melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville


Veterans of the Battle of Gettysburg, decades later.

Libs need to lie in order to defend their actions.

The sad part is that they are never ashamed when they get caught.

They are soulless trolls.

I kind of suspect the freed slaves were very happy to be free and not really worried about it.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.

And those today, who want to remove that forgiveness and smear and hate those that celebrate the service of their ancestors, are just ungrateful, spoiled children with no moral authority to do what they are doing.
I kind of suspect the freed slaves were very happy to be free and not really worried about it.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.

And those today, who want to remove that forgiveness and smear and hate those that celebrate the service of their ancestors, are just ungrateful, spoiled children with no moral authority to do what they are doing.
You literally celebrate the services of enslavers, rapists, and murderers.
I kind of suspect the freed slaves were very happy to be free and not really worried about it.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.

And those today, who want to remove that forgiveness and smear and hate those that celebrate the service of their ancestors, are just ungrateful, spoiled children with no moral authority to do what they are doing.
Worried? Who said anything about worried. Forgiveness was the noun. And I don't see any blacks in that photo.

You literally celebrate the services of enslavers, rapists, and murderers.

That you disagree with the politics of the time is noted but irrelevant.

My point stands.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.
Worried? Who said anything about worried. Forgiveness was the noun. And I don't see any blacks in that photo.


So? None of any of that matters.

The point remains. Those that fought and won that war, forgave their former enemies, now fellow Americans.

Would you like to address that, or just spout some more irrelevant crap?
That you disagree with the politics of the time is noted but irrelevant.

My point stands.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.
And you base that on...?
Veterans of the Battle of Gettysburg, decades later.
Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.

Umm, that is an assertion made 158 years after the fact by someone who isn't old enough to know. And does so with scant evidence.

I've seen very little substantive literature that cites this 'forgiveness'. A photo taken at the 50th year anniversary of Gettysburg was a photo op. Not a sign from God that forgiveness has been bestowed. Or earned.

Those Confederate soldiers in the 50yr pic were not punished for insurrection, treason, rebellion, sedition, or murder......because of the magnanimity of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant. Those two men chose...and Johnson honored their not prolong the American tragedy by hanging any but Henry Wirz, the commandant of Andersonville, and the guerella, Ferguson. Lincoln and Grant wanted healing to take hold. And, in time, it did, allowing a fabulous continental-wide nation to emerge and prosper.

They made the right decisions by not hanging Davis, Lee, and other leaders.
Even Nathan Bedford Forrest who commanded his troops to executed hundreds of surrenedered and disarmed Union troops at Ft.Pillow was not pursued by Union justice.

That is not necessarily forgiveness. That is pragmatism. Pragmatism that worked in the nation's interest. Who can deny that now?

That you disagree with the politics of the time is noted but irrelevant.

My point stands.

Meanwhile the point that the veterans that fought the wars forgave the former confederates, is still true.
No your point betrays it's own antiChristian antiAmerican base. These are statues of traitors, put in place as a power move against Blacks. They are being removed, decades late, but being removed.
Never forget Lee was a Democrat, and if one fails to learn from the lessons of history
one is bound to repeat the same mistakes.
Never forget Lee was a Democrat, and if one fails to learn from the lessons of history
one is bound to repeat the same mistakes.
True, he was. Though like most of the confederate states these days being a Republican majority, he would no doubt be a Republican himself if he were still alive.
And you base that on...?

Documented history. Such as the photo posted by marty.

The point stands. THe vets who actually fought the war, forgave.

Today, there is no one who has the moral authority to outweigh that.

Those today who try to, are childish trolls worthy of nothing but contempt.
No your point betrays it's own antiChristian antiAmerican base. These are statues of traitors, put in place as a power move against Blacks. They are being removed, decades late, but being removed.

Your excuse for your bad actions are noted and stupid.

You are spoiled children, shitting on the sacrifices of your ancestors.
Yet you as a Republican defend CSA statues.

They are not CSA states. That rebellion was defeated before my grandfather was born.

Those states have been AMERICAN states for far longer than you have been alive.

We, as REPUBLICANS, are defending AMERICAN STATES, from attacks from anti-American assholes.
I have plenty of moral authority to outweigh that. When has murder, rape and inhumanity ever accounted as politics of the time.

No, you don't. They fought and bled and then buried the hatchet and rebuilt a nation.

That you are emotional counts for dick.

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