Megyn Kelly moves to NBC News

And butch.
At least working for libs there won't be anyone grabbing for her pussy

I doubt you even know what that is.
as usual ,,,,give away your ignorance so all can see

I take that as a no then, as predicted.
Is that like a ring dang doo??

Is blood making it to your brain? Check yourself for blood clots.
LOL you don't know the pussy expert lol
The thread that keeps on giving....

I was an avid reader of TV Guide from the 60s in the 90s

Are you like...under 30?
Was there ANOTHER publication that equaled TV Guide in terms of that medium?
If so, clue me in.

TV Guide never did ratings. Nielsen does that.
TV Guide REPORTED on the Nielsen Ratings.
Are you THAT stupid?

:lol: I'm a retired broadcaster. I know perfectly well where ratings come from, Virginia.
You're pretty ignorant of what TV Guide reported on an almost weekly basis.
I presume the broadcast industry had the same low standards of intellect back then that they have today.
The thread that keeps on giving....

Are you like...under 30?
Was there ANOTHER publication that equaled TV Guide in terms of that medium?
If so, clue me in.

TV Guide never did ratings. Nielsen does that.
TV Guide REPORTED on the Nielsen Ratings.
Are you THAT stupid?

:lol: I'm a retired broadcaster. I know perfectly well where ratings come from, Virginia.
You're pretty ignorant of what TV Guide reported on an almost weekly basis.
I presume the broadcast industry had the same low standards of intellect back then that they have today.

"Standards of intellect" is it? :rofl:

Do tell the class about these "standards of intellect".
You know, where they came from, who enforced 'em.
Are you like...under 30?
Was there ANOTHER publication that equaled TV Guide in terms of that medium?
If so, clue me in.

TV Guide never did ratings. Nielsen does that.
TV Guide REPORTED on the Nielsen Ratings.
Are you THAT stupid?

:lol: I'm a retired broadcaster. I know perfectly well where ratings come from, Virginia.
You're pretty ignorant of what TV Guide reported on an almost weekly basis.
I presume the broadcast industry had the same low standards of intellect back then that they have today.

"Standards of intellect" is it? :rofl:

Do tell the class about these "standards of intellect".
You know, where they came from, who enforced 'em.
All people have to do is read your thousands of posts to know how intellectually challenged you are.
I mean really, you think TV Guide DIDN'T publish the Nielsons and then you BRAG about your credentials.
Are you kidding?
She's moving from cable to on-air broadcast?

And that's "damaged", is it?
Yes. Check the ratings.

Yep, after her hosting the debate and trying to corner Trump, I'm sure she easily lost half of her audience.

I think she jumped the shark when she cut off her hair. I have noticed for quite some time, O'Reilly stopped having her on. She used to come on his show every week or so. I kind of thought something was going on.

She lost me. With all the substance questions she could have asked she pulls a MSNBC type gotcha question, not what I would expect from Fox or anyone who claims to be fair and balanced. Trump turned it around on her, the audience took Trump's side and laughed, and steam was blasting out her ears.

She was looking for the spotlight and have everybody (left and right) talking about her. She made a fool of herself and she knew it. It was a really bad move on her part and even though I seldom watched her show, I vowed to never turn it on again.

Look honey, you have your own show. If you want to air out your dirty laundry, keep it there. Don't bring it to the debates where we are hoping Fox stands out as conducting the best debate.
She is waaaaaay over-rated. Her NBC contract has not been disclosed but she was previously offered $20 million a year by Fox which she turned down. I want to see what NBC gave her.
She is not damaged good, welcome to NBC. She made Trump show his true colors.

And then he won.

I still do not know how.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. Here's why:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

The Sales Pitch
not that it matters

fox news has become just as bad as nbc

It's not the fact that she left, it's the fact she had this planned for some time. She sold out her principles to go in the tank for Hillary's campaign, instead of trying to be somewhat objective.

Trumps instincts were right and he was wise to avoid her. He gave interviews to many, including Hannity and O'Reilly on multiple occasions. There is always going to be some sort of journalistic bias, but at least they had some direct questions and demands for clarification. He avoided her and most of CNN due to the bias.

Here's a bet that her star fades fairly quickly now.

Here's a bet that her star fades fairly quickly now

yes because she loses the right and never had the left

not too long back to tax law for her

Fox News will be fine. It will still dominate. And Kelly will quickly fade at NBC. Her only claim to fame is attacking Trump. She'll just be one of many who do that at NBC. She won't be unique in any way. She'll get lost in the shuffle eventually. Hey it is a nice payday for her, but she won't be missed at Fox News.

"Attacking Rump"

Bad evil wicked Zoot! How DARE she ask questions of a political candidate in a debate and hurt his widdle Orange feewings so he has to stay up all night sending widdle whiny tweets! :gay:

Why if that keeps up he'll have to actually grow a pair. :eek:


Just about everyone at NBC is a loyal Democrat extremist. Kelly will eventually get lost in the shuffle. She can't be unique there. They're all rabid Trump-Haters. But she did sucker NBC into a nice payday. However, i see her trying to return to Fox News at some point. Her 'star' will quickly fade at NBC. Mark my words.
The bottom line is that she has to sell the advertised product(s).

In the case of NBC, the product is rabid Communism/Progressivism. She will sell it. She's owned.
She did have a supposed "truce" with Trump that she has followed through with so far.

I think she accepted the job more because she hates Ailes and Fox News, and I think she is going to be disappointed when all they want her to do is attack Trump.
In other news, Greta is going to MSNBC.


I never thought I would actually enjoy the 7pm show on Fox more than the others.

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