Megyn Kelly moves to NBC News

good riddance! who should replace her?

She's the next 'Katie Couric'
- Thinks she's 'all that'
- 'Jumped for the money'
- Will turn into a 'once was'
This post-menopausal anti-Trump loon is psychotic. thank you Trump & FOX for firing her ass!
new years resolution?? well she's jumping the fence and will be a pundit for NBC

From the New York Times:

Megyn Kelly, who arrived at Fox News 12 years ago as a television news neophyte but rose to become one of its two biggest stars, has decided to leave the network to take on a broad new role at NBC News for an undisclosed amount, people briefed on the negotiations said on Tuesday.

The NBC News chairman, Andrew Lack, wooed Ms. Kelly away from Fox News by offering her a triple role in which she will host her own daytime news and discussion program, anchor an in-depth Sunday night news show and take regular part in the network’s special political programming and other big-event coverage.


confirmed on her tweet

Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) | Twitter
never liked the showboating self centered bitch anyway
new years resolution?? well she's jumping the fence and will be a pundit for NBC

From the New York Times:

Megyn Kelly, who arrived at Fox News 12 years ago as a television news neophyte but rose to become one of its two biggest stars, has decided to leave the network to take on a broad new role at NBC News for an undisclosed amount, people briefed on the negotiations said on Tuesday.

The NBC News chairman, Andrew Lack, wooed Ms. Kelly away from Fox News by offering her a triple role in which she will host her own daytime news and discussion program, anchor an in-depth Sunday night news show and take regular part in the network’s special political programming and other big-event coverage.


confirmed on her tweet

Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) | Twitter

I lost a lot of respect for her when she decide she should be debating the orange clown instead of the other lame-ass GOP candidates during the debate. I won't miss her. Besides, she was hotter with long hair.
Who moves up to replace her?
Place your bets
Good question. No guesses appear online yet.

How Megyn Kelly’s move to NBC could change the cable news landscape
Megyn Kelly's wholly unsurprising decision to leave Fox News to join NBC leaves a void at the network where she spent the past 12 years, and perhaps nudges the cable news juggernaut in a new direction — while opening the door for media rivals.

Kelly confirmed her job change in a message Tuesday on Twitter after it was first reported by the New York Times.

An ending, and a new beginning...

— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) January 3, 2017

Already a cable news star before the 2016 election cycle began, Kelly became a household name as she remained poised amid nasty attacks by Donald Trump, who objected to her line of questioning at the first Republican primary debate. Last January, Fox News's then-chairman, Roger Ailes, rejected Trump's demand that the network replace Kelly as a moderator of the second debate, even as the billionaire threatened to boycott the event — which he did.

When former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson accused Ailes of sexual harassment in a lawsuit in July, prompting 21st Century Fox to launch an investigation, Kelly shared her own claim of harassment by Ailes, who resigned later that month.

From then on, Kelly seemed to be viewed as a traitor by some Ailes loyalists who remained at Fox News. Sean Hannity called her a Hillary Clinton supporter in October. Bill O'Reilly criticized Kelly's decision to air dirty laundry in a book released in November.

“If somebody is paying you a wage, you owe that person or company allegiance,” O'Reilly told CBS News. “You don't like what's happening in the workplace? Go to human resources or leave. I've done that. And then take the action you need to take afterward if you feel aggrieved. There are labor laws in this country. But don't run down the concern that supports you by trying to undermine it.”

Kelly's departure from Fox News appeared inevitable. But now that it is here, it is worth considering the effect on cable news.

For starters, her exit leaves a big hole in Fox News's prime-time lineup. Her program, “The Kelly File,” is the second-rated show in cable news, trailing only “The O'Reilly Factor.” Fox News recently inserted Tucker Carlson into the slot previously held by Greta Van Susteren and now must fill an even bigger gap.

This comes as other conservative media outlets are determined to seize market share. Mark Levin's Conservative Review TV launched in December. The Right Side Broadcasting Network, which built a loyal following by streaming Trump rallies on YouTube, is planning to add more original programming this year in an effort to become something akin to Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV.

With Ailes, Van Susteren and now Kelly gone, the incoming Trump administration also marks a new era at Fox News. What will the top-rated cable channel look like? Anchor Shepard Smith told the Huffington Post in October that owner Rupert Murdoch “wants to hire a lot more journalists” and build “a massive new newsroom.”

“When the biggest boss, who controls everything, comes and says, 'That's what I want to do,' that's the greatest news I've heard in years,” Smith said. “And he didn't mention one thing about our opinion side.”

Perhaps Kelly's replacement at 9 p.m. (Smith?) will be as big a hit as she was. But that is a lot to ask. If Fox News was planning to focus more heavily on newsgathering, anyway, Kelly's departure would seem to make such a pivot even more logical and could create an opportunity for new competitors (and maybe old ones, like Rachel Maddow) to gain traction.
One should know that here on USMB, when you come correct with facts and truth, they attack, because real recognize real and bs conservatives know it.
Thanks, but it's not just USMB and it's not just "conservatives". It's political partisans in general. They hate it when someone disagrees with their rants.
"Hillary will win by a landslide." --libstain
She did a good show and challenged people on both the right and the left I wish her the best I really hope FOX doesn't put some non stop Trump ass kisser like Sean Hannity in that time slot.

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