Melania Trump is Beautiful and Intelligent at the GOP Convention

Read what the UK says this says about the Trump camp.

This is why the Melania Trump plagiarism matters

The UK? :lmao:
Yea, they admit now we lied them into Iraq. Only Republicans still don't know it.

Oh, and I love it how you love it when Putin bashes Obama but you don't care what our best ally thinks? Interesting.

Speechgate is important because of two things it tells us about what sort of president Donald Trump would be, and what important mistakes he would make for the same reasons his campaign made this trivial mistake:

1. Trump lacks much of the knowledge and experience that we would usually expect in a president. Because of this, Trump is supposed to hire "the best people" to advise and support him. Yet his campaign couldn't even prevent a boneheaded screw-up like this. What would the idiots he hires to staff his presidential administration screw up?

2. The Trumps are apparently so full of it that Melania, or whoever wrote Melania's speech, needed to steal totally anodyne language about how hard work is good and we should teach our children that. They couldn't even put those sentiments in their own words! Then, once people noticed the theft, the campaign's strategy has been to make the obviously false claim that there was no plagiarism, that these are just "common phrases." This tells us that, as president, Trump won't just lie — he'll lie unconvincingly, to anyone, about anything, for any reason or no reason. How will that work out in negotiations with Congress and foreign governments?

If you're too inept to run a presidential campaign, you're too inept to run a country. That's why Speechgate matters.

Trump opposed the Iraq War. He despises the Bush's. He's probably been their harshest critic. The Bush's are supporting Hillary Clinton for President. So that pretty makes me a Trump supporter. Anyone the Bush's hate, i'm all for.

And Convention speeches are way overrated. They're just stale rehashed bore-fests. I don't watch em. They're meaningless. But if i am gonna watch anyone speak, it's gonna be Trump. He at least says something.

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