Member when Bush enforced clintons Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and liberals cried?


The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.[/QUOTE]

It was also illegal and a war crime.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.[/QUOTE]

It was also illegal and a war crime.[/QUOTE]
Liberals are such losers
The mission was accomplished you fucking you stupid ignorant moron.

It is rather obvious to all of us that you have no clue about a thing. Just parrot the left wing party line. That particular mission was accomplished.

Also, the paradigm had clearly shifted post 911 on dealing with perceived threats after what we saw 19 men do without a fucking gun.

We knew Hussein was actively pursuing wmds based on independent reports by UNSCOM and based on testimony by his two son in laws along with other clear evidence.

Hence, the democrats voting for war along wth the UN 15-0 unanimous vote.

You are a fucking hack.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.
Obama said he successfully ended the Iraq war.
The total American soldiers killed in combat is 3529 in Iraq.
Now, once again you attempt to deflect.

You also failed to acknowledge weapons labs and wmd were found in Iraq.

Are you suggesting the US just ignore attempts on the Presidents life by hostile actors, and the killing of US citizens on our shores?

When it is convenient you bring up Iraq totals under Bush, but when we bring up totals in Afghanistan under Obama, that doesn't count? What is wrong with this picture?

72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama's Watch

oh, and by the way-

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results

BY LATE 2003, even the Bush White House’s staunchest defenders were starting to give up on the idea that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

But WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction.

Respected them enough to needlessly send them to their deaths
More died under Obama's incompetence.
Of course yet another lie

This is the part where you usually post only Afghanistan casualties and ignore Iraq
So we have 1400 killed under Obama in Afghanistan while under Bush we had 700 in Afghanistan, 5000 in Iraq and 3000 killed on 9-11
He forgets that 911 was planned and the terrorist trained under Clinton's watch.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was accomplished you fucking you stupid ignorant moron.

It is rather obvious to all of us that you have no clue about a thing. Just parrot the left wing party line. That particular mission was accomplished.

Also, the paradigm had clearly shifted post 911 on dealing with perceived threats after what we saw 19 men do without a fucking gun.

We knew Hussein was actively pursuing wmds based on independent reports by UNSCOM and based on testimony by his two son in laws along with other clear evidence.

Hence, the democrats voting for war along wth the UN 15-0 unanimous vote.

You are a fucking hack.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was accomplished you fucking you stupid ignorant moron.

It is rather obvious to all of us that you have no clue about a thing. Just parrot the left wing party line. That particular mission was accomplished.

Also, the paradigm had clearly shifted post 911 on dealing with perceived threats after what we saw 19 men do without a fucking gun.

We knew Hussein was actively pursuing wmds based on independent reports by UNSCOM and based on testimony by his two son in laws along with other clear evidence.

Hence, the democrats voting for war along wth the UN 15-0 unanimous vote.

You are a fucking hack.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was accomplished you fucking you stupid ignorant moron.

It is rather obvious to all of us that you have no clue about a thing. Just parrot the left wing party line. That particular mission was accomplished.

Also, the paradigm had clearly shifted post 911 on dealing with perceived threats after what we saw 19 men do without a fucking gun.

We knew Hussein was actively pursuing wmds based on independent reports by UNSCOM and based on testimony by his two son in laws along with other clear evidence.

Hence, the democrats voting for war along wth the UN 15-0 unanimous vote.

You are a fucking hack.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.

Obama in 2011: 'We're Leaving Behind A Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq'
If they had tried to get the status of force agreement as was needed, it may have remained that way.

I truly believe they didn't even attempt it.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.

Yes it did!

However it was 2007:

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.

It was very, very violent. The surge was a flop. The whole war was a flop of an idea. Why can't you admit it? You do realize that there never should have been a need for a surge, in the first place, according to the GOP. The massive, heaving crowds of grateful Iraqis were supposed to be holding Thank You Parades in 2003, according to the GOP. Where were they? It was supposed to have been stable in 2003 after we invaded. Why wasn't it? Instead, it was yet another GOP foreign policy fuck up from day one.

I predict the GOP's saber rattling shitheadedness will be repeated with Iran. Trump will rip up the Iran Deal. Our European partners will abandon us, China and Russia will look the other way, and maybe help, as Iran gets a nuke.. The right has learned nothing from their mistakes.
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.

Yes it did!

However it was 2007:

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia
Yeap, the surge worked (much to the dismay of the saddam loving left) in 2007 and it was stabilized in 2008.

The obama monster isis grew into a force as he called them a jv team. Using our equipment that we left behind.


Liberals are losers
Actually, it is you that is willfully ignorant, dear lady.

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards

Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.

Chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq but Pentagon kept it secret | Daily Mail Online

WMD’S IN IRAQ: Terrorists Seize Saddam’s Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin & VX

US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.

Yes it did!

However it was 2007:

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia
Yeap, the surge worked (much to the dismay of the saddam loving left) in 2007 and it was stabilized in 2008.

The obama monster isis grew into a force as he called them a jv team. Using our equipment that we left behind.


Liberals are losers

I noticed that there was no ISIS when Saddam Hussein was in power. As hard as it is to say, it, Iraq and the world were better off with him in charge if it. What a colossal mistake the Iraq War was. We created a vacuum in Iraq filled by partly Isis, and went deep into dept to do it. No wonder the GOP lost in 2008 despite the "stability" :rolleyes: of the "successful" :laugh:surge.

:rofl: "Iraq was stabilized in 2008" :rofl:

There must be another planet around another sun somewhere in the universe with a country called Iraq on it, because it the Iraq on our planet was a mess in 2008, and the GOP was to blame for it, which is why they lost the White House in 2008. If it was stable , then McCain would have won. Seriously, watching conservatards defend the Iraq War on this board is so cringey. Just shut up already.
It was stabilized in 2008. The surge worked.

Yes it did!

However it was 2007:

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia
Yeap, the surge worked (much to the dismay of the saddam loving left) in 2007 and it was stabilized in 2008.

The obama monster isis grew into a force as he called them a jv team. Using our equipment that we left behind.


Liberals are losers

I noticed that there was no ISIS when Saddam Hussein was in power. As hard as it is to say, it, Iraq and the world were better off with him in charge if it. What a colossal mistake the Iraq War was. We created a vacuum in Iraq filled by partly Isis, and went deep into dept to do it. No wonder the GOP lost in 2008 despite the "stability" :rolleyes: of the "successful" :laugh:surge.

Because Saddam was just like ISIS!

However the cut and run policy of Obama created ISIS and allowed them to take territory in six nations!
When it is convenient you bring up Iraq totals under Bush, but when we bring up totals in Afghanistan under Obama, that doesn't count? What is wrong with this picture?

72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama's Watch

oh, and by the way-

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results

BY LATE 2003, even the Bush White House’s staunchest defenders were starting to give up on the idea that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

But WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction.

He should apologize to the parents of the 5000 soldiers he had needlessly killed
Oh my he still meets soldiers at the airport to welcome them home. He respects our soldiers, unlike Obama.
Respected them enough to needlessly send them to their deaths
More died under Obama's incompetence.
Of course yet another lie

This is the part where you usually post only Afghanistan casualties and ignore Iraq

Yes, they did but all of the caches they found were more than 10 years old, and the nerve gas had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer a threat. The so-called "WMD's" that were found were useless, and proved that the UN weapons embargoes had worked and there was absolutely no basis for the invasion of Iraq.

That's why the Bush Administration wasn't trumpeting this information from the rooftops.

In a long expose highlighting the “secret U.S. casualties” posted Tuesday evening at The New York Times, journalist C.J. Chivers brings to light what has been suppressed for years by military officials. Between 2004 and 2010, according to the Times, soldiers found thousands of rusty, corroded chemical munitions throughout Iraq, though all were manufactured before 1991.

“I love it when I hear, ‘Oh there weren’t any chemical weapons in Iraq,’ ” former Army Sgt. Jarrod L. Taylor told Chivers. “There were plenty.”

Read more at US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret - Business Insider
When it is convenient you bring up Iraq totals under Bush, but when we bring up totals in Afghanistan under Obama, that doesn't count? What is wrong with this picture?

72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama's Watch

oh, and by the way-

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results

BY LATE 2003, even the Bush White House’s staunchest defenders were starting to give up on the idea that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

But WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction.

Oh my he still meets soldiers at the airport to welcome them home. He respects our soldiers, unlike Obama.
Respected them enough to needlessly send them to their deaths
More died under Obama's incompetence.
Of course yet another lie

This is the part where you usually post only Afghanistan casualties and ignore Iraq

Yes, they did but all of the caches they found were more than 10 years old, and the nerve gas had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer a threat. The so-called "WMD's" that were found were useless, and proved that the UN weapons embargoes had worked and there was absolutely no basis for the invasion of Iraq.

That's why the Bush Administration wasn't trumpeting this information from the rooftops.

No it was one of many reasons, the far left only wants to focus on this one.

AS Saddam would not turn over all his documentation on these weapons as well as many other things..

So you would believe a brutal dictator over anyone else, typical far left drone!
The mission was accomplished you fucking you stupid ignorant moron.

It is rather obvious to all of us that you have no clue about a thing. Just parrot the left wing party line. That particular mission was accomplished.

Also, the paradigm had clearly shifted post 911 on dealing with perceived threats after what we saw 19 men do without a fucking gun.

We knew Hussein was actively pursuing wmds based on independent reports by UNSCOM and based on testimony by his two son in laws along with other clear evidence.

Hence, the democrats voting for war along wth the UN 15-0 unanimous vote.

You are a fucking hack.

The mission was NEVER accomplished. It was fucked up from start to finish. Bush, Cheney and company alienated the Iraqi people, installed an incompetent group of revenge minded Shi'ites in power, fired Saddam's Sunni army, leaving the most battled hardened force in the region with no jobs, no money, but they let them keep their weapons - leading directly to the creation of ISIS in 2006; Foolishly hired foreign contractors to rebuild infrastructure in Iraqi, while the Iraqi's had no jobs, no money, and no food, thereby alienating the rest of the Iraqi people; and negotiated the withdrawal of all US troops by 2010, so that the incoming administration would get blamed for the whole clusterfuck that was the failure of the Iraq invasion.
When a tyrant is deposed, that mission is accomplished.

There was more than one mission. Iraq was stabilized in 2008 and obozo fucked it up

More facts

Iraq was NEVER stabilized. Portions of the country were subdued, but the Iraqi's were just regrouping, and ISIS was building its forces, with help and financing from Al Qaeda. Plus Bush had already agreed that the US would leave in 2010.

The wilful ignorance of the right in regard to Iraq war which Bush fucked up from beginning to end, in the WORST ways possible, never ceases to amaze those of us who watched through an unfiltered media.
Obama said he successfully ended the Iraq war.

He did. He followed the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated and signed by George W. Bush, in spite of fierce opposition by Republicans, who wanted to continue to pour American lives and American tax dollars into that bottomless fiscal pit, to no good effect.
He forgets that 911 was planned and the terrorist trained under Clinton's watch.

And you forget the warnings that W was given by the CIA and the FBI prior to 9/11, that were ignored by Bush, Cheney, and company, which might have prevented this tragedy, if the Administration had taken them seriously.
The total American soldiers killed in combat is 3529 in Iraq.
Now, once again you attempt to deflect.

You also failed to acknowledge weapons labs and wmd were found in Iraq.

Are you suggesting the US just ignore attempts on the Presidents life by hostile actors, and the killing of US citizens on our shores?

When it is convenient you bring up Iraq totals under Bush, but when we bring up totals in Afghanistan under Obama, that doesn't count? What is wrong with this picture?

72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama's Watch

oh, and by the way-

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results

BY LATE 2003, even the Bush White House’s staunchest defenders were starting to give up on the idea that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

But WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction.

Respected them enough to needlessly send them to their deaths
More died under Obama's incompetence.
Of course yet another lie

This is the part where you usually post only Afghanistan casualties and ignore Iraq
So we have 1400 killed under Obama in Afghanistan while under Bush we had 700 in Afghanistan, 5000 in Iraq and 3000 killed on 9-11
You leave off the defense contractors which number over 1000
It was very, very violent. The surge was a flop. The whole war was a flop of an idea. Why can't you admit it? You do realize that there never should have been a need for a surge, in the first place, according to the GOP. The massive, heaving crowds of grateful Iraqis were supposed to be holding Thank You Parades in 2003, according to the GOP. Where were they? It was supposed to have been stable in 2003 after we invaded. Why wasn't it? Instead, it was yet another GOP foreign policy fuck up from day one.

I predict the GOP's saber rattling shitheadedness will be repeated with Iran. Trump will rip up the Iran Deal. Our European partners will abandon us, China and Russia will look the other way, and maybe help, as Iran gets a nuke.. The right has learned nothing from their mistakes.

Yes, the sabre rattling over Iran has already begun. I don't think that any other country in the world is prepared to follow the Donald anywhere if he tears up the deal with Iraq. The rest of the world has no faith in Trump's leadership whatsoever. They will not put their own citizens at risk for a man they consider a racist demagogue. The rest of the world is not obligated to follow this lunatic. We didn't elect him.

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