Melania Trump is Beautiful and Intelligent at the GOP Convention

This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Then you clearly don't get how bad for it would be for America to have a president who would rubber stamp Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation.

OR, one who would appoint another Alito/Roberts/Scalia Pro Corporations pro Citizens United Supreme. Now is not the time to give Trump a try.

OR, vote out a bunch of Republican House and Senators, give the Senate back to the Democrats, give the House Republicans a very slim majority in the House and I'd be ok with a Trump presidency.
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.
Ah ha! A wedge issue voter who's going to vote against herself financially because of god, gays, guns or racism. Your wedge issue is guns.
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Then you clearly don't get how bad for it would be for America to have a president who would rubber stamp Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation.

OR, one who would appoint another Alito/Roberts/Scalia Pro Corporations pro Citizens United Supreme. Now is not the time to give Trump a try.

OR, vote out a bunch of Republican House and Senators, give the Senate back to the Democrats, give the House Republicans a very slim majority in the House and I'd be ok with a Trump presidency.

Vote them out? Well the people voted them in, so your statement doesn't really make much sense. I don't know if the Clintons are any less connected to the corporate world. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.
Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

I thought you were smarter than this.

Evidence Reveals That Voting Against One's Economic Self-Interest May Be Hazardous To One's Health

What Causes Poor Uneducated White People To Vote Republican?

I've always known you are an independent undecided. The kind of person Trump has conned.
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Then you clearly don't get how bad for it would be for America to have a president who would rubber stamp Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation.

OR, one who would appoint another Alito/Roberts/Scalia Pro Corporations pro Citizens United Supreme. Now is not the time to give Trump a try.

OR, vote out a bunch of Republican House and Senators, give the Senate back to the Democrats, give the House Republicans a very slim majority in the House and I'd be ok with a Trump presidency.

Vote them out? Well the people voted them in, so your statement doesn't really make much sense. I don't know if the Clintons are any less connected to the corporate world. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
You have to be. Is that any reason to vote Republican? Are they not?
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.
Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

I thought you were smarter than this.

Evidence Reveals That Voting Against One's Economic Self-Interest May Be Hazardous To One's Health

What Causes Poor Uneducated White People To Vote Republican?

I've always known you are an independent undecided. The kind of person Trump has conned.

These are PARTISAN links. I can find links too. The Clintons DO have their own corporate connections AND they are anti-rights politicians. I could never abide by that. My 2nd A right is just one of my precious rights that I'm concerned about. As a matter of fact, the right to bear arms rates WAY higher on my list than pro choice or gay rights. Sorry, but it is what it is.
This is just par for the clown show.
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Then you clearly don't get how bad for it would be for America to have a president who would rubber stamp Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation.

OR, one who would appoint another Alito/Roberts/Scalia Pro Corporations pro Citizens United Supreme. Now is not the time to give Trump a try.

OR, vote out a bunch of Republican House and Senators, give the Senate back to the Democrats, give the House Republicans a very slim majority in the House and I'd be ok with a Trump presidency.

Vote them out? Well the people voted them in, so your statement doesn't really make much sense. I don't know if the Clintons are any less connected to the corporate world. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
You have to be. Is that any reason to vote Republican? Are they not?

Who said I'm voting republican? Did I say that anywhere? I'm voting for Gary Johnson, as all thoughtful people should do. :)
I thought you are pro choice? Kiss that goodbye if Trump wins because he's going to have to reward the people who got him elected and appoint a conservative.

Good luck with him not signing Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation.

Trump's lying now and he will lie to you once he is in office. And he will have Benghazi's just like every other president.

First of all, that is not one of the issues that I'm most concerned about.

Secondly, as a good friend of mine says, I would rather vote for road kill than cankles. :)
Then you clearly don't get how bad for it would be for America to have a president who would rubber stamp Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation.

OR, one who would appoint another Alito/Roberts/Scalia Pro Corporations pro Citizens United Supreme. Now is not the time to give Trump a try.

OR, vote out a bunch of Republican House and Senators, give the Senate back to the Democrats, give the House Republicans a very slim majority in the House and I'd be ok with a Trump presidency.

Vote them out? Well the people voted them in, so your statement doesn't really make much sense. I don't know if the Clintons are any less connected to the corporate world. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
You have to be. Is that any reason to vote Republican? Are they not?

Who said I'm voting republican? Did I say that anywhere? I'm voting for Gary Johnson, as all thoughtful people should do. :)
Cause I know you are too smart to be voting Republican. P.S. Just vote out as many Republican Senators and House members as you can sister.
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.
Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

I thought you were smarter than this.

Evidence Reveals That Voting Against One's Economic Self-Interest May Be Hazardous To One's Health

What Causes Poor Uneducated White People To Vote Republican?

I've always known you are an independent undecided. The kind of person Trump has conned.

These are PARTISAN links. I can find links too. The Clintons DO have their own corporate connections AND they are anti-rights politicians. I could never abide by that. My 2nd A right is just one of my precious rights that I'm concerned about. As a matter of fact, the right to bear arms rates WAY higher on my list than pro choice or gay rights. Sorry, but it is what it is.
No one is taking your guns away. The fringe element that wants to do that has no power and can't get that done. Even a lib like me likes my guns.
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..

That is so fucking funny now that we know she plagerized Michelle Obama's speech.

Did you praise Michelle Obama in 2008 for her speech? Why not? Its the same God damn speech. Lol

It is so funny how I say something nice about the Right, the Left's jump all over me..

and I say something nice about the Left and the Right jumps all over me...never fails.


Then stop being wrong! I would have agreed with you if she didn't plagiarize. Melania puts the liar in pLagIARize

The Donald Trump campaign on Tuesday denied Melania Trump plagiarized a Michelle Obama speech calling the accusation "just really absurd." "To think that she would do something like that is just really absurd," Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort told CNN.


Side-by-side comparisons of the transcripts show the text in Trump's address following, nearly to the word, Michelle’s first night of the Democratic convention eight years ago.

Manafort said the words Melania used were not "cribbed" but are common words.

Manafort said. "To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy."

AND HERE IS ANOTHER LIE THEY’VE BEEN CAUGHT IN: A Republican operative familiar with how the campaign was handling the speeches said a number of senior aides had a role, edited Melania's speech, suggested changes and provided guidance. BUT

Earlier in the day, Melania Trump told NBC's Matt Lauer: "I read once over it, that's all, because I wrote it with as little help as possible." THEY ARE WORLD CLASS LIARS.


Oh stop with yourself, like you are right 100% of the time.

I started the thread before any of this came out, and I am sure that she is in tears today.

Trumps campaign should have had someone go over it to protect her, she probably googled it and found these things...or someone screwed her over.


Melania Trump's plagiarism matters because it exposes Donald Trump's profound laziness

Melania Trump's plagiarism matters because it exposes Donald Trump's profound laziness

Besides being a liar. It's not the plagiarism I mind as much as denying it afterward and lying over and over and over but not having that matter. Trump lies 20 times to every 1 lie Hillary says.
ANY politician who would appoint SCOTUS judges who would restrict or try to outright ban our 2nd A rights, is not going to get a vote from me. Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of RIGHTS comes FIRST before abortion, before gay marriage and all that other stuff that doesn't really affect me in any direct way.
Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

I thought you were smarter than this.

Evidence Reveals That Voting Against One's Economic Self-Interest May Be Hazardous To One's Health

What Causes Poor Uneducated White People To Vote Republican?

I've always known you are an independent undecided. The kind of person Trump has conned.

These are PARTISAN links. I can find links too. The Clintons DO have their own corporate connections AND they are anti-rights politicians. I could never abide by that. My 2nd A right is just one of my precious rights that I'm concerned about. As a matter of fact, the right to bear arms rates WAY higher on my list than pro choice or gay rights. Sorry, but it is what it is.
No one is taking your guns away. The fringe element that wants to do that has no power and can't get that done. Even a lib like me likes my guns.

I don't buy that for a minute! Lol. Dems and their gun control schemes (which are UTTERLY useless) disgust me.
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


People can't see beyond beauty. A beautiful woman is perfect, no matter what she does or says.

Do you ever read a thread before you comment...This is why we have the word Idiot in the dictionary ..


Yes, I did. However do you think that everyone must post in exactly the way you choose to post? Now that's the insult you might be looking for. But that's all you've got, isn't it? Insults...
Read what the UK says this says about the Trump camp.

This is why the Melania Trump plagiarism matters

The UK? :lmao:
Yea, they admit now we lied them into Iraq. Only Republicans still don't know it.

Oh, and I love it how you love it when Putin bashes Obama but you don't care what our best ally thinks? Interesting.

Speechgate is important because of two things it tells us about what sort of president Donald Trump would be, and what important mistakes he would make for the same reasons his campaign made this trivial mistake:

1. Trump lacks much of the knowledge and experience that we would usually expect in a president. Because of this, Trump is supposed to hire "the best people" to advise and support him. Yet his campaign couldn't even prevent a boneheaded screw-up like this. What would the idiots he hires to staff his presidential administration screw up?

2. The Trumps are apparently so full of it that Melania, or whoever wrote Melania's speech, needed to steal totally anodyne language about how hard work is good and we should teach our children that. They couldn't even put those sentiments in their own words! Then, once people noticed the theft, the campaign's strategy has been to make the obviously false claim that there was no plagiarism, that these are just "common phrases." This tells us that, as president, Trump won't just lie — he'll lie unconvincingly, to anyone, about anything, for any reason or no reason. How will that work out in negotiations with Congress and foreign governments?

If you're too inept to run a presidential campaign, you're too inept to run a country. That's why Speechgate matters.
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


melania trump plagiarized michelle obamas speech.

you have very low standards. no doubt if they look like a centerfold you think women are just peachy keen.


Jillian, get over yourself...what I can't comment on a person woman to woman? Don't be stupid..

She fucking is fluent in 5 languages .

I will repeat..
It is so funny how I say something nice about the Right, the Left's jump all over me..

and I say something nice about the Left and the Right jumps all over me...never fails.

you don't care that she speaks five languages. you care that she looks like a bimbo.... just like you wackos thought sawwah was a suitable VP candidate.

if you don't want people calling you on your BS, don't post.

and given how you wackos have treated michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who actually are accomplished women, I can't be too concerned that you're put out and all whiny.
Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


melania trump plagiarized michelle obamas speech.

you have very low standards. no doubt if they look like a centerfold you think women are just peachy keen.


Jillian, get over yourself...what I can't comment on a person woman to woman? Don't be stupid..

She fucking is fluent in 5 languages .

I will repeat..
It is so funny how I say something nice about the Right, the Left's jump all over me..

and I say something nice about the Left and the Right jumps all over me...never fails.

you don't care that she speaks five languages. you care that she looks like a bimbo.... just like you wackos thought sawwah was a suitable VP candidate.

if you don't want people calling you on your BS, don't post.

and given how you wackos have treated michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who actually are accomplished women, I can't be too concerned that you're put out and all whiny.

Dude, I voted for Obama, and I have said very nice things about Michelle Obama in my thread. Your commenting on reading the title and then thinking I am a certain person. If you are going to make assumptions, have the facts.

I don't care how someone looks, a Channel bag looks good on ..

Yes the women are bashed to the ground with horrible things said. I guess if you get into that ring , it is expected..
I couldn't handle doing that, it looks painful.

I do feel Melania was thrown to the wolfs by someone, Trump is really pissed today.
I picture her as a sheltered person that hasn't had a lot to do with politics..

You and your stupid f*ck face crowd hate immigrants but its ok if they suck the c*ck of "the donald" isnt it. So go blow Trump and be happy.

Couldn't understand the immigrant c*nt.

Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..

Aren't you one of the scumbags that says we are ALL immigrants...or was that another FAGERAL shithead?.. Now call her a Nigga, and you'll be doing just what DemoRATS always do!
I will say it again, you are from the c*nt faced crowd that hate them but its ok if they suck off "the donald" so go blow trump again with her.

Couldn't understand the immigrant c*nt.

Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


Well there you have the anti immigrant and misogynist left.....all in one I know your used to hot chicks like Rosie go man!!!!!
I will say it again, you are from the c*nt faced crowd that hate them but its ok if they suck off "the donald" so go blow trump again with her.

Couldn't understand the immigrant c*nt.

Melania did a wonderful job at the convention , she is graceful and very smart.

She actually makes a good speaker. I was wondering how she would do. Good for her..


Well there you have the anti immigrant and misogynist left.....all in one I know your used to hot chicks like Rosie go man!!!!!

First Purdue sucks.....we own that the ass...

And truth is the left hates immigrants....unless they get on the plantation......but I could understand her...maybe you need a hearing aid ole boy

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