melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

All you have pointed out is your SJW faggotry.
Your homoerotic fantasies aside, that was the reason none were charged; not because they weren't traitors. They obviously were as they went to war with the U.S..
Your homoerotic fantasies aside, that was the reason none were charged; not because they weren't traitors. They obviously were as they went to war with the U.S..

You have to be convicted of treason to be an actual traitor.

They fought, they lost.

As part of the peace they were allowed to memorialize the loss.
You have to be convicted of treason to be an actual traitor.

Well that's anything but true. Again, that's the same as saying Nixon didn't commit any crimes since he too couldn't be prosecuted as he too was given a pardon. Which of course, is ludicrous on its face; but clearly, an argument made by desperate folks.
Your homoerotic fantasies aside, that was the reason none were charged; not because they weren't traitors. They obviously were as they went to war with the U.S..
you alol do not know what your talking about. why don ;t you read about their lives. Robert e. lee did want slavery to end. its a very complicate thing to end slaver
y and thr civuil war was complicated too.
you alol do not know what your talking about. why don ;t you read about their lives. Robert e. lee did want slavery to end. its a very complicate thing to end slaver
y and thr civuil war was complicated too.
The south fought to preserve slavery. They even enshrined the immoral institution by adopting a Constitution they fought and died for which not only eternalized slavery in the Confederate states and territories, it outright banned their government from passing laws prohibiting slavery.

Sell stupid elsewhere.
The south fought to preserve slavery. They even enshrined the immoral institution by adopting a Constitution they fought and died for which not only eternalized slavery in the Confederate states and territories, it outright banned their government from passing laws prohibiting slavery.

Sell stupid elsewhere.
thats not what the war was about.
And everyone knew they were bad, hence the Nuremberg trials.

Again, applying modern morals to past time periods is idiotic.
Pretending as if morality has a time limit is idiotic. Go ahead and explain to all us what relationship time has to morality? How far back do we need to go until raping and slaving are perfectly and morally OK in your book.
I think you miss the whole point of all of this. Personally, I don't give a shit whether the statues stay or go.

What I care more about, is that we remind ourselves of the bad history yesterday, starting in 1607, all the way to the bad history we are making today. We slaughtered the American Indians, stuck them in shit hole locations, enslaved blacks for centuries, imposed imperialism on Central and South America, causing massive migrations to the US, and you think a few confederate statues is going to remind us of all the rest of our bad history? Confederate statues are just a small reminder of one bad leg of our history. We have many legs that need reminding. And maybe, just maybe, if we keep reminding ourselves of all the bad history we made, and act on that bad history, we can finally make a difference.

It has nothing to do with "revenge."
What exactly is “the difference” you seek?
Pretending as if morality has a time limit is idiotic. Go ahead and explain to all us what relationship time has to morality? How far back do we need to go until raping and slaving are perfectly and morally OK in your book.
Do you condemn China today for raping and enslaving the Uhygirs?
Do you condemn China today for raping and enslaving the Uhygirs?
I do. The only people trying to excuse slaving and raping are the people trying to excuse the slaving and raping perpetrated by America's Founders.
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I do. The only people trying to excuse slaving and raping are the people trying to excuse the slaving and raping perpetrated by America's Founders.
I don’t believe anyone today, with any common decency condones slavery, but we do a dis service to history when we try and hold people of yesteryear to todays standards. It’s a lazy way to approach things.

But, you seem to hold your moral outrage concerning slavery close to your heart. What are you personally doing to stand against these areas of enslavement today?
I don’t believe anyone today, with any common decency condones slavery, but we do a dis service to history when we try and hold people of yesteryear to todays standards. It’s a lazy way to approach things.
And that's a lazy argument. There are no such things as today's standards or yesteryear standards, there are only ever our own standards and they differ person to person and culture to culture. Time has nothing to do with it at all. Even today there are wildly different standards of what is moral and immoral. Some people think there's nothing morally wrong with abortion, some believe it's murder, does that imply there is some universally agreed upon standard?
But, you seem to hold your moral outrage concerning slavery close to your heart. What are you personally doing to stand against these areas of enslavement today?
Well for one I don't oppose an end to our society venerating slavers which is more than I can say for you.
I don’t believe anyone today, with any common decency condones slavery, but we do a dis service to history when we try and hold people of yesteryear to todays standards. It’s a lazy way to approach things.

But, you seem to hold your moral outrage concerning slavery close to your heart. What are you personally doing to stand against these areas of enslavement today?

You can hold that position and you still should be able to understand why it is wrong today to make a man walk past a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery while going to pay his taxes.

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