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Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

So, your defense of the Democrats is that Whitman had a housekeeper that may have been an illegal alien?

Wow... you've actually outdone yourself this time.

I'm betting he didn't bitch when Colin Powell said he had illegals working for him. Talk about hypocrisy.

Your inabiity to read comprehensively is distrubing. I didn't "bitch" about Colin Powell nor did I "bitch" about Whitman. Any average fifth grader should be able to read what I wrote and discern my meaning.

The OP in its entirety:

News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.

Oh geeze Louise.. calm down before you soil your granny panties.
So let me get this straight:

The United States Federal Government is suing the State of Arizona because it has a law in which the police may check the immigration status of someone detained for another violation of the law...


Private Citizens are supposed to check immigration status when they hire domestic workers and gardeners.

Given how Motor Voter has enabled many illegals to get perfectly legal appearing drivers licenses, how is a private citizen supposed to enforce the immigration laws to which our Federal Government refuses and many localities grant "asylum?
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Oh, by-the by....

Whitman got smoked out a couple of months ago taking both sides of the immigration issue, depending upon which language you speak. She had Spanish language pro-amnesty ads directed at the Latino community, while appeasing the seal-the-borders crowd in English....Her indistinguishable, flip-floppy position on the issue is nothing new, to people who have been paying any attention to the race.

So, the sudden hew and cry of "HYPOCRISY!" from the usual leftloon suspects is born of either ignorance or disingenuousness....I'd hedge my bets and go with both.
So let me get this straight:

The United States Federal Government is suing the State of Arizona because it has a law in which the police may check the immigration status of someone detained for another violation of the law...


Private Citizens are supposed to check immigration status when they hire domestic workers and gardeners.

Given how Motor Voter has enabled many illegals to get perfectly legal appearing drivers licenses, how is a private citizen supposed to enforce the immigration laws to which our Federal Government refuses and many localities grant "asylum?

Gee, nice rant; non sequitur much?
It goes beyond checking immigration status, if as alleged Ms. Whitman knowingly hired an undocumented alien, Ms. Whitman committed fraud; by failling to pay payroll taxes she cheated the tax payers of this country and her employee.
Now, should Henry the homeowner pay payroll taxes for hiring an undocumented alien from the road in front of home depot? Yep. And if Henry the homeowner runs for Governor, be he a D or an R or an I or even a TP he better not have, because it'll come out.

The point is (for Whitman) hypocrisy in the response of her campign, and Karma for running an all negative campaign and attacking her opponents via lies, half-truths and inuenndos.
Oh, by-the by....

Whitman got smoked out a couple of months ago taking both sides of the immigration issue, depending upon which language you speak. She had Spanish language pro-amnesty ads directed at the Latino community, while appeasing the seal-the-borders crowd in English....Her indistinguishable, flip-floppy position on the issue is nothing new, to people who have been paying any attention to the race.

So, the sudden hew and cry of "HYPOCRISY!" from the usual leftloon suspects is born of either ignorance or disingenuousness....I'd hedge my bets and go with both.

Oddude, you're such a phony. The news today is simply the latest 'comment' on the character of Ms. Whitman. I notice you didn't comment on other 'dark' moments from Ms. Whitman's past. Are you ignorant of those, or simply disingenuous?
Oh, by-the by....

Whitman got smoked out a couple of months ago taking both sides of the immigration issue, depending upon which language you speak. She had Spanish language pro-amnesty ads directed at the Latino community, while appeasing the seal-the-borders crowd in English....Her indistinguishable, flip-floppy position on the issue is nothing new, to people who have been paying any attention to the race.

So, the sudden hew and cry of "HYPOCRISY!" from the usual leftloon suspects is born of either ignorance or disingenuousness....I'd hedge my bets and go with both.

Oddude, you're such a phony. The news today is simply the latest 'comment' on the character of Ms. Whitman. I notice you didn't comment on other 'dark' moments from Ms. Whitman's past. Are you ignorant of those, or simply disingenuous?
Don't care...She's as shitty a "choice" as is Moonbeam Brown.

I pity you poor schmucks, if this is the best you can come up with as "viable" candidates for Governor.

Little wonder people keep moving out of the state to Oregon, Montana and Colorado.
The Party of Abraham Lincoln likely understands that good help is so hard to find. . .unless there is someone else's help to. . . . .steal.

The Allred allegation suggests that notification of impoper. . . .numerology(?). . . .was made to the Whitman household in 2003.

2009 is when the employment was finally terminated. 2010 is when the lawsuit came about. The morning complaint(?) of the Whitman Campaign is that the timeline of the lawsuit was arranged to coincide with the current election.

So in Republican World, anyone now understands that even Darker Powers were in play? So for the sequence looks about right. 2000 comes before 2003, which comes before 2009, which comes before 2010(?).

It's all and really deeper and darker kind of mystery to the Whitman Campaign(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Leopard-That-Makes-Time-Run-Amok: Maybe Jewish Woman In Garish, Liberal Costume. . . .who will be bombed into oblivion by flying broomstick(?), in Pakistan! Anyone knows. . . .It's the season, worldwide!)
News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.
Who's General Brown?
News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.
So glad to see that employee take a stand.
A vote for Whitman is a vote for Corporatism.
This is a pretty quick response considering they had to forge the documentation...

Capitol Alert: Whitman releases ex-housekeeper's employment docs

From your link:

Diaz today unveiled through celebrity attorney Gloria Allred that she had worked for Whitman's family for nine years illegally. Allred said in a press conference that Whitman never asked about Diaz' legal status and received notice from the Social Security Administration in 2003 that the Social Security number provided by Diaz did not match her name, calling that a "a clue that the employee may be undocumented."

Read more: Capitol Alert: Whitman releases ex-housekeeper's employment docs

When did Whitman know? That now becomes the question.
However, the point of the OP seems to be lost in the efforts of the echo chamber's red herrings.
So let me get this straight:

The United States Federal Government is suing the State of Arizona because it has a law in which the police may check the immigration status of someone detained for another violation of the law...


Private Citizens are supposed to check immigration status when they hire domestic workers and gardeners.

Given how Motor Voter has enabled many illegals to get perfectly legal appearing drivers licenses, how is a private citizen supposed to enforce the immigration laws to which our Federal Government refuses and many localities grant "asylum?

Gee, nice rant; non sequitur much?
It goes beyond checking immigration status, if as alleged Ms. Whitman knowingly hired an undocumented alien, Ms. Whitman committed fraud; by failling to pay payroll taxes she cheated the tax payers of this country and her employee.
Now, should Henry the homeowner pay payroll taxes for hiring an undocumented alien from the road in front of home depot? Yep. And if Henry the homeowner runs for Governor, be he a D or an R or an I or even a TP he better not have, because it'll come out.

The point is (for Whitman) hypocrisy in the response of her campign, and Karma for running an all negative campaign and attacking her opponents via lies, half-truths and inuenndos.

Non-Sequitur? Our Federal Government doesn't enforce our Immigration Laws, but a Private Citizen is supposed to do immigration checks?
We are watching to see if Meg can buy herself a governorship.

With her personal warchest, combined with Cindy McCain's, if John McCain had picked her as his veep, they would have won the election. I wonder what shape the country would be in if that had happened?
Others may have, and in fact already have, commented that the formerly wealthy, Meg Whitman: Appears to have flown in for the debate, on a broomstick, probably from Delaware. They will likely even spin that Meg Whitman is another GOP female: Actually dimly aware of the various airline hidden fees.
Not too much like a certain former Senator from New York flew in on her broom from Arkansas, huh? :rolleyes:

Clintoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon"!!!!! :lol:
News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.

You forgot to mention the fact that the Employee was in possession of false papers. Moron. :):):):):)
September 29, 2010, 5:51 pm Whitman Responds to Claims About Former Maid
SAN FRANCISCO – A day after the first gubernatorial debate, Republican candidate Meg Whitman started a preemptive attack against allegations that she had knowingly employed a Mexican housekeeper who was living illegally in the United States.

Race Profile
The California Gubernatorial Race
Both candidates are trying to make history.

June Primary Results
.The housekeeper, Nicandra Diaz-Santillan, made her claims in an interview arranged by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, and broadcast on the gossip Web site TMZ.com. Ms. Diaz-Santillan was employed by Ms. Whitman for nine years, until 2009, and said she was terminated after she approached Ms. Whitman, confessed to not having papers, and asked about trying to become a legal resident.

“I wanted her to help me to get an immigration attorney,” said Ms. Diaz-Santillan, who broke into tears several times while speaking. “Ms Whitman just laughed and turned her face to one side.”

In a statement released shortly after Ms. Diaz-Santillan spoke, Ms. Whitman said Ms. Diaz-Santillan had lied on documents she’d submitted when she’d applied for the housekeeping position, and provided copies of the application to the media. She also asserted she had “immediately terminated Nicky’s employment” after Ms. Diaz-Santillan confessed that she was in the country illegally.

“It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done,” Ms. Whitman said, adding that she considered Ms. Diaz-Santillan a “friend and part of our extended family.”

But even before Ms. Allred’s press conference, the Whitman campaign had lashed out at her claims, calling them politically motivated.
“We find it very curious that after nine years of employment something like this would be brought forward 35 days before the election,” said Rob Stutzman, a senior advisor to Ms. Whitman, who described the allegations as a “desperate political attack.”

Mr. Stutzman said that Ms. Allred was a personal friend of Jerry Brown, the Democratic candidate for governor, and had donated to his past campaigns. “So there’s a clear relationship and party affiliation that’s undeniable,” he said.

Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Brown campaign, said that Ms. Allred had made a small contribution to his 2006 campaign for attorney general – the position Mr. Brown currently holds –but that he did not believe the two were friends.

Ms. Allred, who specializes in high profile, and often highly aggrieved, clients like Rachel Uchitel, the alleged mistress of Tiger Woods, said Ms. Whitman was aware of Ms. Diaz-Santillan’s status but chose to ignore it.

“Was Ms. Whitman engaging in her own form of ‘don’t ask don’t tell’?” she said.

Ms. Allred said that Ms. Whitman had received several notices from the Social Security Administration, starting in 2003, that indicated that the Social Security number provided did not match Ms. Diaz-Santillan’s name.

Ms. Whitman denied that –“We never received that letter or notification,” she said in a post-press conference media scrum — and her campaign provided photocopies of a California driver’s license and a Social Security card, both bearing Ms. Diaz-Santillan’s name. They also provided a copy of an Immigration form – called an I-9 – which Ms. Diaz Santillan signed, adding a happy face next to her signature, attesting that she was in the country as a lawful permanent resident.

In an e-mail, the Social Security Administration said that it had not sent so-called “no match” letters since 2007 and that information about letters sent prior to that was confidential and cannot be released.

Ms. Whitman’s treatment of employees has been an issue in the campaign before. In 2007, Ms. Whitman, the former chief executive of eBay, was accused of shoving an employee at that company and later paid a six-figure settlement in the face of a lawsuit. In her debate with Mr. Brown on Tuesday night, Ms. Whitman repeated her opposition to a path to legalization of million of illegal immigrants in Californians and voiced her support for workplace inspections to make sure that they are not employing undocumented workers. “We do have to hold employers accountable for hiring only documented workers,” she said. “And we do have to enforce that law.”

Ms. Allred says that she plans to file a claim with the state of California for wages Ms. Whitman never paid to Ms. Diaz-Santillan, as well as reimbursement for mileage used as the housekeeper ran various errands. But, in her own statement, Ms. Diaz Santillan said her goals were not monetary.

“I’m doing this because I know that here’s a lot of Megs out there,” she said, in broken English, “who are mistreating the Nickys who work so hard for them.”

Whitman Responds to Claims About Former Maid - NYTimes.com
News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.

seriously, what a pathetic hack you are

do you know any facts surrounding this non issue?

if so...name them, i triple dog dare you
this attack on whitman shows how truly desperate and pathetic a large base of the democrats are...i've a few condemn this attack, but most seem to support it, either by their silence or their positive vocal support
We are watching to see if Meg can buy herself a governorship.

With her personal warchest, combined with Cindy McCain's, if John McCain had picked her as his veep, they would have won the election. I wonder what shape the country would be in if that had happened?

thanks for admitting obama BOUGHT the election with his half billion dollar war chest....

amazing how honesty comes out when you least expect it.....
So the body count for this silly shit is what? 3?
Zoe Baird, Linda Chavez and now Whitman...and you know what?who really gives a shit? Who hasn't had an illegal do something in exchange for money?
Mebby ole Gloria will head over to Colin Powell's pad next! :lol:

well, I would wager her welcome is contingent upon what Colons feelings on Obama are at the particular moment;).....I must smoke on this matter.

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