Men are taking over Europe to stop liberalism

Italy’s Right-Wing Demagogue Matteo Salvini Wins Big in the EU Elections

Just like hero trump

Men are rushing to support conservatives to stop liberals
Thank you for your link..very interesting--I wonder..did you actually read anything in it beyond the title?

"Matteo Salvini’s diagnosis of what ails Italy is brutally simple: migrants from across the Mediterranean, and Romany gypsies. His remedy, “sovereignism,” is sometimes interpreted as meaning nationalism, but it’s not quite the same thing. Sovereignism is more than just making a religion out of your national identity; it’s a regime in which everything and everyone within your borders must meet your ethnic and national criteria and must fall under your exclusive control. If that sounds so much like fascism that you wouldn’t think it would appeal to Italians, who actually lived under Fascism only three generations ago, you would be wrong. In the European parliamentary elections last Sunday, 34 percent of Italians voted for Salvini’s League, making it by far the largest party in Italy, well ahead of the second-place Democratic Party, at 23 percent, and crushing its once mighty government partner, the Five Star Movement (M5S), which registered only a feeble 17 percent.

He’s a political animal deploying a somewhat adolescent array of symbols: Rosary and machine gun, selfie and teddy bear, was how political commentator Filippo Ceccarelli summed it up.

Salvini owes his media strategy to a consultant who fashioned a profile mixing irreverent comments on the issues with abundant personal news. We see Salvini “consuming Nutella, cooking tortellini, biting into an orange, looking at the sea, listening to music, relaxing in front of the TV: every day a piece of his personal life ‘shared’ with millions of Italians,” writes Italian journalist Matteo Pucciarelli in an excerpt from his book Anatomia di un populista published in the New Left Review. It’s something like Trump’s Twitter feed, without the howlers..."

the article is long..and most here will not take the time..but it is not complementary, by any stretch..and portrays a person clearly opportunistic..and hypocritical to a fault.

Basically your common politician..and Steve Bannon's pet project..BTW.

Again, thanks..learned a lot here.
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Italy’s Right-Wing Demagogue Matteo Salvini Wins Big in the EU Elections

Just like hero trump

Men are rushing to support conservatives to stop liberals

'conservatives' did the same thing in 1920s & 1930s Germany

people are rushing to war; it must be something in the water

worked out real good for them, I heard ............

maybe conservatives will do the same in AmeriKKKa

Leftists did the same thing in soviet union, it worked great for them... 100 million dead.

Thank god the men eventually rose there too and stopped them.
Italy’s Right-Wing Demagogue Matteo Salvini Wins Big in the EU Elections

Just like hero trump

Men are rushing to support conservatives to stop liberals

'conservatives' did the same thing in 1920s & 1930s Germany

people are rushing to war; it must be something in the water

worked out real good for them, I heard ............

maybe conservatives will do the same in AmeriKKKa
There's the IMMEDIATE Hitler and KKK reference.


Hey maybe they can destroy half the world again and we can get rich rebuilding it, again.
Italy’s Right-Wing Demagogue Matteo Salvini Wins Big in the EU Elections

Just like hero trump

Men are rushing to support conservatives to stop liberals
Thank you for your link..very interesting--I wonder..did you actually read anything in it beyond the title?

"Matteo Salvini’s diagnosis of what ails Italy is brutally simple: migrants from across the Mediterranean, and Romany gypsies. His remedy, “sovereignism,” is sometimes interpreted as meaning nationalism, but it’s not quite the same thing. Sovereignism is more than just making a religion out of your national identity; it’s a regime in which everything and everyone within your borders must meet your ethnic and national criteria and must fall under your exclusive control. If that sounds so much like fascism that you wouldn’t think it would appeal to Italians, who actually lived under Fascism only three generations ago, you would be wrong. In the European parliamentary elections last Sunday, 34 percent of Italians voted for Salvini’s League, making it by far the largest party in Italy, well ahead of the second-place Democratic Party, at 23 percent, and crushing its once mighty government partner, the Five Star Movement (M5S), which registered only a feeble 17 percent.

He’s a political animal deploying a somewhat adolescent array of symbols: Rosary and machine gun, selfie and teddy bear, was how political commentator Filippo Ceccarelli summed it up.

Salvini owes his media strategy to a consultant who fashioned a profile mixing irreverent comments on the issues with abundant personal news. We see Salvini “consuming Nutella, cooking tortellini, biting into an orange, looking at the sea, listening to music, relaxing in front of the TV: every day a piece of his personal life ‘shared’ with millions of Italians,” writes Italian journalist Matteo Pucciarelli in an excerpt from his book Anatomia di un populista published in the New Left Review. It’s something like Trump’s Twitter feed, without the howlers..."

the article is long..and most here will not take the time..but it is not complementary, by any stretch..and portrays a person clearly opportunistic..and hypocritical to a fault.

Basically your common politician..and Steve Bannon's pet project..BTW.

Again, thanks..learned a lot here.
If people in the West don't want to live in shit holes, they have that right. It's getting to the point where you don't have to go to a shit hole, in Europe and North America; the shit hole comes to you.
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Italy’s Right-Wing Demagogue Matteo Salvini Wins Big in the EU Elections

Just like hero trump

Men are rushing to support conservatives to stop liberals

Likewise GreenAndBlue
I can see WOMEN taking over schools, media and educational leadership and programs
to teach more people to resolve their own problems and conflicts internally and locally.

Let men handle the security on the outside.

Let women manage internal affairs on the inside.

It takes both parents working as partners to manage households.

Collectively, the role of mother and father,
husband and wife, is supposed to represented by the Church and State.

Instead of overloading the State/Govt with in-house responsibilities,
these should be managed by the mothers, or the "churches and nonprofits"
working individually to accommodate diverse needs individually.

Collectively the duty of discipline and national security
should belong to the Government.

This is WHY we shouldn't bog down EXTERNAL GOVT with "social programs
and responsibilities" that belong LOCALLY with people individually and internally.
Too little, too late. Europe's fate is sealed, western culture will die and be replaced by an Islamic culture.

Liberals & their pet Islamic Refugees, are helping to divide & conquer Western Europe + America, to the advantage of Russia.

Liberals are going to get exactly what they deserve in the coming years. As the Islamic culture grows, so will the attacks on womens rights and gay rights.
Too little, too late. Europe's fate is sealed, western culture will die and be replaced by an Islamic culture.

Liberals & their pet Islamic Refugees, are helping to divide & conquer Western Europe + America, to the advantage of Russia.

Liberals are going to get exactly what they deserve in the coming years. As the Islamic culture grows, so will the attacks on womens rights and gay rights.
Women have voted in their worst nightmare. Men now will correct
Too little, too late. Europe's fate is sealed, western culture will die and be replaced by an Islamic culture.

Liberals & their pet Islamic Refugees, are helping to divide & conquer Western Europe + America, to the advantage of Russia.

China and Russia both have helped and promoted liberalism
In America and Europe in order to weaken the nations

Democrats and the deep state are out right traitors to work with both nations to weaken America

Liberalism has been proven to destroy nations and democrats have been bought off by America's enemies

Democrats guilty of high treason

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