Men: Attraction to Redheads

Both wives redhead.

No need to discuss what guys know.
My wife wife died. My second wife, her friend, married me.

I have been blessed not bigamous.

Redheads, in many if not most men's appreciation, are sexier. Brunettes have the wide peasant birthing hips. Blondes have the slight vacant "come get me" look.
In conversation on a different thread the subject of Redheads came up in regard to men's fascination with women who have red hair. Men: Can you describe the IT factor of this attraction?
Just speaking for myself, and just my personal opinion, I've found over the years that redheads have a much more open personality, less drama, less vanity, and more liberal towards sex. Also, they seem to want to argue less, unless you really get one pissed. They last thing you want to do is get one really pissed and fired up. I've never met a prudish redhead in my life, and I've met many redheads, both in private like and in a working environment.

Thank you. :)
In conversation on a different thread the subject of Redheads came up in regard to men's fascination with women who have red hair. Men: Can you describe the IT factor of this attraction?
Just speaking for myself, and just my personal opinion, I've found over the years that redheads have a much more open personality, less drama, less vanity, and more liberal towards sex. Also, they seem to want to argue less, unless you really get one pissed. They last thing you want to do is get one really pissed and fired up. I've never met a prudish redhead in my life, and I've met many redheads, both in private like and in a working environment.
I just found they suck the lifeblood out of you.

That's all I am saying.

Stop pissing them off........... ;)
Both wives redhead.

No need to discuss what guys know.
My wife wife died. My second wife, her friend, married me.

I have been blessed not bigamous.

Redheads, in many if not most men's appreciation, are sexier. Brunettes have the wide peasant birthing hips. Blondes have the slight vacant "come get me" look.

Sounds like twice the blessings to me!
Heck, if you got two women to marry you,
you can't be all THAT bad, now can you?

I think I would only marry my sweetie
if marriage were completely removed from the state.

I could see us having a personal family ceremony
but nothing that mixes our finances or identities together legally. What a mess!
I honestly don't think I'd want that with anyone.

I like my guy, even though I never liked red hair on anyone.
I thought he was cute with his red hair that flipped like a duck tail in the back.
whatever. God's joke on me to make him a redhead where I never would've guessed.
Both wives redhead.

No need to discuss what guys know.
My wife wife died. My second wife, her friend, married me.

I have been blessed not bigamous.

Redheads, in many if not most men's appreciation, are sexier. Brunettes have the wide peasant birthing hips. Blondes have the slight vacant "come get me" look.

Sounds like twice the blessings to me!
Heck, if you got two women to marry you,
you can't be all THAT bad, now can you?

I think I would only marry my sweetie
if marriage were completely removed from the state.

I could see us having a personal family ceremony
but nothing that mixes our finances or identities together legally. What a mess!
I honestly don't think I'd want that with anyone.

I like my guy, even though I never liked red hair on anyone.
I thought he was cute with his red hair that flipped like a duck tail in the back.
whatever. God's joke on me to make him a redhead where I never would've guessed.
God plays the funniest jokes.

My GF and I are totally opposite.

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