Memorial to Holocaust Survivors Toppled

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These bottom feeding assholes have no sense of history at all.

No man, one of our finer PROG-posters just explained how statues and memorials aren't history.
They need to listen to this woman from Venezuela
The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?
Just sad
The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?

PROGS only know how to project. They cannot defend themselves. Yet they won't change anyhow. What can that possibly mean?

They're followers and don't think for themselves
They're cowardly
They're hypocrites
They're intellectually dishonest
They're corrupt & condone bad behavior
They lead by emotions
The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?

PROGS only know how to project. They cannot defend themselves. Yet they won't change anyhow. What can that possibly mean?

They're followers and don't think for themselves
They're cowardly
They're hypocrites
They're intellectually dishonest
They're corrupt & condone bad behavior
They lead by emotions
I'll take that as a no. Who knows the Jews might have pushed over the memorial for attention since the blacks seem to be getting it all lately...
If only leftist assholes had any sense of history.

Who raised you know nothings? Lousy lousy parenting...... please don't breed
This is why one should plant a tree as a memorial. Looters always forget to grab a gas can when they are stealing the chainsaws.
The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?


And not from 200 years ago.

Oh I see, it has to yesterday's news for it to matter. Because to you history doesn't matter. Yet, yesterday is history...

Poor little dumb ass commie, you can't judge long dead generations by todays standards, they lived in different times. You fucking commies are just like the Taliban, you want to destroy anything that has gone before. History reminds us of our prior mistakes so we don't repeat them. That seems to be a lesson you commies have yet to learn.

The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?


And not from 200 years ago.

Oh I see, it has to yesterday's news for it to matter. Because to you history doesn't matter. Yet, yesterday is history...

You're the one who condones destroying history, try to keep up dumbfuck.

Check your PMs.

The Jews, the Christians had zero problems destroying other civilizations statues of pagan deities..Have you all complained about that yet?
Democrats are literally here justifying these actions.

The Democrat party has literally become a domestic terrorist organization bent on the fundamental transformation of America. They aid, abet, and encourage terrorism against Americans.

If you're Jewish and vote for Democrats, it's literally like voting for nazis.
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