Melania Trump is Beautiful and Intelligent at the GOP Convention

Funny thing is....Melania is praised for a speech that I strongly suspect the same people probably damned Michelle for.

It's really interesting.
Melania Trump is Beautiful and Intelligent at the GOP Convention

I must have missed the intelligent part. She was reading something written by someone else from a teleprompter.

She is pretty. No doubt. Since she has never disagreed with Donald in all the time she has known him. Maybe THAT is how she has shown her "intelligence".

You would say that if she was a member of Mensa. She is a very intelligent, successful businesswoman. She speaks five languages fluently and I'm sure she won't embarrass the United States by her ignorance of protocol on the world stage.

Who knew you are part of the staff in the Trump home.

You missed the fact that Melania Trump was born in a Communist country and truly LOVES America. Unlike Michelle or Hillary Clinton for that matter.

She plagiarized a speech Michelle Obama gave. That says all that needs said about her.
What? I didn't hear her complain about American and bitch about racism......

I never heard Michelle complain about being American.
You see? You can't trust any of these people. Vote for Gary Johnson instead! :) It's a step in the right direction.
You think he's any different?

PolitiFact | A service of the Tampa Bay Times

He is not a democrat or a republican, so yes. It's a step in the right direction. The two parties have become much too powerful and they need to be smacked down.
Yea, trump ain't gonna smack Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell around. Like Obama they will smack trump around.

Democrats unfortunately have to deal with the devil too
Malenia Trump is neither intelligent nor beautiful.

She is a washed out eurotrash model. A vapid empty-headed 3rd rate trophy wife.

Just felt I needed to correct the OP.
You see? You can't trust any of these people. Vote for Gary Johnson instead! :) It's a step in the right direction.

Why would anyone believe Trump? Enter Jimmy Kimmel. While interviewing Trump, Kimmel pointed out that Trump used to praise Hillary Clinton. Kimmel took it a step further.

KIMMEL: In 2008 you said you thought Hillary would make an excellent president, and as recently as 2012 you said you thought she was terrific. What did she do? What happened?

TRUMP: Let me just explain to you. I will tell you, when I am a businessman — had a beautiful story recently where they said Trump is a world-class businessman — all over the world we're doing jobs. I speak well of everybody. If people ask me about politicians, I speak well. So when they ask me about Hillary, "She's wonderful," the husband — everybody's wonderful. And that's the way it is, including contributions. They ask me for contributions, I give contributions.

KIMMEL: So you were full of shit when you said that.

TRUMP: A little bit. Maybe a little bit.

And Hillary is no better. Right? :)
On politifact she's a lot better


Getting a child rapist off or securing emails, or using Cindy sheehan?

Just wait for hate whitey night at the dnc......gonna be epic...

Followed by tranny night.....chicks with dicks are awesome
Malenia Trump is neither intelligent nor beautiful.

She is a washed out eurotrash model. A vapid empty-headed 3rd rate trophy wife.

Just felt I needed to correct the OP.

Well you are a we get it

But ugly....yeah you suck the democrat in charge doubt....
Hitlery is a looker....almost as hot as Janet reno!
You see? You can't trust any of these people. Vote for Gary Johnson instead! :) It's a step in the right direction.

Why would anyone believe Trump? Enter Jimmy Kimmel. While interviewing Trump, Kimmel pointed out that Trump used to praise Hillary Clinton. Kimmel took it a step further.

KIMMEL: In 2008 you said you thought Hillary would make an excellent president, and as recently as 2012 you said you thought she was terrific. What did she do? What happened?

TRUMP: Let me just explain to you. I will tell you, when I am a businessman — had a beautiful story recently where they said Trump is a world-class businessman — all over the world we're doing jobs. I speak well of everybody. If people ask me about politicians, I speak well. So when they ask me about Hillary, "She's wonderful," the husband — everybody's wonderful. And that's the way it is, including contributions. They ask me for contributions, I give contributions.

KIMMEL: So you were full of shit when you said that.

TRUMP: A little bit. Maybe a little bit.

And Hillary is no better. Right? :)
On politifact she's a lot better

Better about what??? You really trust that woman? Seriously? Because if you do, there has to be something the matter with you.
Melania Trump is Beautiful and Intelligent at the GOP Convention

I must have missed the intelligent part. She was reading something written by someone else from a teleprompter.

She is pretty. No doubt. Since she has never disagreed with Donald in all the time she has known him. Maybe THAT is how she has shown her "intelligence".

You would say that if she was a member of Mensa. She is a very intelligent, successful businesswoman. She speaks five languages fluently and I'm sure she won't embarrass the United States by her ignorance of protocol on the world stage.

Who knew you are part of the staff in the Trump home.

You missed the fact that Melania Trump was born in a Communist country and truly LOVES America. Unlike Michelle or Hillary Clinton for that matter.

She plagiarized a speech Michelle Obama gave. That says all that needs said about her.
What? I didn't hear her complain about American and bitch about racism......

I never heard Michelle complain about being American.

She said when running was the first I've in her adult life she was proud of her country......uhhhhh
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


People can't see beyond beauty. A beautiful woman is perfect, no matter what she does or says.
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


People can't see beyond beauty. A beautiful woman is perfect, no matter what she does or says.

Do you ever read a thread before you comment...This is why we have the word Idiot in the dictionary ..

This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

He's never been a politician with that kind of responsibility you idiot. We see he lies. We see he goes bankrupt. We see he's conning you fool.

Nope, but hilary has and she has broken everything she noone lies more than her....but you'd have to to poltically protect bill clinton

But getting a child rapist have no concious........none...cold ass witch.
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

U mad?
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

U mad?
After last night's bust in Cleveland? Fuck no. I can't wait to see Trump & Pence debate. Can't wait! This is fucking great!
He's never been a politician with that kind of responsibility you idiot. We see he lies. We see he goes bankrupt. We see he's conning you fool.

Nope, but hilary has and she has broken everything she noone lies more than her....but you'd have to to poltically protect bill clinton

But getting a child rapist have no concious........none...cold ass witch.

Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact

Trumps the king of liars and he's only been around for about a year.
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


People can't see beyond beauty. A beautiful woman is perfect, no matter what she does or says.
We can here. I can tell an idiot when I read their words. I don't have to see their face.
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.

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