Meet the real founder of ISIS

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, of course, is the founder of ISIS.

Some bubble brains think it is Obama. Bubble brains, yeah.

Here's the story of the man who actually founded ISIS


Obama only aided, abetted and armed ISIS
I support Gary Johnson.

You support Trump and WWIII.

You clearly haven't a clue.
Obama is TRYING to start WWIII, and Hillary will indeed get it started if he doesn't. Both Obama and Hillary are bought and paid for Neo-Cons serving the Military Industrial Complex and Central Banks. Hence Syria, Libya, Yemen etc.

The world better start paying attention, the South China Sea and the Ukraine are prime examples of the Global provocation being perpetrated by this Admin. He is arming Vietnam in defiance of China. No matter WHAT we give/sell to Vietnam China would squash them like a bug. So why do it?
Obama only aided, abetted and armed ISIS
As Reagan aided, abetted and armed the mujaheddin and Osama?

The difference is that Reagan did it deliberately. As did GHWB with Saddam.

Obama and Hillary determined that ISIS could be controlled and used for the purposes of taking out Daffy Duck and Assad. Reagan did it in response to outright genocide being perpetrated by the Russians on the Afghan people. History isn't your strong suit.
Obama only aided, abetted and armed ISIS
As Reagan aided, abetted and armed the mujaheddin and Osama?

The difference is that Reagan did it deliberately. As did GHWB with Saddam.

Obama and Hillary determined that ISIS could be controlled and used for the purposes of taking out Daffy Duck and Assad. Reagan did it in response to outright genocide being perpetrated by the Russians on the Afghan people. History isn't your strong suit.
So you admit that RR and GWHB deliberately armed people like OBL but Obama did not. Thank you.
Of course, vacating Iraq, leaving a huge vacuum - void of leadership, had nothing to do with the rising power of ISIS - the JV team.
At least The Blamer drew a red line in the sand. That showed 'em.
This is what happens when you elect a salesman to pose as a leader.
Obama only aided, abetted and armed ISIS
As Reagan aided, abetted and armed the mujaheddin and Osama?

The difference is that Reagan did it deliberately. As did GHWB with Saddam.

Obama and Hillary determined that ISIS could be controlled and used for the purposes of taking out Daffy Duck and Assad. Reagan did it in response to outright genocide being perpetrated by the Russians on the Afghan people. History isn't your strong suit.
So you admit that RR and GWHB deliberately armed people like OBL but Obama did not. Thank you.

You don't read well, but I knew that.
Obama whom we all know you voted for, IS arming ISIS and Al Qaeda as we type. Again, history is not your strong suit.
Tell us Mr. Starkey why would Obama arm these two groups?
Grizz admits I was right about Obama, Reagan, and Bush the elder.

Game, set, match.

Ask Grizz about the 8.5 billion dollars and 11,000 air strikes authorized by BHO against ISIS, who the functionally illiterate or treasonous Trumpers (no other logical choices), who are cheering on.
Grizz admits I was right about Obama, Reagan, and Bush the elder.

Game, set, match.

Ask Grizz about the 8.5 billion dollars and 11,000 air strikes authorized by BHO against ISIS, who the functionally illiterate or treasonous Trumpers (no other logical choices), who are cheering on.

Actually Grizz has beat you like a cheap rug once again. Why is Obama arming ISIS and Al Qaeda as we type Mr. Starkey?
Are you afraid to answer that?
I have also posted a memo showing that we are "supporting" the "rebel" in Syria....which happen to be....wait for it.......Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Obama only aided, abetted and armed ISIS
As Reagan aided, abetted and armed the mujaheddin and Osama?

The difference is that Reagan did it deliberately. As did GHWB with Saddam.

Osama had NOTHING to do with the Mujaheddin that Reagan armed. You Progressive think all brown people are alike.

It stills burns you that Reagan beat your hometeam, the USSR
Grizz has admitted (Frank denied, wrongly) the deliberate connection of earlier presidents to OBL, SH, and armed jihadists.

Grizz has backed off the Trump lie of Obama as "the founder of ISIS".

Grizz, however, pretends that Obama has not approved 8.5 billion dollars and 11,000 airstrikes against ISIS. Why is that? :)

Trump roots for the Russians, Frank, just like you do.

It was my friend Charlie Wilson who was instrumental in defeating your Russian buddies.

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