Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex

Well we are a family of 6 living off of less than 30k a year so...yeah we could do it on 180k but I would put that 20k in savings.

Perhaps it would be more prudent if you spent less time on the internet pushing National Socialism and got off your dead ass off the public dole. I bet that would help your family more.
God gave man a penis and a brain....
but, only enough blood to run one at a time


The late, great Robin Williams...R.I.P
You don't have a right to make jokes about my mother. I expect the moderators to take action and ban this person immediately. If that doesn't happen, I will know it is open season and will respond accordingly.

You'll rearrange the shoes in the closet?
We're usually on the same page on things but on this one I'm not there. My wife is pretty awesome and has been for close to 25 years.

AVG-WIFE is way up high on the list of things that make this average Joe a very lucky Monkey :)
When you're making $200K, really? You have greed issues. Now you got no wife.

If I had a wife like that I would be happy. I'm happy anyway. :badgrin:
Greed? I had a family to raise & a business to run. Greed is expecting ME to give YOU my money.

So you couldn't manage on $180K, right?

Allow me to direct you to this thread:

Can You Write A Check For $500?
You sound just like a fucking leftist, thinking someone else is entitled to my money.

Shove you dumbass God bullshit UP YOUR ASS.

Shove the money you make up your ass, see if it makes you happy.

I make what, 1/5 of that? I have zero problems, baby.

Furthermore I'm happy.

I would really appreciate a wife that felt a need to tithe.

I guarantee my cousin tithes, he makes more than $200K a year. He seems pretty happy to me.

He has a wife and idk how many children. I'm thinking 8.

I don't have a doctorate. I still have no problems making it.
Who said I have problems? You? Santa Clause? I paid for a retirement & 3 college loans with MY OWN MONEY. I built a business with MY OWN MONEY. I pay cash for everything I own except my home & new work trucks. I have virtually 0 debt. And best of all I did it with the money that dumb bitch wanted to give to God.
Just because YOU live week to week or whatever doesn't mean everyone else has to. Being poor does not entitle you to an alternate reality where incomes and cash are not relative to the life you lead.
When I give to charity I KNOW WHERE MY MONEY GOES, I don't have to hope some sleazy pastor isn't skimming the plate and hiring prostitutes with my money.

And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
That was all funny and very information...thanks for all the giggles everyone!
Greed? I had a family to raise & a business to run. Greed is expecting ME to give YOU my money.

So you couldn't manage on $180K, right?

Allow me to direct you to this thread:

Can You Write A Check For $500?
You sound just like a fucking leftist, thinking someone else is entitled to my money.

Shove you dumbass God bullshit UP YOUR ASS.

Shove the money you make up your ass, see if it makes you happy.

I make what, 1/5 of that? I have zero problems, baby.

Furthermore I'm happy.

I would really appreciate a wife that felt a need to tithe.

I guarantee my cousin tithes, he makes more than $200K a year. He seems pretty happy to me.

He has a wife and idk how many children. I'm thinking 8.

I don't have a doctorate. I still have no problems making it.
Who said I have problems? You? Santa Clause? I paid for a retirement & 3 college loans with MY OWN MONEY. I built a business with MY OWN MONEY. I pay cash for everything I own except my home & new work trucks. I have virtually 0 debt. And best of all I did it with the money that dumb bitch wanted to give to God.
Just because YOU live week to week or whatever doesn't mean everyone else has to. Being poor does not entitle you to an alternate reality where incomes and cash are not relative to the life you lead.
When I give to charity I KNOW WHERE MY MONEY GOES, I don't have to hope some sleazy pastor isn't skimming the plate and hiring prostitutes with my money.

And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
There is no Cuban population in KC but I bet you're one of those retards that thinks wetback means Mexican huh? Either way I don't hire either. Crawl back in your hole dumbass
Greed? I had a family to raise & a business to run. Greed is expecting ME to give YOU my money.

So you couldn't manage on $180K, right?

Allow me to direct you to this thread:

Can You Write A Check For $500?
You sound just like a fucking leftist, thinking someone else is entitled to my money.

Shove you dumbass God bullshit UP YOUR ASS.

Shove the money you make up your ass, see if it makes you happy.

I make what, 1/5 of that? I have zero problems, baby.

Furthermore I'm happy.

I would really appreciate a wife that felt a need to tithe.

I guarantee my cousin tithes, he makes more than $200K a year. He seems pretty happy to me.

He has a wife and idk how many children. I'm thinking 8.

I don't have a doctorate. I still have no problems making it.
Who said I have problems? You? Santa Clause? I paid for a retirement & 3 college loans with MY OWN MONEY. I built a business with MY OWN MONEY. I pay cash for everything I own except my home & new work trucks. I have virtually 0 debt. And best of all I did it with the money that dumb bitch wanted to give to God.
Just because YOU live week to week or whatever doesn't mean everyone else has to. Being poor does not entitle you to an alternate reality where incomes and cash are not relative to the life you lead.
When I give to charity I KNOW WHERE MY MONEY GOES, I don't have to hope some sleazy pastor isn't skimming the plate and hiring prostitutes with my money.

And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
Ok, first of all, I don't think it's fair,
that what Grampa shared concerning his ex wife,
being that the focus was on women,
was turned into a lecture on tithing

No one knows what this man does
with his money to help out others.

Jesus didn't put a percentage on tithing,
He said to give EVERYTHING up, not 10%
The reality is, if you're giving God a percentage,
and still have expendable cash, you haven't given enough

This is what is such a turn off for so many people
'Godly' people turn more people away from God,
instead of drawing them to Him.

And don't know how he makes his money,
or the ethnicity of his employees,
so, it really doesn't matter what you fucking think

What do you do with your money to help others?
there's something wrong with a house of worship that believes a set amount of money should be allocated to them.
Only a fool would kneel to a God so inept, that he has to panhandle for money...
Yeah, keep your $20K a year more and see how happy it makes you.

You don't come across as being particularly happy, just sayin'

That would be great. Let's have a battle between several clearly miserable nutbags to see who can pretend to be happiest.
You don't have a right to make jokes about my mother. I expect the moderators to take action and ban this person immediately. If that doesn't happen, I will know it is open season and will respond accordingly.

You thought it was a joke. I thought it was an honest question, given what you said.... that women are only tolerated for sex.
So you couldn't manage on $180K, right?

Allow me to direct you to this thread:

Can You Write A Check For $500?
You sound just like a fucking leftist, thinking someone else is entitled to my money.

Shove you dumbass God bullshit UP YOUR ASS.

Shove the money you make up your ass, see if it makes you happy.

I make what, 1/5 of that? I have zero problems, baby.

Furthermore I'm happy.

I would really appreciate a wife that felt a need to tithe.

I guarantee my cousin tithes, he makes more than $200K a year. He seems pretty happy to me.

He has a wife and idk how many children. I'm thinking 8.

I don't have a doctorate. I still have no problems making it.
Who said I have problems? You? Santa Clause? I paid for a retirement & 3 college loans with MY OWN MONEY. I built a business with MY OWN MONEY. I pay cash for everything I own except my home & new work trucks. I have virtually 0 debt. And best of all I did it with the money that dumb bitch wanted to give to God.
Just because YOU live week to week or whatever doesn't mean everyone else has to. Being poor does not entitle you to an alternate reality where incomes and cash are not relative to the life you lead.
When I give to charity I KNOW WHERE MY MONEY GOES, I don't have to hope some sleazy pastor isn't skimming the plate and hiring prostitutes with my money.

And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
And I bet you make your money on the sweat of wet-backs. You're too stinking cheap to hire American labor. More Mexicans you hire the more yards you can move.

Is the money you make good money? If so, shove it up your ass, good things won't hurt you.
Ok, first of all, I don't think it's fair,
that what Grampa shared concerning his ex wife,
being that the focus was on women,
was turned into a lecture on tithing

No one knows what this man does
with his money to help out others.

Jesus didn't put a percentage on tithing,
He said to give EVERYTHING up, not 10%
The reality is, if you're giving God a percentage,
and still have expendable cash, you haven't given enough

This is what is such a turn off for so many people
'Godly' people turn more people away from God,
instead of drawing them to Him.

And don't know how he makes his money,
or the ethnicity of his employees,
so, it really doesn't matter what you fucking think

What do you do with your money to help others?

married men live longer on average than unmarried men..while unmarried women live longer than married women......yall need us so much you simply suck the life outta us
Does anyone believe this guy is getting any anyways? This is the type of person that women avoid like the plague. Lol.

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