Megyn Kelly to be arrested for beating Zeke senseless

First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

She's turning into quite the attack dog.

"I am Megyn Kelly, you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

Emanuel agreed to be interviewed by Kelly on a commercial flight from Florida to New York?

If not, I am not understanding this at all....Please elaborate.
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

Emanuel agreed to be interviewed by Kelly on a commercial flight from Florida to New York?

If not, I am not understanding this at all....Please elaborate.

No, Frank was watching her show on a flight as he was en route from West Palm Beach, Florida (PBI) to White Plains, New York (HPN), and that he was watching her show for the first time on a flight.
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First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

Emanuel agreed to be interviewed by Kelly on a commercial flight from Florida to New York?

If not, I am not understanding this at all....Please elaborate.

No, Frank was watching her show on a flight as he was en route from West Palm Beach, Florida (PBI) to White Plains, New York (HPN), and that he was watching her show for the first time on a flight.

Ok....That clears it up. The airport codes were not the mystery.
BTW, I saw the interview. If that were a hockey fight, you'd say Emanuel "got fed".
Emanuel agreed to be interviewed by Kelly on a commercial flight from Florida to New York?

If not, I am not understanding this at all....Please elaborate.

No, Frank was watching her show on a flight as he was en route from West Palm Beach, Florida (PBI) to White Plains, New York (HPN), and that he was watching her show for the first time on a flight.

Ok....That clears it up. The airport codes were not the mystery.
BTW, I saw the interview. If that were a hockey fight, you'd say Emanuel "got fed".

And not to mention caught a bomb or two in the scuffle.
'Ole Zeke was giving it his best shot but Megyn Kelly was definitely enjoying herself grilling him. I thought the most telling part of the interview was when Emanuel started whining about why he didn't understand why the website wasn't working. I was yelling at the TV right about then...telling him "because a bunch of idiots are in charge of this...the same idiots that are going to be running our health care."
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

If ever there was a punk who deserved's Bioethicist Zeke...

This, about our Zeke, Obama's healthcare adviser....

"Let's say that your mother has Alzheimer's and breaks her hip. Let's say that all the bioethicists on the hospital ethics committee have degrees in behavioral economics, psychology, decision theory or sociology. Would you find that reassuring? When tough decisions have to be made about her future, would you expect them to treat your mother as a unique human being with inalienable dignity? Probably not. Probably the thought would cross your mind that these guys may know a lot about quality-adjusted life years, but not a lot about how precious a human life is. In fact, the thought might cross your mind that this looks more like a death panel than an ethics committee.
Bioethicists cannot cope with the death panels issue

In that interview one can clearly see the caring, empathetic human being.
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

If ever there was a punk who deserved's Bioethicist Zeke...

This, about our Zeke, Obama's healthcare adviser....

"Let's say that your mother has Alzheimer's and breaks her hip. Let's say that all the bioethicists on the hospital ethics committee have degrees in behavioral economics, psychology, decision theory or sociology. Would you find that reassuring? When tough decisions have to be made about her future, would you expect them to treat your mother as a unique human being with inalienable dignity? Probably not. Probably the thought would cross your mind that these guys may know a lot about quality-adjusted life years, but not a lot about how precious a human life is. In fact, the thought might cross your mind that this looks more like a death panel than an ethics committee.
Bioethicists cannot cope with the death panels issue

In that interview one can clearly see the caring, empathetic human being.

Dayim...I just watched the interview and she totally bitch slapped that whiny limp wristed commie.
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

If ever there was a punk who deserved's Bioethicist Zeke...

This, about our Zeke, Obama's healthcare adviser....

"Let's say that your mother has Alzheimer's and breaks her hip. Let's say that all the bioethicists on the hospital ethics committee have degrees in behavioral economics, psychology, decision theory or sociology. Would you find that reassuring? When tough decisions have to be made about her future, would you expect them to treat your mother as a unique human being with inalienable dignity? Probably not. Probably the thought would cross your mind that these guys may know a lot about quality-adjusted life years, but not a lot about how precious a human life is. In fact, the thought might cross your mind that this looks more like a death panel than an ethics committee.
Bioethicists cannot cope with the death panels issue

In that interview one can clearly see the caring, empathetic human being.

Dayim...I just watched the interview and she totally bitch slapped that whiny limp wristed commie.

True. However, perhaps not such a great feat if he inherited some of the family ballet genes like his brother. Mom's prolly got proud pics of her two little boys in their tutus.
Emanuel agreed to be interviewed by Kelly on a commercial flight from Florida to New York?

If not, I am not understanding this at all....Please elaborate.

No, Frank was watching her show on a flight as he was en route from West Palm Beach, Florida (PBI) to White Plains, New York (HPN), and that he was watching her show for the first time on a flight.

Ok....That clears it up. The airport codes were not the mystery.
BTW, I saw the interview. If that were a hockey fight, you'd say Emanuel "got fed".

Yes, Rahm Emanual's brother had it handed to him by someone as talented as O`Reilly, when it comes to the NO SPIN ZONE. :lol:
First time ever watching Kelly on flight from PBI to HPN and she beat Zeke Emanuel into confessing Obama is an amateur and screwed up the rollout of the Titanic legislation known as ObamaCare

She took no prisoners

If ever there was a punk who deserved's Bioethicist Zeke...

This, about our Zeke, Obama's healthcare adviser....

"Let's say that your mother has Alzheimer's and breaks her hip. Let's say that all the bioethicists on the hospital ethics committee have degrees in behavioral economics, psychology, decision theory or sociology. Would you find that reassuring? When tough decisions have to be made about her future, would you expect them to treat your mother as a unique human being with inalienable dignity? Probably not. Probably the thought would cross your mind that these guys may know a lot about quality-adjusted life years, but not a lot about how precious a human life is. In fact, the thought might cross your mind that this looks more like a death panel than an ethics committee.
Bioethicists cannot cope with the death panels issue

In that interview one can clearly see the caring, empathetic human being.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"...oh wait, that was his brother....:rolleyes:

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