Meet the terrorists terrorizing Joe Biden, causing him to scramble jets to shoot down balloons

The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade, picture taken October 8th 2022

Front row left to right: Gordie Mulley, KD9TVR, Kelsi Mulley KE9LSI, Noah Berg KD9RDT and Mikaela Streicher KD9VIW Back row, left to right: Doug Mulley KD9TPM, Bob Berg KD9RDU, Jim Janiak KD9UQB, Stewart Spies KB9LM, Don Whiteman KK9H, Ken Daniel K9YO, Michael Seedman AA6DY and Cary Willis KD9ITO

With Biden using jets to shoot down balloons at $2 million dollars a pop and the FBI making sure the terrorist parents at school board meetings are kept in check, I don't know about you, but I feel so much safer these days.

I can't decide what's worse: the whole UFO war of the worlds psychological operation or the eager willingness of the public to talk about and accept it as some kind of real life event, thus lending it a most asinine relevance.
Hannity says the balloons were shot down even though the president didn't know anything about them. But in a way, doesn't a country have to do that? It could have been from China or Russia or Iran.

But Corn Pop didn't care because he let the thing go across the whole US before he shot it down and then only because people were complaining (politics)

I miss the good old days of Trump
Don't worry I think everyone does.
Balloons are racist

So is snow, and we're having a blast watching the leftist vermin losing it, trying to explain to the county that they can just pick it up and put it elsewhere, so their little sensitive selves are not forced to keep looking at it for months at a time!

And we are expecting another 10 inches or so next week, so all the snow that's gotten all gray and black will be bright shiny white again!

It's so entertaining, watching them out there, crying, with their hair dryers, trying to make all that white stuff JUST GO AWAY!!!!!

Tater can nuke this one with extreme prejudice......During the parade.

His approval numbers would go up 10 points with the 50 and over crowd. ;)


The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade, picture taken October 8th 2022

Front row left to right: Gordie Mulley, KD9TVR, Kelsi Mulley KE9LSI, Noah Berg KD9RDT and Mikaela Streicher KD9VIW Back row, left to right: Doug Mulley KD9TPM, Bob Berg KD9RDU, Jim Janiak KD9UQB, Stewart Spies KB9LM, Don Whiteman KK9H, Ken Daniel K9YO, Michael Seedman AA6DY and Cary Willis KD9ITO

With Biden using jets to shoot down balloons at $2 million dollars a pop and the FBI making sure the terrorist parents at school board meetings are kept in check, I don't know about you, but I feel so much safer these days.
To the FBI these certainly look like terrorists.
Kind of incompetent, wouldn't you say?
Incompetent Pentagon? Possible. After all it never was Trump's job to monitor the skies. That would be Norad's job. Then they report to the president. Did they not report, or just totally fail to perform?
Incompetent Pentagon? Possible. After all it never was Trump's job to monitor the skies. That would be Norad's job. Then they report to the president. Did they not report, or just totally fail to perform?
You seem to think it's Biden's job! What gives? Is personal responsibility only for the other guy in MAGAland?
Once Biden was made aware of the incursion what to do about it became his responsibility. Since Trump was never made aware of any incursion, he never had any responsibility to do anything.
Once Biden was made aware of the incursion what to do about it became his responsibility. Since Trump was never made aware of any incursion, he never had any responsibility to do anything.
Biden took care of business and listened to his military advisors, which Trump would never do since he "knew more" than all the generals! :rolleyes-41:
Biden took care of business and listened to his military advisors, which Trump would never do since he "knew more" than all the generals! :rolleyes-41:
We don't know what Trump would have done since no one knew of foreign craft in our skies nor told him.

As our generals were continually feeding the president misinformation and lies, either Trump really did know more than the generals or he knew they were outright lying.
We don't know what Trump would have done since no one knew of foreign craft in our skies nor told him.

As our generals were continually feeding the president misinformation and lies, either Trump really did know more than the generals or he knew they were outright lying.

Yep, milley is a prime example and should be charged with treason and hung.
Of course Biden isn't taking care of business. He brags about getting his butt wiped. Someone is taking care of Biden's business. Someone unknown and unelected. So far, it looks like someone pretty high up in the PRC.
We don't know what Trump would have done since no one knew of foreign craft in our skies nor told him.

As our generals were continually feeding the president misinformation and lies, either Trump really did know more than the generals or he knew they were outright lying.
I think you were right the first time, Trump doesn't know anything.

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