melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Pretty sure I didnt lose. I'll still watch documentaries about the Civil War. But I dont have to see statues steeped in racism in public places. Most everyone wins. Except for deplorables like yourself.

Until they come after your statues, or you. As I said in a post before, in the end the montagnards always come for the Jacobins.
I don't see how I am losing with another state removing the statue of a slave owning traitor. Sounds like a definite win.

Wait until it's your turn, or something you support being removed. Robespierre was sure of himself right before the guillotine when snip.
Right. They had state rights. That's why they had to end slavery when lord Lincoln proclaimed it.

You are that dumb.

Slavery was the reason, States' rights the issue. Your defective brain can't comprehend the difference.
Imbecile, they didn't end slavery in the south when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln had no control over those states. Many escaped to the north to join the Union but the vast majority remained slaves until the nation reunified and the 13th Amendment was ratified. Before declaring secession, slavery was not outlawed constitutionally and states were able to decide for themselves if slavery could be legal within their borders, i.e., state rights. So they already had states rights. Had they not seceded, they would have been able to keep their slaves. But after the Civil War broke out, Lincoln used slavery as a tool to aid the north's war efforts against the south. Without that war, Lincoln, who was indifferent to slavery, would never have done that. But the south didn't think they'd get to keep their slaves so they seceded. So no, states rights isn't what compelled the south to secede... slavery was their number one issue.
More proof you are delusional. I never said I was afraid of statues. Not wanting statues of slave supporting confederates on public property makes me fit to live in a civilized society. You are not fit for such a life. You're a deplorable animal.

Sorry, triggered by statues. Much better.


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