melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

It takes a dumb ass racist POS to believe that shit, you have to lie and tell yourself you are superior to someone to have any self-worth.

The statue of a white man was created by a white man. Take away either of them, and you don't have a statue to melt down.

Whites win again, negro.

You would have nothing without us...
Yes. You are implying two things with that claim. One that there is some time component to morality, which I question. And two, that there is such a thing as today's standards. You have provided no evidence that either of these implied things are true.

1. Prove there is such a thing as 'todays' standards. You yourself admitted earlier that China is keeping a group of people as slaves, so who's standards are you talking about? What makes them the 'standard'?

2. Why can't I use my moral standards to judge anything I want? Because you say so? Are you the boss of my morality?

I don't have to prove shit. This is about removing statues of people over butthurt.

You can use whatever you want, the issue is pushing it on others over the vapors due to statues of people you don't like.
Bitch, please.
You don't realize it but you just used a phrase popularized by black entertainment. You're already conquered. You will never again have a white only America. Sad day for you little bitch.
I'm a pretty successful guy. I used to be poor, but this is better. The coloreds down on West King Street are poor and seem content in remaining that way. They can't dismantle shit.

You're poor white trash, that much is obvious.
I don't have a problem with black people. I have a problem with negro lawn jockeys like you.
I guess we even conquered you. :lmao: I thought you were at least one of the Proud racist but I guess you're with the cowards who know they need black and minority votes to secure their future but are too stupid to realize blacks and minorities are never going to fall for their bullshit. You're going to lose begging black people to believe you aren't really racist. Lol. How incredibly sad.
You claim you're "wealthy" and making babies. In your culture, all that means is your welfare check arrived but you still can't afford condoms.
You are obviously a racist. Why deny the obvious? Are you scared little cuck? Lol. Do you know you have to pretend? Dend the knee little bitch like the rest of your cucked brethren. I love it! :lmao:
And I don't even want to try to explain how fucking ignorant you look by using the word "cuck" in iterally every post. It tells me you don't know what it actually means...
I know exactly what it means. It means you lay there and watch as we bend your country over and make it our bitch.
Because that negroid art wouldn't exist had it not been for a white man. This proves that, once again, negroes are incapable of truly creating something of value on their own. Moolies like you need the white man...
It exists cause cucks like you couldn't stop it from happening. Lol.
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I don't have to prove shit. This is about removing statues of people over butthurt.

You mean you can't prove shit. I never thought for a second you could back up your claims with sound argument.

You can call it butthurt but people are rightly disgusted that a racist segment of our society still venerates slavers and rapists and is using their political power to change that. Tough titties.
You can use whatever you want, the issue is pushing it on others over the vapors due to statues of people you don't like.
I fully admit I don't like statues to piece of shit slavers and rapists. My question is why do you?

You mean you can't prove shit. I never thought for a second you could back up your claims with sound argument.

You can call it butthurt but people are rightly disgusted that a racist segment of our society still venerates slavers and rapists and is using their political power to change that. Tough titties.

I fully admit I don't like statues to piece of shit slavers and rapists. My question is why do you?

What is there to prove?

Your side has decided to erase history, including guys like Lincoln and TR, nevermind Confederates.

The people who fought them forgave them, you have no standing to do otherwise.

Now go get offended by the wrong pronouns, SJW cuck soi boi.
What is there to prove?

Your side has decided to erase history, including guys like Lincoln and TR, nevermind Confederates.

The people who fought them forgave them, you have no standing to do otherwise.

Now go get offended by the wrong pronouns, SJW cuck soi boi.
The only people who forgave them were their fellow racist pig fuckers.
No, the people who beat them forgave them, that's why the civil war ended, and why it was fought.
They weren't forgiven. The army surrendered. The wealthy slaveowners kept being wealthy Jim Crow pig fuckers who did things like kill Emmett Till, burn churches, and other acts of terrorism. May they burn in hell and anyone who supports their cause join them. Traitorous vermin.
They weren't forgiven. The army surrendered. The wealthy slaveowners kept being wealthy Jim Crow pig fuckers who did things like kill Emmett Till, burn churches, and other acts of terrorism. May they burn in hell and anyone who supports their cause join them. Traitorous vermin.
They were, by the people who fought them. The failures of Reconstruction are another argument.
No, the people who beat them forgave them, that's why the civil war ended, and why it was fought.
Idiot, the Civil War ended because the treasonous south got their Confederate asses kicked.

The war ended in 1865 while Jonson's pardon wasn't granted for another 3½ years.
What is there to prove?
Your arguments, you dumbass.
Your side has decided to erase history, including guys like Lincoln and TR, nevermind Confederates.
Ridiculous hyperbole. Statues are not the last surviving historical records. In fact there has never been a point in time before this one where historical records were this accessible. I'm simply saying that we should stop venerating slavers with monuments and statues, not leading angry mobs of parents to school board meetings demanding they stop teaching about racism.
The people who fought them forgave them, you have no standing to do otherwise.
Says who? You? As a citizen of this country I have every right to petition my government for change.
Now go get offended by the wrong pronouns, SJW cuck soi boi.

I don't. Nor do I get offended when someone asks me to call them by their preferred pronoun, that's a trigger for you clowns, not me.
And that's a lazy argument. There are no such things as today's standards or yesteryear standards, there are only ever our own standards and they differ person to person and culture to culture. Time has nothing to do with it at all.

What? That is some real bull shit right there....Ofcourse time changes things....Are there plantations today with slave owners raising crops? Are there slave markets in our port cities? Because if so please tell me where, and I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you to do something to get them shut down...

We fought a bloody war to end slavery in this country. We have as Americans passed legislation granting blacks, some whom are decendents of that era guarenteeing equal rights, and even some unequal to give the black population in this country an advantage to get a leg up in society...To say time has nothing to do with that is just plain silly...

Even today there are wildly different standards of what is moral and immoral. Some people think there's nothing morally wrong with abortion, some believe it's murder, does that imply there is some universally agreed upon standard?

While morality differs from person to person, core morality remains...We know it is wrong to kill others, etc...Our laws are being tested today, ignored, and the standards of morality is being attacked much like you are starting to do here...I reject that.

Well for one I don't oppose an end to our society venerating slavers which is more than I can say for you.

Who's venerating slavers? What you pukes are doing is trying to erase history because of your triggered feelings....It's bull shit...
You can hold that position and you still should be able to understand why it is wrong today to make a man walk past a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery while going to pay his taxes.

Thomas Jefferson? George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? Really? These statues trigger you?
What? That is some real bull shit right there....Ofcourse time changes things....Are there plantations today with slave owners raising crops? Are there slave markets in our port cities? Because if so please tell me where, and I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you to do something to get them shut down...
Just because slavery looks different today doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are entire towns of Uygher muslims who are slaves in China. Slavery is still an acceptable practice to a society of over a billion people, a society much larger than our own. There are no 'todays' standards. Time and morality have no relationship. Slavery and rape were just as immoral in the 1800s when the American Founders were doing it as it is today when the Chinese are doing it.
We fought a bloody war to end slavery in this country.
That doesn't absolve the people who fought to preserve slavery nor does it absolve the North who turned right around after the war and sold out newly freed blacks to the brutality of the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation.
We have as Americans passed legislation granting blacks, some whom are decendents of that era guarenteeing equal rights, and even some unequal to give the black population in this country an advantage to get a leg up in society...To say time has nothing to do with that is just plain silly...
Time had nothing to do with it and you certainly can't prove it did. Morality is a social construct, not an aspect of time. That's basic physics and sociology. Things changed because people of better moral character defeated those with less, not because of time.
While morality differs from person to person, core morality remains...We know it is wrong to kill others, etc...
Who's we? Certainly not everybody or there would be no killing.
Our laws are being tested today, ignored, and the standards of morality is being attacked much like you are starting to do here...I reject that.
And I reject your specious and empty arguments.
Who's venerating slavers?
The people who insist we keep idolizing people who owned slaves like Washington or Jefferson.
What you pukes are doing is trying to erase history because of your triggered feelings....It's bull shit...
You're the one who seems triggered. You don't seem to be able to accept the fact that you hero worship slavers, so much so that when someone suggests we stop you accuse them of trying to erase history. Is history lost because we don't have any statues of Hitler? That's a silly little argument. Do better.
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Thomas Jefferson? George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? Really? These statues trigger you?

They do nothing for me but I explained why I support the removal and not once has anyone addressed what I said so bugger off.
Thomas Jefferson

"Throughout his entire life, Thomas Jefferson was publicly a consistent opponent of slavery. Calling it a “moral depravity”1 and a “hideous blot,”2 he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation.3 Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty.4 These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm."

"At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition.5 In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans.6 In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories.7 "

Now, is that to say that Jefferson didn't participate in Slavery? No. During his time he owned more than 600 slaves...But, I would say that he gave in to the times....

"The slave population in Virginia skyrocketed from 292,627 in 1790 to 469,757 in 1830."

George Washington

I never mean (unless some particular circumstance should compel me to it) to possess another slave by purchase: it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by the legislature by which slavery in the Country may be abolished by slow, sure, & imperceptible degrees.


Members of Washington’s wartime staff may have inspired antislavery sentiments. His young aides John Laurens and the Marquis de Lafayette both opposed slavery. After the war, Lafayette asked Washington to join him in purchasing a Caribbean plantation and freeing its slaves. Washington declined, but he praised the idea as “evidence of the benevolence of your heart.”

John Laurens developed a plan to recruit and eventually free a regiment of slaves in his home state of South Carolina. Washington approved of the idea, but the state legislature rejected it, fearing it could lead to a slave rebellion.

Washington also explored ways to reduce the number of enslaved people at Mount Vernon without selling them. Most ideas involved renting or selling land to finance an emancipation. He was unable to execute any of these plans during his lifetime.

Were it not then, that I am principled against selling negroes, as you would do cattle in the market, I would not, in twelve months from this date, be possessed of one, as a slave.

Both of these men were torn between the necessity of the time to own slaves, and the morality of owning another human being...It wasn't a perfect time, and IMHO, it is way too easy today to look around ones self, and think "why would anyone own slaves, when there is everything we could ever want at our fingertips...They fail to understand the demands of a newly formed nation, trade, economic, and laws of the time....Their devotion in helping at the very least plant the seeds of abolishing slavery need to be taken into account...

In fact, I would say that those today that are in the practice of advocating the tearing down these statues of our founders, are not expressly attacking these men per se, but rather attack the formation of the nation to begin with...That's the real rub.

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