Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia

Honey, you are looking at only federal pursuits, which the odds of finding those is probably a billion in 1. And someone has to sit down and check the rolls against voters that appear to be able to even find a suspected fraud, which most election offices simply do not have the time or wherewithal to do. And you know that.
Many of the ones found are by groups or media taking the time to check those rolls, and then they get charged locally or through the state.

And unlike you, I don't want my vote washed out by one single fraudulent vote.
Anyone who thinks that elections have been influenced by voter fraud are just simply desperate, stupid people who don't want to look at the numbers. They don't believe in math. Or facts.

George Bush's DOJ in 2006 found only 40 incidents of voter fraud out of 197,000,000 votes cast between 2002 and 2005 in federal elections.

Myth of Voter Fraud
The Misleading Myth of Voter Fraud in American Elections | Scholars Strategy Network
Voter Fraud: It's Real, But Rare
Honey, you are looking at only federal pursuits, which the odds of finding those is probably a billion in 1. And someone has to sit down and check the rolls against voters that appear to be able to even find a suspected fraud, which most election offices simply do not have the time or wherewithal to do. And you know that.
Many of the ones found are by groups or media taking the time to check those rolls, and then they get charged locally or through the state.

And unlike you, I don't want my vote washed out by one single fraudulent vote.

Voter fraud is like speeders on the highway. People are driving 15, 20, 30 miles over the speed limit. But if there are no police officers to take laser and catch the speeders, there are no speeders as far as the authorities are concerned. Anybody can speed because nobody is there to stop them.

Voter ID is that police officer taking laser. It's there to slow motorists down and hopefully stop speeding from taking place. If strong enough, deter people from speeding in the first place.
Appeals court upholds Dothan woman's voter fraud conviction
Wrong. Voted 24 times. The votes counted.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Absentee ballots have nothing to do with having to show accepted ID to vote. Don't you understand that?

But...but...but leftards say an accepted ID is the same as a poll tax.......

It is. The new ID laws would have nothing to do with reducing absentee voter fraud.

So I guess that the democrats will continue doing it.
My fellow conservatives if you think you can shame the left with an example of breaking the law, you are going to be disappointed. Hell what would shame the left these days, nothing I can think of however low and cowardly.
Appeals court upholds Dothan woman's voter fraud conviction
Wrong. Voted 24 times. The votes counted.

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Absentee ballots have nothing to do with having to show accepted ID to vote. Don't you understand that?

But...but...but leftards say an accepted ID is the same as a poll tax.......

It is. The new ID laws would have nothing to do with reducing absentee voter fraud.

So I guess that the democrats will continue doing it.

they have to. globalization is at stake
My fellow conservatives if you think you can shame the left with an example of breaking the law, you are going to be disappointed. Hell what would shame the left these days, nothing I can think of however low and cowardly.

we have no laws and no constitution
Honey, you are looking at only federal pursuits, which the odds of finding those is probably a billion in 1. And someone has to sit down and check the rolls against voters that appear to be able to even find a suspected fraud, which most election offices simply do not have the time or wherewithal to do. And you know that.
Many of the ones found are by groups or media taking the time to check those rolls, and then they get charged locally or through the state.

And unlike you, I don't want my vote washed out by one single fraudulent vote.

Voter fraud is like speeders on the highway. People are driving 15, 20, 30 miles over the speed limit. But if there are no police officers to take laser and catch the speeders, there are no speeders as far as the authorities are concerned. Anybody can speed because nobody is there to stop them.

Voter ID is that police officer taking laser. It's there to slow motorists down and hopefully stop speeding from taking place. If strong enough, deter people from speeding in the first place.

in theory your right. in reality Dems are handing out illegals ID cards like candy
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Glad to see current laws and enforcement practices led to this criminal being apprehended.
Like I said, I have dozens and dozens of stories of voter fraud. How many would you like?


That means we should put in place laws that would do little prevent them, but end up turning away thousands of legitimate voters. Brilliant.
Like I said, I have dozens and dozens of stories of voter fraud. How many would you like?


That means we should put in place laws that would do little prevent them, but end up turning away thousands of legitimate voters. Brilliant.

If someone does not have the where-with-all to get a "gubermint" ID for the princely sum of 15 bucks that doesn't have to be renewed for four years? Do you REALLY trust their judgement as to whom would make a better corporate officer for USA.INC?

That means we should put in place laws that would do little prevent them, but end up turning away thousands of legitimate voters. Brilliant.

Oh yes, because anybody can live in this country without any photo identification. All you have to do is never buy alcohol, never buy tobacco products, never cash a check at a store, never leave the country, never board an airplane, never apply for a bank loan, and you'll be just fine; the thousands of you that live your life this way.
in theory your right. in reality Dems are handing out illegals ID cards like candy

This is true, and in liberal meccas like California, they automatically register you to vote when you get a drivers license, and of course, they allow illegals to get drivers licenses.

That means we should put in place laws that would do little prevent them, but end up turning away thousands of legitimate voters. Brilliant.

Oh yes, because anybody can live in this country without any photo identification. All you have to do is never buy alcohol, never buy tobacco products, never cash a check at a store, never leave the country, never board an airplane, never apply for a bank loan, and you'll be just fine; the thousands of you that live your life this way.

I support REASONABLE ID/voting laws that 1. can actually prevent fraud and 2. Do so without suppressing vote.

Unfortunately Republican politicians have proven to be more interested in suppression of voting among Democratic leaning demographics than anything else.
I support REASONABLE ID/voting laws that 1. can actually prevent fraud and 2. Do so without suppressing vote.

Unfortunately Republican politicians have proven to be more interested in suppression of voting among Democratic leaning demographics than anything else.

Really? So how does one law that applies to everybody suppressing anybody? Are you saying that Democrat voters are less capable, less intelligent, less resourceful than Republican voters?
I support REASONABLE ID/voting laws that 1. can actually prevent fraud and 2. Do so without suppressing vote.

Unfortunately Republican politicians have proven to be more interested in suppression of voting among Democratic leaning demographics than anything else.

Really? So how does one law that applies to everybody suppressing anybody? Are you saying that Democrat voters are less capable, less intelligent, less resourceful than Republican voters?

"anybody" is not really the standard. I just want to see reasonable effort in the law to accommodate the voters to make up for the increased burden to vote. I don't want it to stink of politics.
I support REASONABLE ID/voting laws that 1. can actually prevent fraud and 2. Do so without suppressing vote.

Unfortunately Republican politicians have proven to be more interested in suppression of voting among Democratic leaning demographics than anything else.

Really? So how does one law that applies to everybody suppressing anybody? Are you saying that Democrat voters are less capable, less intelligent, less resourceful than Republican voters?

"anybody" is not really the standard. I just want to see reasonable effort in the law to accommodate the voters to make up for the increased burden to vote. I don't want it to stink of politics.

If you want to participate in the banana republic elections? Get a "gubermint"'s not that fucking complicated....
I support REASONABLE ID/voting laws that 1. can actually prevent fraud and 2. Do so without suppressing vote.

Unfortunately Republican politicians have proven to be more interested in suppression of voting among Democratic leaning demographics than anything else.

Really? So how does one law that applies to everybody suppressing anybody? Are you saying that Democrat voters are less capable, less intelligent, less resourceful than Republican voters?

"anybody" is not really the standard. I just want to see reasonable effort in the law to accommodate the voters to make up for the increased burden to vote. I don't want it to stink of politics.

What burden? A state ID or driver's license is NOT a burden and has many useful purposes beyond voting. I never have heard people talking in line to vote about a burden of photo ID.

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