Megyn Kelly: Democrats Will Rue This Day

Irrelevant. His supporters were perfectly happy with his calls to prosecute political opponents.

They demonstrated their approval of doing so.

Now they claim the very thing they supported is destroying the country.
Completely relevant. This is not about thoughts or desires of "supporters." This is about elected officials using the criminal justice system in their power to influence elections.

The clear goal of Biden and his team was to keep his political opponent off the campaign trail and to get a conviction so they could run on "He's a convicted felon"

Democrats have opened the door to every Repub DA throughout the country to indict Dem candidates with the goal of influencing elections.

A dark, dark turn for the country.
Completely relevant. This is not about thoughts or desires of "supporters."
Of course it is. Their narrative drives elections which is what affects the path of the nation.

Obviously Trump and his supporters are fine with prosecuting political opponents, except when they are the ones subject to the prosecution.

The rules don’t apply to them. This is dangerous for the nation, but also explains why Trump is in this position in the first place.
Completely relevant. This is not about thoughts or desires of "supporters." This is about elected officials using the criminal justice system in their power to influence elections.

The clear goal of Biden and his team was to keep his political opponent off the campaign trail and to get a conviction so they could run on "He's a convicted felon"

Democrats have opened the door to every Repub DA throughout the country to indict Dem candidates with the goal of influencing elections.

A dark, dark turn for the country.
If repub DAs thought they had evidence to indict Democrats they would have already done it.
The clear goal of Biden
The hard facts are that there's zero evidence showing Biden had anything to do with it.

If you disagree, show us the evidence. That means something more than "Because it's what my side would do!", which is all you've given us so far.

If you're not making everything up, you should be able to show us such evidence. Again, not feelings, evidence.

Please proceed.

Democrats have opened the door to every Repub DA throughout the country to indict Dem candidates with the goal of influencing elections.
Your side has already been doing that since the Clinton admin, with your enthusiastic approval, so your threats are toothless. You can't convict people without evidencel, despite your best attempts.

Republicans always back lawfare. It's their go-to tactic. That makes them the bad guys. Democrats don't do lawfare, making them the good guys. Your gaslighting attempts don't change the facts.

Megyn Kelly: Democrats Will Rue This Day

31 May 2-24 ~~ By Tim Hains

Megyn Kelly warns Democrats that they have opened "Pandora's box" by prosecuting former President Trump.
"Who's getting indicted next? Joe Biden? Maybe Jill Biden? How low can we go? You may not want to see it, but that ship has already left port."

This was all expected when the decision to go R was put up last time. The anti America's weren't gonna stop just because Americans let them kick out their elected POTUS, take the election and jail 1,400 J6ers. Expect the battle to be uphill for a while, so Americans will need to get tougher.
Americans will get their Republic back unless they decide to bleed for it.
Its time to remember and take Jefferson phase literally and act.
"The Tree of Liberty must Be Refreshed From Time To Time
With The Blood Of Patriots And Tyrants"

Remember when Kelly had a soul?

Absolutely no talent but an understanding of right and wrong?
Good times...

Megyn Kelly: Democrats Will Rue This Day

31 May 2-24 ~~ By Tim Hains

Megyn Kelly warns Democrats that they have opened "Pandora's box" by prosecuting former President Trump.
"Who's getting indicted next? Joe Biden? Maybe Jill Biden? How low can we go? You may not want to see it, but that ship has already left port."

This was all expected when the decision to go R was put up last time. The anti America's weren't gonna stop just because Americans let them kick out their elected POTUS, take the election and jail 1,400 J6ers. Expect the battle to be uphill for a while, so Americans will need to get tougher.
Americans will get their Republic back unless they decide to bleed for it.
Its time to remember and take Jefferson phase literally and act.
"The Tree of Liberty must Be Refreshed From Time To Time
With The Blood Of Patriots And Tyrants"

Well, the melodramatics aside, she is absolutely correct. Lawfare needs to be used to find ways of answering for this. If the democrats are allowed to go unchecked here, they will do it again, and again.
Are Republicans going to try and convince us they were opposed to prosecuting their political opponents until just now?

I mean, do you expect us to forget the dumb shit you’ve been saying about doing just that for the last decade?
Saying is one thing, but this is an entirely new thing altogether. Never has a political party attempted to use the law to imprison a political opponent. Sure, Trump “said” lock her up, but when he was elected, he never followed through with it, which now we are learning was a mistake.
The "two sides" that have taken over America are now intent on ripping it appart. They have no right, and above all no moral authority, to decide for all of us that there are only their "two sides" and that absolutely everything must be reduced every single time to their definitions. It isn't a choice of a "lesser evil". It is a choice of continuing to degrade ourselves, our history and our nation. The mismanagement of the duopoly cannot continue; it is only a matter of how it ends.
Yeah you love dictators, but only the D kind.

You don’t know the half of it

Not only does Biden control all the courts, he controls global gas prices, worldwide inflation, the economy…..

Not bad for a dementia ridden old man
So you’re saying you’re all just a bunch of liars who don’t believe anything you say?

Some party.

That makes no sense. I said that while Trump chanted lock her up, he never really intended to actually lock her up, that’s the difference. Nobody has ever actually tried to put another opposing candidate in prison. People use campaign slogans all the time, it’s just what they are, but you guys actually are now acting on it.

Your mistske was telegraphing your intentions. I believe that, for a lot of people, all of this wouldn’t have been so bad if you hadn’t told people from the very beginning what you intended to do. That tends to galvanize people against you.
Some years ago, one of the Prog commie politicians spouted, "When they get low, we get lower"! Truthfully it is Progs competing with themselves for that honor. Fellas. You are sick in the head. You are pissed off at everyone for treatment in the past or perceptions in the past. And I am talking centuries and millenium.
That makes no sense. I said that while Trump chanted lock her up, he never really intended to actually lock her up, that’s the difference. Nobody has ever actually tried to put another opposing candidate in prison. People use campaign slogans all the time, it’s just what they are, but you guys actually are now acting on it.

Your mistske was telegraphing your intentions. I believe that, for a lot of people, all of this wouldn’t have been so bad if you hadn’t told people from the very beginning what you intended to do. That tends to galvanize people against you.
Sorry. You can’t run from your history. MAGA supported imprisoning political opponents, but only when it’s their political opponents.
You’d like that, being the authoritarian you accuse Trump of being.
Trump is fighting in court for the president to be immune from any laws. Tell me about who the authoritarian is.

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