Megyn Kelly moves to NBC News

You mean giggles with the oversize earrings? You can have her NBC.
As one very wise poster stated earlier... "as her titties got bigger, so did her ego." She truly enjoyed the Democrat praise in regards to Trump. It served to inflate her ego further. She'll fit in perfectly at NBC. I'm actually grateful. She's given me one more reason to not watch NBC. Good riddance for sure.
She's moving from cable to on-air broadcast?

And that's "damaged", is it?
Yes. Check the ratings.

Yep, after her hosting the debate and trying to corner Trump, I'm sure she easily lost half of her audience.

I think she jumped the shark when she cut off her hair. I have noticed for quite some time, O'Reilly stopped having her on. She used to come on his show every week or so. I kind of thought something was going on.
hmm probably a pretty good move on NBC's side, if they can fluff off a "fair" view once in a while they might be able to get some of the folks who are sick of far left bias.
I used to like her, but she's hardened. Even at her best I tried watching her show, which I found boring.

She's boring, and nobody watched her. She'll fit right in on NBC.

:cuckoo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

the 2nd most watched program on the #1 cable show, and nobody watched her ?

D-U-M-B-A-S-S RW morons.

who the F do they think they're fooling? oh yeah, other dumbass RW morons, never mind.
She's moving from cable to on-air broadcast?

And that's "damaged", is it?
Yes. Check the ratings.

Yep, after her hosting the debate and trying to corner Trump, I'm sure she easily lost half of her audience.

I think she jumped the shark when she cut off her hair. I have noticed for quite some time, O'Reilly stopped having her on. She used to come on his show every week or so. I kind of thought something was going on.

She lost me. With all the substance questions she could have asked she pulls a MSNBC type gotcha question, not what I would expect from Fox or anyone who claims to be fair and balanced. Trump turned it around on her, the audience took Trump's side and laughed, and steam was blasting out her ears.

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