Memorial Day: If You Served...Let Folks Know.

I would like to thank my Dad and 6 uncles who fought in WWII, my son who is currently serving and especially my brother and hero Hossfly. If you've watched the movie We Were Soldiers with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott about the 3 day battle of LZXray, one of the fiercest battles of the Viet Nam war, Hoss fought in that battle and is a highly decorated Cav trooper. He was a member of the 2/5 Cav, that saved the 7th Cav from being annihilated AGAIN.

Thank you Blood. You and your family have have my utmost respect. My Dad is a Korean War Vet. Four years active duty and two years in the reserves. His Father served in WWII.

Thanks to all the vets.
Just would like to add remembrance of all those thousands of Viet Nam draftees who bravely fought and died in that senseless war, believing they were fighting for us...and honor for those Viet Nam Vets who survived physically to return to a nation that disparaged them..and seem to have "died" in our collective memories...
They deserve as much honor as any others that have served.

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I celebrate Memorial day by attending a local parade or ceremony. In the afternoon I visit an out of the way cemetery, find neglected veterans graves, clean them up and place flags and flowers. Helps my peace of mind. Try it.
To all you vets alive today, to those whose graves we visit this weekend, to our family members and neighbors and friends and strangers who served the country from the first days: thank you for your service.

And to: my father and stepfather who fought in the Pacific, and my uncles who were pilots in the army air corps (gliders) and US navy (dive bombers). They all came home, all with purple hearts, amazing that.

My mother's fiancé did not, he was shot down over Italy in 1943. Our family friend Hal died in Korea. A dozen of my friends died in Vietnam and elsewhere. many more injured physically and mentally.

Today has been very emotional.
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This thread is a nice thought and I expect to get negs on this, but Memorial Day is specifically for the Fallen Soldiers and ought to be kept that way. We have Veteran's Day for people like my dad who served during the Korean War, and my Uncle who piloted a troop carrier at D-Day.

I have the utmost respect for servicemen and women, but also am one who believes that traditions should always be observed as intended.

me too :up: when congress started screwing with the holidays making most of them occur on a Monday...., which is bullshit. :up:
Hey folks.......

Hey Folks!!!

somebody please tell this imbecile that Memorial Day is about THE DEAD!!!!

Veteran's Day is what this moron is thinking about

Jesus Christ, Good Gawd, America produces such nitwits

on edit: just read through all of the thread. The whole site has gone lunatic. Memorial Day is about commemorating DEAD military folks.

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Hey folks.......

Hey Folks!!!

somebody please tell this imbecile that Memorial Day is about THE DEAD!!!!

Veteran's Day is what this moron is thinking about

Jesus Christ, Good Gawd, America produces such nitwits

on edit: just read through all of the thread. The whole site has gone lunatic. Memorial Day is about commemorating DEAD military folks.



You can't make this shit up!

[ame=]Barack Obama Sees Dead People - YouTube[/ame]
Hey folks.......

somebody please tell this imbecile that Memorial Day is about THE DEAD!!!!

Veteran's Day is what this moron is thinking about

JEsus Christ, Good Gawd, America produces such nitwits

Stay classy.

Everyone knows the difference, but people tend to honor living vets as well on MD.

Only imbeciles honor living Veterans on Memorial day. It is disrespectful to the dead
Hey folks....

We're coming up on Memorial Day. Whatever you do with friends or family....please keep in mind the folks who have served our Country in the Military. I know many good people on this message board who served. These are just a few I know of. If you served honorably, please add your name. Please let other members express their thanks for your service. :clap:

SFC Ollie

Blood Rock

Black Sand

High Gravity

Jake Starkey
Already been done... a long time ago...

^^^^^^^^^^ never served.

Me: USAF retired.

My sig honors my father, one of the few famous "flying sergeants".
somebody please tell this imbecile that Memorial Day is about THE DEAD!!!!

Veteran's Day is what this moron is thinking about

JEsus Christ, Good Gawd, America produces such nitwits

Stay classy.

Everyone knows the difference, but people tend to honor living vets as well on MD.

Only imbeciles honor living Veterans on Memorial day. It is disrespectful to the dead

Wow, seriously dude, you're gonna go with this ?
Only imbeciles honor living Veterans on Memorial day. It is disrespectful to the dead

Wow, seriously dude, you're gonna go with this ?

somebody has to.

I'm outta here. Class and respect demand it

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
What a prick. There was nothing wrong with showing some extra respect for vets. Everyone knows the reason for MD, but in the end it's still about people who serve or served living or not, and it doesn't hurt anyone to have a thread like this.

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