melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Truth be known, they probably wanted to string them up like they had been.

Not prosecuting people does not mean you have to honor them in the public square.

They were forgiven and welcomed back into the nation. By the heroes that bled and risked death to defeat them. And by the nation as a whole.

The nation as a whole was happy to have them honored in the public square.

DId you know that President Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate's Memorial in Arlington on Veterans Day, during his presidency?
Who were the men that fought and who were they fighting? So white men forgave white men, correct?

It is telling that you consider White Men a monolithic block. That is your racism showing. My point stands. The heroes that fought and bled to defeat the confederates forgave them adn welcomed them back into the nation.

What gives them the moral authority?

Their sacrifices.

How about the black folks who survived the atrocities of slavery, did they have any moral authority?

Not on this issue. They were the ones that benefited from the sacrifice, not the ones that made it. It is also worth noting that they are not here whining about some statues in the park.

Men died by the hundreds of thousands so that Jewish folks could be free, but that wasn't restitution for the horrors they endured.

Irrelevant and off topic. The fact remains. Americans died like never before or since to stop that rebellion. Those that did that, forgave.

That forgiveness stands. Only an asshole would think they have the moral authority to renege.
Yet you as a Republican defend CSA statues.
Statues define and remind a nation of its past, victories, hero’s, and in this case contradiction to its founding principles. The republic stood, recovered, and paid a bloody price, so as I see it why not honor those on both sides whose sacrifice forged this nation.
They were forgiven and welcomed back into the nation. By the heroes that bled and risked death to defeat them. And by the nation as a whole.

The nation as a whole was happy to have them honored in the public square.

DId you know that President Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate's Memorial in Arlington on Veterans Day, during his presidency?


No black man should have to walk past a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to pay his taxes.
It is telling that you consider White Men a monolithic block. That is your racism showing. My point stands. The heroes that fought and bled to defeat the confederates forgave them adn welcomed them back into the nation.
Are you telling us it was Native Americans that defeated racist, white Confederates.
That means that black slaves had the moral authority.
Not on this issue. They were the ones that benefited from the sacrifice, not the ones that made it. It is also worth noting that they are not here whining about some statues in the park.
So surviving the inhumane practice of slavery gave them no moral authority in your eyes, but I am the racist. I am pretty sure they would have supported statues and monuments be put up on honor of the racist who committed atrocious practices against them.
Irrelevant and off topic. The fact remains. Americans died like never before or since to stop that rebellion. Those that did that, forgave.

That forgiveness stands. Only an asshole would think they have the moral authority to renege.
That forgiveness was given to white men by other white men.
Your ignorance persists. A pardon is forgiveness. He was forgiven by Ford. Same as with Confederate soldiers, they were forgiven by Johnson. So like Nixon couldn't be charged with his crimes, neither could Confederate soldiers.

A pardon is simply a legal removal of a conviction. The forgiveness I am talking about was both at the government level and at the personal level.
A pardon is simply a legal removal of a conviction. The forgiveness I am talking about was both at the government level and at the personal level.
A pardon is forgiveness, no matter how stupid you are.

Umm, that is an assertion made 158 years after the fact by someone who isn't old enough to know. And does so with scant evidence.

I've seen very little substantive literature that cites this 'forgiveness'. A photo taken at the 50th year anniversary of Gettysburg was a photo op. Not a sign from God that forgiveness has been bestowed. Or earned.

Those Confederate soldiers in the 50yr pic were not punished for insurrection, treason, rebellion, sedition, or murder......because of the magnanimity of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant. Those two men chose...and Johnson honored their not prolong the American tragedy by hanging any but Henry Wirz, the commandant of Andersonville, and the guerella, Ferguson. Lincoln and Grant wanted healing to take hold. And, in time, it did, allowing a fabulous continental-wide nation to emerge and prosper.

They made the right decisions by not hanging Davis, Lee, and other leaders.
Even Nathan Bedford Forrest who commanded his troops to executed hundreds of surrenedered and disarmed Union troops at Ft.Pillow was not pursued by Union justice.

That is not necessarily forgiveness. That is pragmatism. Pragmatism that worked in the nation's interest. Who can deny that now?


The whole Union point of the war was to bring the States, and thus the people of those States back into the Union.
It is telling that you consider White Men a monolithic block. That is your racism showing. My point stands. The heroes that fought and bled to defeat the confederates forgave them adn welcomed them back into the nation.
Who gives a shit? That was then and this is now and now their statues aren't welcomed here by us. Get used to that cuck.
No, it's a constitutional process given to the president with regards to federal crimes. Nothing more or less.
Moron, I just gave you the definition snd you still don't understand?? Guess you're ineducable.
Moron, I just gave you the definition snd you still don't understand?? Guess you're ineducable.

You gave your definition that suits your purpose in this thread, just more "reality is defined how I see it" SJW Orwellian bullshit.
You gave your definition that suits your purpose in this thread, just more "reality is defined how I see it" SJW Orwellian bullshit.
No, retard, I gave the Justice Department's definition. And they know more than you. Infinitely more.

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