melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Yes I do, that lame ass excuse for trying to hide the atrocities that were done by these cowards won't fly.

No excuses here. The war was over before your great granddaddy met your great grandmommy. Better men than you, buried the hatchet and now you are trying to reopen old wounds because you suck.
No excuses here. The war was over before your great granddaddy met your great grandmommy. Better men than you, buried the hatchet and now you are trying to reopen old wounds because you suck.
Basically what you are saying is that white folks in the North were satisfied with the treasonous Confederates of the South surrendering, but restitution to what was done to black folks has NEVER been satisfied.
Documented history. Such as the photo posted by marty.

The point stands. THe vets who actually fought the war, forgave.

Today, there is no one who has the moral authority to outweigh that.

Those today who try to, are childish trolls worthy of nothing but contempt.

History, as in the north and Republicans took control of the south during Reconstruction until the 1876 election when they struck a deal over the presidency to get out? That's your idea of "forgiveness??"

As far as that photo, there were some 2½ million soldiers who survived the Civil War. You’re actually retarded enough to claim a photo of some 3 dozen white men represents 2½ million others.

They are not CSA states. That rebellion was defeated before my grandfather was born.

Those states have been AMERICAN states for far longer than you have been alive.

We, as REPUBLICANS, are defending AMERICAN STATES, from attacks from anti-American assholes.
And Americans are taking down homages to traitors.
Basically what you are saying is that white folks in the North were satisfied with the treasonous Confederates of the South surrendering, but restitution to what was done to black folks has NEVER been satisfied.

Not "white people" you racist ass. The men that fought and defeated the enemy, and then forgave them and welcomed them back into the nation.

You have NOTHING on them. They have the Moral Authority to make that call. You have nothing.

Restitution? Men died by the hundreds of thousands so that the "blacks" could be Free and you want MORE from them? Jesus Fucking Christ.

History, as in the north and Republicans took control of the south during Reconstruction until the 1876 election when they struck a deal over the presidency to get out? That's your idea of "forgiveness??"

As far as that photo, there were some 2½ million soldiers who survived the Civil War. You’re actually retarded enough to claim a photo of some 3 dozen white men represents 2½ million others.

The photo is representative of a national policy of reconciliation and healing.

It takes an actual retard to not understand that.

The Civil War split this country. Such a wound, can and has ruined nations. But we worked to heal that wound. The rebels were forgiven and welcomed back into the larger nation. Their veterans and their descendants pride in them, were assimilated into the larger national Patriotism.

By the time of WWI, this nation was united and strong. Since then, the South has been a disproportionate source of soldiers in our nation's many battles.

And today is still the most Patriotic of regions.

God Bless America. ALL OF IT. You divisive bastard.
Except for when they couldn't get jobs. Go to schools. Eat at restaurants. Were told to sit in the back. etc, etc, etc.

YOu really think that not being able to eat at a certain restaurant is equal to being a fucking slave?

Seriously. DO you think at all about the shit you post?
YOu really think that not being able to eat at a certain restaurant is equal to being a fucking slave?

Seriously. DO you think at all about the shit you post?

While they were happy to be free they were NOT happy by the attempts of those upset that slavery was no longer legal still trying to keep them down.

Don't defend that.
While they were happy to be free they were NOT happy by the attempts of those upset that slavery was no longer legal still trying to keep them down.

Don't defend that.

I made the point that they were not worried about shit like the confederates being forgiven, because they were FREED FROM SLAVERY.

You DISAGREED with that, and one of the reasons you gave was not being able to eat in some restaurants.

My point stands. The former confederates were forgiven. You people saying "blacks" doesn't change that fact.

And those trying to renege on that forgiveness today, a. have no moral authority to do so, and b. are anti-American assholes.
I made the point that they were not worried about shit like the confederates being forgiven, because they were FREED FROM SLAVERY.

Truth be known, they probably wanted to string them up like they had been.

You DISAGREED with that, and one of the reasons you gave was not being able to eat in some restaurants.

My point stands. The former confederates were forgiven. You people saying "blacks" doesn't change that fact.

And those trying to renege on that forgiveness today, a. have no moral authority to do so, and b. are anti-American assholes.

Not prosecuting people does not mean you have to honor them in the public square.
Not "white people" you racist ass. The men that fought and defeated the enemy, and then forgave them and welcomed them back into the nation.
Who were the men that fought and who were they fighting? So white men forgave white men, correct?
You have NOTHING on them. They have the Moral Authority to make that call. You have nothing.
What gives them the moral authority? How about the black folks who survived the atrocities of slavery, did they have any moral authority?
Restitution? Men died by the hundreds of thousands so that the "blacks" could be Free and you want MORE from them? Jesus Fucking Christ.
Men died by the hundreds of thousands so that Jewish folks could be free, but that wasn't restitution for the horrors they endured.
I made the point that they were not worried about shit like the confederates being forgiven, because they were FREED FROM SLAVERY.
You don't know shit. Of course they were. The same population of southern Confederates turned around and used violence and intimidation to prevent freed blacks from making their voices heard politically. All the political gains made by black Americans in the south were wiped out at the end of Reconstruction and the beginning of Jim Crow. Racist Southern culture should of been annihilated then but since it wasn't we all get to enjoy watching it get pushed towards extinction today.
The photo is representative of a national policy of reconciliation and healing.

It takes an actual retard to not understand that.

The Civil War split this country. Such a wound, can and has ruined nations. But we worked to heal that wound. The rebels were forgiven and welcomed back into the larger nation. Their veterans and their descendants pride in them, were assimilated into the larger national Patriotism.

By the time of WWI, this nation was united and strong. Since then, the South has been a disproportionate source of soldiers in our nation's many battles.

And today is still the most Patriotic of regions.

God Bless America. ALL OF IT. You divisive bastard.

It's a photo with 0.001% of the Civil War survivors.

Here's a photo of Democrats and Republicans working together on the 1/6 committee...


... according to your illogic, that's evidence all Democrats and Republicans are working together on 1/6.


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