Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

WTF is all that? :lol:

I posted 4 examples of $3.79 and lower. If you are too stupid to go to the cheapest stations, then no one can help you.

Perhaps you should bookmark - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada or Queens Gas Prices - Find the Lowest Gas Prices in Queens, New York instead of being a blind squirrel looking for a nut.?

Ooops! Gas went down again - $3.32!

god you are, really.


But something I did point out. No way gas was going to be over 4 bucks this an election year.
thats sallows point. I posted the prices in NYC as an example and mine...see how that works you boob?

so lets see who's stupid; there is NO gas around me under $4 anywhere, not even close, BUT, maybe 50 miles or more away, maybe...... So, I will drive, burning up at least 2 gallons of gas to NOT save since I will burn up gas getting there and back?

man, if your body didn't do it for you , you'd be to dumb to breath.

Queens ain't THAT fucking big. You telling me that during the course of a week, you are never near any of those stations?

How about the next 23 stations on the list that are selling gas for $3.80-$3.90?

Between all those stations, you can't find one anywhere on your daily drives?

I call bullshit. You're a fucking hack who is willing to spout the most expensive gas prices in NY to make some lame gotcha against Obama.

You didn't expect anyone to call your dishonest ass on it. Did you? :lol:

I LIVE IN bloviating bag of bovine claptrap...

hello..its in this here thread Dudley, its in my banner and even Sallow said it in a post here ( and the dope cannot even remember what he posts in the same thread on the same day)...go ahead...:dig:
Conservatives all said we would be well over $5 by Memorial Day

What happened?

Yeah. $4.25 is SUCH a bargain.

Really good point.


You pay $4.25? You are getting ripped off

I only pay $3.49...hope it doesn't see $5 by Memorial Day

Bullshit. But prices VARY widely depending on location.

The latest in my neighborhood is about $4.05. But nearer to work, it's at or over $4.25.

And what on EARTH -- pointing to ANYTHING in the Obama Administration "energy [sic] plan [sic]" -- makes you think that gas prices are going to go down?
What a glorious Memorial Day for Republicans!

They rooted for raging unemployment and it has dropped 2%

But Republicans rubbed their hands and said....."Unemployment may be down, but that $5 a gallon people will pay for gas this summer will ruin Obama's reelection chances"

What are you going to run on now? Birth Certificate?
Errrrr --- I don't get this.. I'd praise Obama IF he did anything to affect the price..


He didn't do anything to make the price go down.

He didn't do anything to make the price go up.

Pass the word!

Actually I'd rather see him concentrate on getting rid of ethanol subsidies/mandates so that my BURGERS DON'T REQUIRE A multi-agency credit check when I buy them this weekend. Time we quit burning food and land to pretend we have "an alternative"...

That wouldn't be something that a President Of The United States can do. That requires Congress.

Tell your leaders!
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

I have personally never blamed the President for Gas Prices. Only silly idiots do that. However I have seen you, and others in here telling us all about how the President can not have any Effect on Gas prices, and now you want him to have Credit for slightly lower gas Prices on a holiday Weekend?


So just to make sure we have it clear, We are all now allowed to give Obama "Credit" for 3.80$ a Gallon Gas? Are you sure you want him to have Credit for it? Gas Prices were just under 2 Dollars a Gallon when he took office. Exactly how do you measure Success dude?

And..I've never posted that.

Of course a President can have an effect. A President can flood the market with fuel from the Strategic Reserves. They can also get us involved in military actions.

But overall..the effect is, at best, slight.

That's a very short-term reduction, and since the speculators know it will have a finite ending, they game the system and we don't see a big drop at the pumps.

And Congress lets them get away with it, because we don't voice our opposition directly to them.

Remember: Congressmen are scum. It's just a matter of degrees.
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

lower?......the last time i filled up it was 4.01......that was last the same station is at 4.26......must be nice.....
Compared to his bullshit $4.58?

Hell yeah!
That's $0.78 difference. On Naturegirl's Ford Fuck-You-Mobile there's prolly a 20 gallon tank.

That's an extra $15.60 per tank if she's a dumbass like Trajan!


You're a retard. :lol:

YOU are an idiot to the extreme.
Why? How big is an Expedition's gas tank? Let's look.

Fuel tank capacity: 28.0 gal.

So I was off! If naturegirl is a dumbass like Trajan and goes to the stations that cost $0.78 more per gallon, she will pay an additional $21.84 for that same fill up!

How does that sound to you, naturegirl, honey?

Btw - that Ford monstrosity gets 14 City / 19 HWY. said what they didn't like: excessive size.

Anyone who bought one of these, knowing how fucked up the world's oil system is, have no case for whining.
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The whole gaggle of them including OBAMA told us Obama couldn't control it.

Sallow has had a change of heart...[errantly, none the less].:eusa_shhh:


The President has very little control over prices.

But something I did point out. No way gas was going to be over 4 bucks this an election year.

The demand for gas is low because there are so few of us driving to work nowadays.

Seriously, rush hour in Indianapolis in the morning today is like 10:00 am used to be 5 years ago. It's just a tad sobering.
More people work from home. As long as the work gets done, it's more economical for all concerned.

The President has very little control over prices.

But something I did point out. No way gas was going to be over 4 bucks this an election year.

The demand for gas is low because there are so few of us driving to work nowadays.

Seriously, rush hour in Indianapolis in the morning today is like 10:00 am used to be 5 years ago. It's just a tad sobering.
More people work from home. As long as the work gets done, it's more economical for all concerned.

Yeah! Just be homogenous! ACCEPT the cards Gubmint deals to you! FORGET that YOU are an individual and DIFFERENT...

*Fucking DOLT*
He'd rather play on here to stupify the lot of us and dazzle us with his lack of insight.


I think you were part of the Greek chorus braying that the President wanted prices to go up..
Cheez Whiz, Mr. Sallow. President Obama led the Greek chorus:

[ame=]Obama says he wants high gas prices - YouTube[/ame]

Ok then -- I'll give Obama credit for the courage in saying that "he'd prefer gas prices go up more slowly"... :lol: Certainly, the opportunity to influence gas prices is in his control since it is the EPA and the minions of Muldur that are responsible for no new refinery capacity in this country for years. Our Cali buddies should figure that out pretty soon when the remaining West Coast capacity rots into the ground.

And you can count on the fact that this predilection for killing fossil fuels will drive any energy policy that this President advocates.. Can't even get a supply line done with Canada without "presidential intervention". So it's clear that there is ample opportunity for Obama to achieve the leftist wet dream of killing existing energy regimes...
Then why isn't this thread about your new found respect to the speculators for lowering the price? (Rhetorical question) You have just displayed your complete double standard, your point and blame game, your foolish partisanship, and so much more.
Carry on.

Indeed. Speculators drove it down...NOT Obama.


Speculators do not want to drive prices down.

What drove it down was a couple of factors.

The Iran war never happened.

And people traveled less by car.

That lead to a glut. To much supply..not enough demand.

THAT'S what drove it down.

The slowdown in China's economy is also a factor.
Does anyone want to venture a guess which Memorial Day set a record for gas prices? 2008 would be the correct answer:

More travelers to hit the road this Memorial Day

While drivers may feel relief at the pump, gas still isn't cheap. Besides last year, the only other time gas was more expensive on Memorial Day was 2008, when it eventually climbed to a record of $4.11 per gallon. This year, gas shot up by 66 cents from January through early April because of a spike in oil prices.

I filled up at Costco today for $3.51/gal.

Wasn't there a right wing circle jerk thread a few months ago, that claimed high gas prices would sink Obama in the fall? What were the predictions that were being made? I recall a bunch of wingnuts claiming $5-$6 a gallon by election day.
I suppose Obama will expect praise for this, though he claims his policies have no effect either way.


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The government told us that they didn't control gas prices despite the fact that I paid 4.28 a gallon to fill my car.

However, it is because of state taxes added to the price of my gas which in turn puts it higher.

In other words. the government in my state makes more profit off gas than the dealers or the oil companies.
the only time the gov. doesn't control it is when prices are high and a democrat is in office, when they are high and a rep. is in office its their fault. ask the NY Times...
No really.

You think people that work with commodities and/or energy, make their money by flooding the market with their product?

Is that your contention?

Your contention is that----
Gas goes up = speculators
Gas goes down = other influences

Your words, not mine.

I merely challenged that weak thought process and you have yet to defend your thought process, instead, you obfuscate and divert. You attempt to attribute something to me that I have not said (you did couch it with a question mark, but that was just more obfuscation on your part).
Your hackery continues.

Pretty simple question there..ace. You can't answer it.

Speculators aren't around to drive the price of energy down. Left to their own devices..they would get rid of competition and merge into one big company that sells energy.

Competiton and supply as well as regulation keeps prices somewhat stable.

Speculators are around to make money. Whether the price goes up or down is a function of supply and demand.

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