Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia

You realize activist judges are not making the country stronger and in fact help perpetuate racism by creating a protected class.

There is nothing activist about the ruling - race based voter suppression efforts are blatantly illegal.

Once again, how can they be racist if they apply to all equally?

Once again SIMPLY READ what was established in the case, it's all right there in my link.

Is it really too much to ask? Let me know if it is.

Try answering the question.

I just want you to tell me the truth - you can't be bothered to read a few paragraphs in a link on your own.

Admit it and I'll chew it up for you.
You realize activist judges are not making the country stronger and in fact help perpetuate racism by creating a protected class.

There is nothing activist about the ruling - race based voter suppression efforts are blatantly illegal.

Once again, how can they be racist if they apply to all equally?

Once again SIMPLY READ what was established in the case, it's all right there in my link.

Is it really too much to ask? Let me know if it is.

Try answering the question.

I just want you to tell me the truth - you can't be bothered to read a few paragraphs in a link on your own.

Admit it and I'll chew it up for you.

I read the damn decision, they started with a predetermination that the bill was racist, then found ways to justify it. Something the lower court didn't do. One thing they cited was early voting being reduced. They said blacks tended to vote in greater numbers during the first 7 days of early voting, yet they didn't say why they couldn't continue to do so. Why pay poll workers for 17 days when it appeared that it could be done in 10.
You realize activist judges are not making the country stronger and in fact help perpetuate racism by creating a protected class.

There is nothing activist about the ruling - race based voter suppression efforts are blatantly illegal.

Once again, how can they be racist if they apply to all equally?

Once again SIMPLY READ what was established in the case, it's all right there in my link.

Is it really too much to ask? Let me know if it is.

Try answering the question.

I just want you to tell me the truth - you can't be bothered to read a few paragraphs in a link on your own.

Admit it and I'll chew it up for you.

Still waiting on that chewing.
There is nothing activist about the ruling - race based voter suppression efforts are blatantly illegal.

Once again, how can they be racist if they apply to all equally?

Once again SIMPLY READ what was established in the case, it's all right there in my link.

Is it really too much to ask? Let me know if it is.

Try answering the question.

I just want you to tell me the truth - you can't be bothered to read a few paragraphs in a link on your own.

Admit it and I'll chew it up for you.

I read the damn decision, they started with a predetermination that the bill was racist, then found ways to justify it. Something the lower court didn't do. One thing they cited was early voting being reduced. They said blacks tended to vote in greater numbers during the first 7 days of early voting, yet they didn't say why they couldn't continue to do so. Why pay poll workers for 17 days when it appeared that it could be done in 10.

Great! You read some of it.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but decisions on changes didn't flow from budgetary considerations but RACIAL STATISTICS legislature specifically sought.

Court found that legislature looked at ways to surpress heavily democrat-leaning black voting. The changes implemented would ALL be statistically expected to reduce black voter participation.
Once again, how can they be racist if they apply to all equally?

Once again SIMPLY READ what was established in the case, it's all right there in my link.

Is it really too much to ask? Let me know if it is.

Try answering the question.

I just want you to tell me the truth - you can't be bothered to read a few paragraphs in a link on your own.

Admit it and I'll chew it up for you.

I read the damn decision, they started with a predetermination that the bill was racist, then found ways to justify it. Something the lower court didn't do. One thing they cited was early voting being reduced. They said blacks tended to vote in greater numbers during the first 7 days of early voting, yet they didn't say why they couldn't continue to do so. Why pay poll workers for 17 days when it appeared that it could be done in 10.

Great! You read some of it.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but decisions on changes didn't flow from budgetary considerations but RACIAL STATISTICS legislature specifically sought.

Court found that legislature looked at ways to surpress heavily democrat-leaning black voting. The changes implemented would ALL be statistically expected to reduce black voter participation.

Not a long reach when it was predetermined to be racist in the first place. Since the court didn't bother to explain why blacks couldn't continue to vote in the first 7 days of early voting, would you care to give it a try?
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

Opinion obtain through experience
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

Opinion obtain through experience

I'm just wondering about your experience. How much experience do you have of being in a place where people are caught cheating? Or is this second hand experience from the media? Also, do you read all the media stories, or just those that suit your opinion.

Basically I'm not putting much faith in your so called experience here. I think you're just making it up.
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

It seems like it I never hear about corruption in the south like it is up in the north.

Why is that_?
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

It seems like it I never hear about corruption in the south like it is up in the north.

Why is that_?

Because they're so used to corruption it isn't worth talking about? I don't know, make your own case.

All I'm saying is that you're coming up with an argument, basing it on what you think, not what you have researched, and it's not sticking right now.
Appeals court upholds Dothan woman's voter fraud conviction
Wrong. Voted 24 times. The votes counted.

There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.
She should be hanged.
Appeals court upholds Dothan woman's voter fraud conviction
Wrong. Voted 24 times. The votes counted.

There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.
She should be hanged.

it is treason
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

It seems like it I never hear about corruption in the south like it is up in the north.

Why is that_?

Because they're so used to corruption it isn't worth talking about? I don't know, make your own case.

All I'm saying is that you're coming up with an argument, basing it on what you think, not what you have researched, and it's not sticking right now.
What corruption in the south? We don't have damn unions to influence big money.
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Dispite current safeguards, voter fraud still manages to occur.

January 12, 2012: Voter Fraud in South Carolina

[South Carolina] State officials are calling for an investigation after records determined that more than 900 people listed as deceased also have recently voted, calling into question the integrity of the state's election system.

There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Disputes current safeguards, voter fraud still manages to occur.

January 12, 2012: Voter Fraud in South Carolina

[South Carolina] State officials are calling for an investigation after records determined that more than 900 people listed as deceased also have recently voted, calling into question the integrity of the state's election system.


wonder how many voted democrat
It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time.

Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia | Zero Hedge

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see "FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia"). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently"Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

Do you have evidence that "It is always democrats caught cheating, or at least the majority of the time"?

Or you just made it up?

It seems like it I never hear about corruption in the south like it is up in the north.

Why is that_?

Because they're so used to corruption it isn't worth talking about? I don't know, make your own case.

All I'm saying is that you're coming up with an argument, basing it on what you think, not what you have researched, and it's not sticking right now.
What corruption in the south? We don't have damn unions to influence big money.

What corruption? Seeing how the South is where the worst of the US seems to appear, I don't think it should be that hard.

Right, corruption 1 (in "legitimate" corruption) is the prison system in Louisiana.

Louisiana is the world's prison capital

Prisons for profit, run by sheriffs with more of an eye on getting people back into prison than making them a part of society.

Louisiana Sheriff Busted in Private Prison Scheme | Prison Legal News

Louisiana Sheriff Busted in Private Prison Scheme"

Legal Schnauzer: Judicial Corruption in the Deep South

Judicial Corruption in the Deep South"

My research indicates that it is very rare for the press to break a story about judicial corruption, at either the state or federal level. Such cases almost always come to light only when the FBI gets involved and an investigation is made public.

Why is that? My guess is that reporters and editors are intimidated by judges, and judges and lawyers do their best to make the whole legal process seem baffling. Most media outlets don't want to invest the time and effort it takes to truly understand and uncover judicial corruption. Better to wait for the feds to do something and bring you a press release."

"* First there is the Mississippi case we've noted several times involving attorney Paul Minor and judges John Whitfield and Wes Teel. Sentencing came down in the case about 10 days ago."

"An investigation of alleged judicial corruption was conducted for more than four years in Tampa, Florida. The case was closed last fall."

"* Operation Wrinkled Robe has produced numerous guilty pleas in New Orleans, Louisiana."

Maybe it's just a case of A) sometimes the corruption is legitimized because everyone's on the take, from the politicians to anyone else, and B) maybe you're just not seeing the corruption that is there.
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Disputes current safeguards, voter fraud still manages to occur.

January 12, 2012: Voter Fraud in South Carolina

[South Carolina] State officials are calling for an investigation after records determined that more than 900 people listed as deceased also have recently voted, calling into question the integrity of the state's election system.


wonder how many voted democrat

Well, this is what I'm concerned about. We need to bring back the integrity of our Federal laws, and we can see Democrats will do just about anything to win in elections.

Court Case Halts Obama Administration’s Policy of Allowing Illegals to Vote, For Now

In an attempt to create a robust voting bloc and suppress the will of several states, the Obama administration is pushing to enfranchise non-citizens, including illegal immigrants. The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), FAIR’s public interest legal affiliate, is representing Kris Kobach, secretary of state of Kansas, who is trying to work with the ostensibly non-partisan Election Assistance Commission to help ensure that only citizens register to vote.

Federal Court Case Halts Obama Administration’s Policy of Allowing Illegals to Vote, For Now
That is intellectually weak and stupid position to take.

Enjoy your comfortable bias confirming stay in the rightwing bubble.

I live in a bubble? You're the one who thinks that minorities can't do the same as whites when it comes to getting Voter-ID's. To be honest, there is no explanation for that. Do they have the same two arms, the same two legs, the same ability to see?

I can tell you what Democrats are really upset about when it comes to voting, but you would never accept the honest answer.
That is intellectually weak and stupid position to take.

Enjoy your comfortable bias confirming stay in the rightwing bubble.

I live in a bubble? You're the one who thinks that minorities can't do the same as whites when it comes to getting Voter-ID's. To be honest, there is no explanation for that. Do they have the same two arms, the same two legs, the same ability to see?

I can tell you what Democrats are really upset about when it comes to voting, but you would never accept the honest answer.

Well it's also racist for democrats to assume the argument that it's an effort to suppress the minority vote, as if only African Americans are the ones who happen to be poor or homeless. That is just something I don't see. An individual's misfortunes or struggles are not the result of (limited by) that person's particular ethnic group or background. Focusing on the individuals race as opposed to looking at the overall issue, is how the democrats manage to allow racism and division to flourish. Hillary for example, would much rather simply pit one group against another as opposed to addressing the issue, and make it about the deplorables instead. It's what works for democrats, and to be honest Mrs Clinton believes she stands a greater chance of winning that way.
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Technically if someone turned in a Micky Mouse registration wouldn't that be fraud?

This guy apparently did 19 dead people, hard to say that isn't anything other than fraud.

Or maybe you need the definition of fraud?

Yet none of the dead people actually cast a vote. That's why we have safeguards to catch stuff like that. They work pretty good too. They caught those 19 just like they
There are always registration mistakes. Anyone can easily turn in a registration form for Micky Mouse, but that doesn't mean an actual vote can be cast.

Unless there is a voter ID law in place, there is nothing to prevent people from claiming the name of the dead registered person in order to vote....get it now?

In your thousands of hours of study, you should have spent a few minutes researching our voting system and it's safeguards.

Dispite current safeguards, voter fraud still manages to occur.

January 12, 2012: Voter Fraud in South Carolina

[South Carolina] State officials are calling for an investigation after records determined that more than 900 people listed as deceased also have recently voted, calling into question the integrity of the state's election system.


Your source was from 2012, and the result was an overzealous purging of many valid voters being dropped from the voting rolls.

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