melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

They do nothing for me but I explained why I support the removal and not once has anyone addressed what I said so bugger off.

They do nothing for you? They did everything for you. They put their very lives on the line so that you can post this tripe....
Both of these men were torn between the necessity of the time to own slaves, and the morality of owning another human being...It wasn't a perfect time, and IMHO, it is way too easy today to look around ones self, and think "why would anyone own slaves, when there is everything we could ever want at our fingertips...They fail to understand the demands of a newly formed nation, trade, economic, and laws of the time....Their devotion in helping at the very least plant the seeds of abolishing slavery need to be taken into account...
Stop trying to put a positive spin on their poor moral choices. They stole liberty and freedom from black people, sold children away from their parents, raped wives and daughters and they did it out of self interest, not noble cause. It isn't me who doesn't understand history, it's you who doesn't have the moral character to stop idolizing pieces of shit slavers.
In fact, I would say that those today that are in the practice of advocating the tearing down these statues of our founders, are not expressly attacking these men per se, but rather attack the formation of the nation to begin with...That's the real rub.
Is this Nations founding beyond reproach? Why? Because that triggers you?
Stop trying to put a positive spin on their poor moral choices. They stole liberty and freedom from black people, sold children away from their parents, raped wives and daughters and they did it out of self interest, not noble cause. It isn't me who doesn't understand history, it's you who doesn't have the moral character to stop idolizing pieces of shit slavers.

Is this Nations founding beyond reproach? Why? Because that triggers you?
And that's all you want to do is tear America down....Won't work.
And that's all you want to do is tear America down....Won't work.
That's just another triggered emotional response because you don't have an intelligent counter argument. I live in America, my daughter, my parents, my brothers, my nieces and nephews all live in America. I don't want to destroy my home, that's another silly little argument. I want to change America to be closer to my ideals as is my right as an American citizen and in my ideal world we don't venerate piece of shit slavers. The culture that does I'm going to paint as deplorable and racist defenders of white supremacy and I'm going to convince the majority of Americans because it's an undeniable truth.
That's just another triggered emotional response because you don't have an intelligent counter argument. I live in America, my daughter, my parents, my brothers, my nieces and nephews all live in America. I don't want to destroy my home, that's another silly little argument. I want to change America to be closer to my ideals as is my right as an American citizen and in my ideal world we don't venerate piece of shit slavers. The culture that does I'm going to paint as deplorable and racist defenders of white supremacy and I'm going to convince the majority of Americans because it's an undeniable truth.
No, you want to change America to your ideals, what you said, but in reality your narcissism, and selfish blovation isn't shared by others, or even a majority of America, so too damned bad for you snowflake....

You don't like the people that founded the nation you derive your cushy life from, and want to change it...Which means erasing those people some 250 years ago, thus arguing against the very founding of the nation...You are a parasite....
No, you want to change America to your ideals, what you said, but in reality your narcissism, and selfish blovation isn't shared by others, or even a majority of America, so too damned bad for you snowflake....
We melted down a statue of Lee and turned it into black art. More and more they agree with me because it's hard to explain intelligently, as you've shown, why we should venerate slavers. Confederates were just the start.
You don't like the people that founded the nation you derive your cushy life from, and want to change it...Which means erasing those people some 250 years ago, thus arguing against the very founding of the nation...You are a parasite....
That's another hilariously specious argument. My cushy life is derived from my own hard work and the hard work of my parents and grandparents. As for my rights, I have black American Civil rights heroes to thank for that, not piece of shit slavers. They are the real American heroes. See, that's how you make a convincing argument. It's predicated on fact and not hurt white boy feelings.
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No, you want to change America to your ideals, what you said, but in reality your narcissism, and selfish blovation isn't shared by others, or even a majority of America, so too damned bad for you snowflake....
Are you saying the majority of America doesn't want Equality and Liberty for all her citizens.
You don't like the people that founded the nation you derive your cushy life from, and want to change it...Which means erasing those people some 250 years ago, thus arguing against the very founding of the nation...You are a parasite....
No we can't celebrate the evil and injustice that those founders participated in.
Idiot, the Civil War ended because the treasonous south got their Confederate asses kicked.

The war ended in 1865 while Jonson's pardon wasn't granted for another 3½ years.

It ended without guerilla warfare because of the honorable surrender of the generals you are currently attacking.
Your arguments, you dumbass.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Statues are not the last surviving historical records. In fact there has never been a point in time before this one where historical records were this accessible. I'm simply saying that we should stop venerating slavers with monuments and statues, not leading angry mobs of parents to school board meetings demanding they stop teaching about racism.

Says who? You? As a citizen of this country I have every right to petition my government for change.


I don't. Nor do I get offended when someone asks me to call them by their preferred pronoun, that's a trigger for you clowns, not me.

And yet Abe and TR statues as well as Jefferson Statues are going down because of pussies like you.
I don't want to know what you believe it is, tell us what it is.

Let me help you out.

He's ignorant as shit. This is what it is;

Just what is critical race theory anyway?

Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.
A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas. CRT is factual history Right-wing cultists do not want to discuss. But, it's a road map on how to end it from making more history. And if you're against that, then you are a racist. And that's why these rednecks don't want it taught. They have wet dreams of bringing slavery back. This is why Trump cultists want to end this Republic. Once again, their end game is total domination, control, and power over Black and Brown people, to see fit to do with these folks as they choose. They are modern day Nazis.

And everyone knew they were bad, hence the Nuremberg trials.

Again, applying modern morals to past time periods is idiotic.
It's idiotic to think man has changed. Man, until the present, has not changed. His laws have. But we see how quickly that changes with 400 voter suppression laws targeting minorities.
It's idiotic to think man has changed. Man, until the present, has not changed. His laws have. But we see how quickly that changes with 400 voter suppression laws targeting minorities.

Minorities are unable to get ID's or get to polling places unlike white people?
It ended without guerilla warfare because of the honorable surrender of the generals you are currently attacking.
Who were traitors to the U.S..

And they surrendered because they were getting their asses kicked. But even after some surrendered, the president of the Confederacy did not and kept on fighting with the remaining army he had left.
Minorities are unable to get ID's or get to polling places unlike white people?
Goddamn man, are you racists still pedaling that retarded argument? 400 voter suppression laws have got shit to do with ID. Get a clue.

What does closing 1200 polling places in minority areas have to do with ID? What about closing polls early, limiting early voting, limiting mail in voting, firing black poll workers and officials have to do with ID? Nothing! Get out of here with that stupid shit cheater.
Who were traitors to the U.S..

And they surrendered because they were getting their asses kicked. But even after some surrendered, the president of the Confederacy did not and kept on fighting with the remaining army he had left.

Who were forgiven by the people who fought and beat them, something you have no claim to 100's of years later.
Goddamn man, are you racists still pedaling that retarded argument? 400 voter suppression laws have got shit to do with ID. Get a clue.

What does closing 1200 polling places in minority areas have to do with ID? What about closing polls early, limiting early voting, limiting mail in voting, firing black poll workers and officials have to do with ID? Nothing! Get out of here with that stupid shit cheater.

only in minority areas? Were they replaced because they were from the other party?

Mail in voting is fraud central, which is why progs like you like it.

Minorities don't know how to tell time?

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