealing with. Instead they intend on offsetting this by soaking what they claim are the targeted rich. The Fat-Cats.

For some reason I don't believe them when they say this. It seems that every policy Obama pushes down our throats ends up hurting the Middle Class taxpayer when they claim it's only hurting the rich. I have a novel idea: Why does anyone have to be hurt???? Is this all about getting even with someone who has what you don't have? Must the rich and the successful be under constant attack in this country? Explain to me how everything becomes better once we make those fat bastards pay a price for simply being well off.

The problem that many on the left never want to face is when you soak the rich they end up making consumers pay for their higher taxes. Instead of punishing the rich the rich move their factories and their businesses to other countries. They pass on higher government fees to people that buy their products. Another problem that continually seems to arise is once you grant the government the power to take more of your money the ceiling of what is considered to be rich tends to float and eventually encompasses more and more of us. Eventually everyone but non-taxpayers get the shaft.
A prime example is what has happenedf in the UK. Their VAT started out at single digits and is currently 20%. This is bound to happen here with any new tax you allow these politicians to have. They will always spend more then they need and eventually higher taxes will hit all of us.

So who really ends up paying for all of these giveaways to the poor?

We all do.

What we have seen since Obama took office is doubling of gas prices, a 30% increase in food prices in the last 6 months, and less money for ourselves. How selfish of us.

It seems that the Democrats have always been and always will be irresponsible with our money. They ruin the economy, cause universal hardship and when they lose power the GOP does everything in their power to reverse all of the damage. And in the process the GOP gets demonized for their efforts, but they still do it like idiots without a second thought. They're accused of everything from killing kids to causing breast cancer. I don't see why they even bother.

How any reasonable person could go along with this constant battle I'll never understand. Now the Obama Administration has made it clear they want to drive us even deeper into debt by raising the debt ceiling "from time to time". I see no end to this. The only way we can afford to do all of the things that Democrats claim we must do is going to drive up the debt. First pay it down, then worry about those poor Cowboy Poets.

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change we can believe in. unfortunately it is not the kind of change we want.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.
The problem that many on the left never want to face is when you soak the rich they end up making consumers pay for their higher taxes. Instead of punishing the rich the rich move their factories and their businesses to other countries. They pass on higher government fees to people that buy their products. Another problem that continually seems to arise is once you grant the government the power to take more of your money the ceiling of what is considered to be rich tends to float and eventually encompasses more and more of us. Eventually everyone but non-taxpayers get the shaft.
A prime example is what has happen in the UK. Their VAT started out at single digits and is currently 20%. This is bound to happen here with any new tax you allow these politicians to have. They will always spend more then they need and eventually higher taxes will hit all of us.

So who really ends up paying for all of these giveaways to the poor?

We all do.

What we have seen since Obama took office is doubling of gas prices, a 30% increase in food prices in the last 6 months, and less money for ourselves. How selfish of us.

It seems that the Democrats have always been and always will be irresponsible with our money. They ruin the economy, cause universal hardship and when they lose power the GOP does everything in their power to reverse all of the damage. And in the process the GOP gets demonized for their efforts, but they still do it like idiots without a second thought. They're accused of everything from killing kids to causing breast cancer. I don't see why they even bother.

How any reasonable person could go along with this constant battle I'll never understand. Now the Obama Administration has made it clear they want to drive us even deeper into debt by raising the debt ceiling "from time to time". I see no end to this. The only way we can afford to do all of the things that Democrat claim we must do is going to drive up the debt. First pay it down, then worry about those poor Cowboy Poets.


well Fluffer as usual has a poor handle on economics and he is what he is, a spinmeister, don't get upset by what you see on meet the depressed, he is setting the table for the 2012 budget redeuctions in spending, just raise taxes in a recession, oh wait thats been over for 21 months, I meant rasie taxes in a very poor economy on the fat that will get us anywhere....

You can drive taxes back to 70%, the impact on our overall situation, minus cuts would not be the fix that is necessary.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.

The Democratic party have always been the workers. You may have mentioned your version but it isn't true.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.

The Democratic party have always been the workers. You may have mentioned your version but it isn't true.

yeah, working to fuck everything up.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.

The Democratic party have always been the workers.

whatever does that have to do with what I said?

You may have mentioned your version but it isn't true.

you are a stranger to facts....enjoy the soma.

The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

So you're ok with never-ending spending, no end to raising the debt ceiling, no attempt whatsoever to really, truly get things under control? You do know that this can not be sustained, right? Will you still be laughing when this country implodes from it all? Probably.
democrats are full of donkey shit. The real battles are coming. the Republicans may lose a skirmish here or there, but the fleebagging demonrats who couldn't get it up enough to even pass a budget last year are gonna be the over all losers.. I love it this morning when they kept saying "we must act like adult" they don't fucking know what an adult is, they act like little tantrum throwers.. the asshole in chief was willing to punish the troops to score his cheap assed political points.. always remember that.
David Plouffe, Obama's Senior Adviser and campaign manager said several things that I couldn't believe. One of them really stuck out.

He said that we must raise the debt ceiling from time to time.

Excuse Me!!!

Is it official Obama policy to go deeper and deeper in debt? Am I getting this right???

Oh my GAAAAAWWWD!!!! He said WHAAAAT??!!!


Calm down, dude. The debt ceiling has to be raised. If it is not, the US defaults on its debt. If that happens, the effect on the US economy could be devastating. Is that what you want to happen? Only ignorant Teabags think it's ok not to raise it. But please, genius,
tell us your solution. This ought to be grand. :cuckoo:
David Plouffe, Obama's Senior Adviser and campaign manager said several things that I couldn't believe. One of them really stuck out.

He said that we must raise the debt ceiling from time to time.

Excuse Me!!!

Is it official Obama policy to go deeper and deeper in debt? Am I getting this right???

Oh my GAAAAAWWWD!!!! He said WHAAAAT??!!!


Calm down, dude. The debt ceiling has to be raised. If it is not, the US defaults on its debt. If that happens, the effect on the US economy could be devastating. Is that what you want to happen? Only ignorant Teabags think it's ok not to raise it. But please, genius,
tell us your solution. This ought to be grand. :cuckoo:

Maybe that's what we need: TO START OVER.

Maybe next time we won't let keynesian economics and democrats fuck it up.
democrats are full of donkey shit. The real battles are coming. the Republicans may lose a skirmish here or there, but the fleebagging demonrats who couldn't get it up enough to even pass a budget last year are gonna be the over all losers.. I love it this morning when they kept saying "we must act like adult" they don't fucking know what an adult is, they act like little tantrum throwers.. the asshole in chief was willing to punish the troops to score his cheap assed political points.. always remember that.

Obama was willing to punish the troops? :lol::lol::lol: You're a good little con, aren't you? You have your lying talking points down pat. Democrats said they were more than willing to vote to give pay to troops during a gov't shutdown. Here's the difference between the two parties. Dems said they'd vote for troop pay in a stand alone bill. Repubs wouldn't put it in a stand alone bill. They insisted on attaching riders to it. So, yeah, Repubs wanted to pay the troops as long as they got to push their social agenda in the same bill. Then they stood up on the House floor accusing the Dems of not caring for the troops. Any reasonable person (I realize you're not one of those people) can clearly see that Repubs were holding troop pay hostage to getting their social agenda through. Shameless politicking with troop pay. And fools like you will buy it every time.
David Plouffe, Obama's Senior Adviser and campaign manager said several things that I couldn't believe. One of them really stuck out.

He said that we must raise the debt ceiling from time to time.

Excuse Me!!!

Is it official Obama policy to go deeper and deeper in debt? Am I getting this right???

Oh my GAAAAAWWWD!!!! He said WHAAAAT??!!!


Calm down, dude. The debt ceiling has to be raised. If it is not, the US defaults on its debt. If that happens, the effect on the US economy could be devastating. Is that what you want to happen? Only ignorant Teabags think it's ok not to raise it. But please, genius,
tell us your solution. This ought to be grand. :cuckoo:

Maybe that's what we need: TO START OVER.

Maybe next time we won't let keynesian economics and democrats fuck it up.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's your solution? Start over? Default on the nation's debt, go back into a recession and start over? Jesus Christ, you people are absurd.
Starting over is better than fucking our kids over in the debt of past generations, isnt it?

And that is not my solution, but it is better than digging the hole deeper and deeper if that scenario occurs. I'd rather just see a balanced budget. Even that is too much to ask.
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The Repubs in the House have still more work ahead of them. I know they're not used to it. Being the obstructionist party of no was easy.

I have mentioned this to you oh several times, but each time I see it I'll mention it again-

you had a supra- majority for 8 months. You had a reconciliation majority for 2 years. YOUR party were the obstructionist's, do you understand that? really?

So this obstructionist comment is, well, not honest. And lets see how your objection stands up when the tables turn.

The Democratic party have always been the workers. You may have mentioned your version but it isn't true.

That's a false stereotype. The workers are the Middle Class which support the both parties just about evenly. Saying that GOP voters don't work is hogwash.
Starting over is better than fucking our kids over in the debt of past generations, isnt it?

And that is not my solution, but it is better than digging the hole deeper and deeper if that scenario occurs. I'd rather just see a balanced budget. Even that is too much to ask.

Sending the nation into another recession is not a good solution. In fact, it's the worst thing we could do right now. If you want to see a balanced budget, look back to 2000. Clinton left it; Bush spent it.
Starting over is better than fucking our kids over in the debt of past generations, isnt it?

And that is not my solution, but it is better than digging the hole deeper and deeper if that scenario occurs. I'd rather just see a balanced budget. Even that is too much to ask.

Sending the nation into another recession is not a good solution. In fact, it's the worst thing we could do right now. If you want to see a balanced budget, look back to 2000. Clinton left it; Bush spent it.

Ok, fine, that is called the PAST. I don't give a flying FUCK about the past. FIX THE FUTURE AND FIX THE NOW. Balance the budget or default and start over. Those are the only two options that will have positive outcomes in the long run.

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