Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

People have taken more control of their lives, and got rid of the traditions that forced them to be slaves to the system.

That doesn't mean we need to be like South Africa with a ridiculously higher murder rate and fear in the streets. There can be a balance. But your way just sucks so much balls it's ridiculous.

You'd probably be happy in Saudi Arabia.

Life is not about pleasure it enjoyment. It’s about Right and Wrong.

I’ve looked at SA several times. Unfortunately you must be a Muslim to get citizenship and I don’t believe in organized religion.
Bullshit. Prohibitions on abortions are a very recent invention. And they are promoted by people who, while professing concern for the “lost innocents”, are doing nothing to eliminate the root causes of abortion, and much to exacerbate them.

Controlling abortion occurs in societies where men fear women’s sexuality. You and your kind are all about control. You believe in authoritarianism, and putting a woman who disagrees with you “into the ground”.

You should have your voting rights revoked for your extreme animosity towards the Constitution by which your country is governed.

Inside you strut around like a Banty rooster all puffed up and crowing about your make privilege. I’ll bet people laugh at you behind your back everywhere you go little man.

Prohibitions weren’t necessary until people developed means to kill fetuses. Another strike against science.

I don’t fear women in any way. I am concerned about Feminists destroying Society.

I rarely find anyone worth voting for, so it’s really not a big deal whether I can vote or not.

I really don’t care what you or anyone else think of me, my physical appearance has saved me from having to deal with most of society, so getting heckled is nothing new or alarming for me.
The “traditional value” is that women have been free since prehistoric time
Bullshit. Prohibitions on abortions are a very recent invention. And they are promoted by people who, while professing concern for the “lost innocents”, are doing nothing to eliminate the root causes of abortion, and much to exacerbate them.

Controlling abortion occurs in societies where men fear women’s sexuality. You and your kind are all about control. You believe in authoritarianism, and putting a woman who disagrees with you “into the ground”.

You should have your voting rights revoked for your extreme animosity towards the Constitution by which your country is governed.

Inside you strut around like a Banty rooster all puffed up and crowing about your make privilege. I’ll bet people laugh at you behind your back everywhere you go little man.

Prohibitions weren’t necessary until people developed means to kill fetuses. Another strike against science.

I don’t fear women in any way. I am concerned about Feminists destroying Society.

I rarely find anyone worth voting for, so it’s really not a big deal whether I can vote or not.

I really don’t care what you or anyone else think of me, my physical appearance has saved me from having to deal with most of society, so getting heckled is nothing new or alarming for me.

The “means to kill fetuses” has existed since cave man days. Women used aborificant plants to end pregnancies before writing was invented. Midwives in the Middle Ages, also performed abortions.

Abortion was legal in the USA until women started advocating for voting rights. Abortion laws were punishment for uppity women who demanded the right to vote.

From the moment abortion laws were introduced, these laws were intended to limit women’s equality and their own personal security.

You keep saying the traditional values are best, except when it comes to abortion. Then you say we’re throwing out 6000 years or morality.

No, what we’re throwing out by eliminating abortion laws is 150 years of misogyny.
From the moment abortion laws were introduced, these laws were intended to limit women’s equality and their own personal security.

You keep saying the traditional values are best, except when it comes to abortion. Then you say we’re throwing out 6000 years or morality.

No, what we’re throwing out by eliminating abortion laws is 150 years of misogyny.

Ok, I probably should have said “the means for safe abortions”. Until recently the mother’s life was often as at risk as the child’s... as it should be.

Women need to deal with the consequences of willingly spreading their legs. It’s thst simple. Always has and always will be.
From the moment abortion laws were introduced, these laws were intended to limit women’s equality and their own personal security.

You keep saying the traditional values are best, except when it comes to abortion. Then you say we’re throwing out 6000 years or morality.

No, what we’re throwing out by eliminating abortion laws is 150 years of misogyny.

Ok, I probably should have said “the means for safe abortions”. Until recently the mother’s life was often as at risk as the child’s... as it should be.

Women need to deal with the consequences of willingly spreading their legs. It’s thst simple. Always has and always will be.
But men don't have to deal with the consequences of unzipping their pants?
But men don't have to deal with the consequences of unzipping their pants?

That depends... Is Ge going to be given an equal share of the decision making process regarding the child over the next 19 years? If so, yes. If not, no.

As a college associate of mine liked to say... “A woman can have sex any time she wants. Men have to convince a woman to have sex with him. With the power comes the responsibility.”
all the male has to do is control his sperm...sadly men dont care for this answer......when you release your sperm to a woman ..she now owns it...why dont men take responsibility for their sperm?

If she owns it why is the man then responsible for child support if the woman wants to keep the baby an the guy doesn't?

Because his responsibilty is to the child. Not the mother. If the child exists, the obligation to the child exists.

With that obligation for mother and father always being equal. Either they both of that obligation, nor neither do.
You’re the one who is lying, twisting and deflecting from the true intent of your “theories”. Your goal is to strip women of the right of free will which God gave them.

You don’t care about “innocent babies” at all. If you did, you’d be in favour of social programs to help mothers carry through their pregnancies.

The United States has the highest abortion rate and the highest rate of maternal death in child birth of any first world country.

Republican policies are not only anti-family, they are extremely hostile to women and children and directly drive the high rate of abortion and maternal death in childbirth for American women.

Your only solution towards reducing abortions in the US is to restrict a woman’s access to abortion.

You could support and enact policies favourable to working women and parents, but you won’t. Because the goal of the right wing mindset is to punish women for having sex.

The misogyny in your weasel worded posts is sickening. That you want to justify your hatred of women by claiming it’s all about innocent lives is laughable.

If you cared about innocent lives, you’d support policies to help poor working families. Not cut off the health care subsidies or allow employers to fire pregnant women at will.

Like every other First World nation, sex education would be mandatory so teenagers would at least know who their bodies function and know how to maintain good reproductive health.

And employers’ health care would be required to cover all reproductive decisions made by the EMPLOYEES, not their bosses. If health care is part of your employment package, it is part of YOUR wages and employers should not have a say in what YOUR health care coverage provides.

Again, the USA is the only first world nation that allows employers to determine basic health care insurance for their employees, based on the religious beliefs of the employer. Madness.

God never gave us the right to kill innocent human beings, and it is extremely twisted and demonic that you actually seem to believe that.

I'm not going to go through that long rant chock full of false accusations, logical fallacies and deflections. Like most left-wingers, you just can't fathom that people can actually care about other people without being for socialism. Did it ever occur to you that there are other ways to help people, apart from your socialist policies? You have zero idea what I have done for other people, and if I told you, you would be embarrassed by your presumptuous accusations. But that has nothing to do with abortion anyway, so it's just another red herring, since you can't argue this issue in a genuine way. Because you have no argument. So all you do is throw out at fallacies, false accusations, and distractions.

In fact, it's getting quite boring for me, so please get back to me when you can debate this without trying to change the subject and go off on rants.
Men have rights, but they exercise them at an earlier time in the relationship, when they decide to have sex or not with a particular woman. The argument that men ought to have "equal rights" 50/50 when conception has already occurred fails to recognize that it is the woman who is in possession of the fertilized egg, zygote, whatever stage it's in, and he cannot exercise such a right without involving the woman and completely canceling out her right. Unfortunately, there is no way in which to transfer the whole operation from the female to the male.
Both man and women decide to have sex. Both enter into it voluntarily but only one of the parties is exempt from the consequences of that action. People argue that the man decided to have sex and are there fore responsible for the out come. The women also chose to have sex but are offered a way out that the man is not offered! How is this fair? If the deciding factor as to trhe mans responsibilty is the decision to have sex makes them responsible why is there a different criterian for the women.
Once they are born. No I'm not going to "fug off" and I get sick of males telling women what they can and can't do and you telling me I'm a tool. What kind of tool am I?

An ignorant old bag kind of tool. Look back on your life and chose it.
My husband had every right concerning his children...fug off and relax on your tirade over abortion. You look like a tool

Once they are born. No I'm not going to "fug off" and I get sick of males telling women what they can and can't do and you telling me I'm a tool. What kind of tool am I?

An ignorant old bag kind of tool.

Another male that doesn't want to take responsibility. :rolleyes: Pitiful.
Men have rights, but they exercise them at an earlier time in the relationship, when they decide to have sex or not with a particular woman. The argument that men ought to have "equal rights" 50/50 when conception has already occurred fails to recognize that it is the woman who is in possession of the fertilized egg, zygote, whatever stage it's in, and he cannot exercise such a right without involving the woman and completely canceling out her right. Unfortunately, there is no way in which to transfer the whole operation from the female to the male.
Both man and women decide to have sex. Both enter into it voluntarily but only one of the parties is exempt from the consequences of that action. People argue that the man decided to have sex and are there fore responsible for the out come. The women also chose to have sex but are offered a way out that the man is not offered! How is this fair? If the deciding factor as to trhe mans responsibilty is the decision to have sex makes them responsible why is there a different criterian for the women.

Because the woman has the "football." It's in her body, not his. How would you make this "fair"? Is there some way in which the woman can give the man the zygote so that she is not the one who goes through pregnancy and labor and she is no longer involved, and he is the one who suffers the physical effects? You don't even understand the basics of human biology.

What if the man says he wants the fetus to become a child so she should not have an abortion, and then runs away when it is past time for her to abort the fetus? Is she supposed to go through pregnancy and then give birth and then throw the baby at him? Find him in some bar, hand him the infant, wish him good luck, and then go back to her former life, if it is still there, her health is intact, and she still has a job? At lot of these guys not only expect a woman to carry the fetus they created to term, they also expect the woman to care for the infant, walk the floor with a screaming baby, prepare bottles, change diapers, etc. Are these guys prepared to be a single parent to an infant? Would they have a nursery prepared and care provided when they have to be at work?

BTW: not all sex is consensual. It took a long time for it even to be recognized that a husband might rape his wife.

In any event, this is an issue between the man and the woman. It is NOT an issue for government.
Men have rights, but they exercise them at an earlier time in the relationship, when they decide to have sex or not with a particular woman. The argument that men ought to have "equal rights" 50/50 when conception has already occurred fails to recognize that it is the woman who is in possession of the fertilized egg, zygote, whatever stage it's in, and he cannot exercise such a right without involving the woman and completely canceling out her right. Unfortunately, there is no way in which to transfer the whole operation from the female to the male.
Both man and women decide to have sex. Both enter into it voluntarily but only one of the parties is exempt from the consequences of that action. People argue that the man decided to have sex and are there fore responsible for the out come. The women also chose to have sex but are offered a way out that the man is not offered! How is this fair? If the deciding factor as to trhe mans responsibilty is the decision to have sex makes them responsible why is there a different criterian for the women.

Because the woman has the "football." It's in her body, not his. How would you make this "fair"? Is there some way in which the woman can give the man the zygote so that she is not the one who goes through pregnancy and labor and she is no longer involved, and he is the one who suffers the physical effects? You don't even understand the basics of human biology.

What if the man says he wants the fetus to become a child so she should not have an abortion, and then runs away when it is past time for her to abort the fetus? Is she supposed to go through pregnancy and then give birth and then throw the baby at him? Find him in some bar, hand him the infant, wish him good luck, and then go back to her former life, if it is still there, her health is intact, and she still has a job? At lot of these guys not only expect a woman to carry the fetus they created to term, they also expect the woman to care for the infant, walk the floor with a screaming baby, prepare bottles, change diapers, etc. Are these guys prepared to be a single parent to an infant? Would they have a nursery prepared and care provided when they have to be at work?

BTW: not all sex is consensual. It took a long time for it even to be recognized that a husband might rape his wife.

In any event, this is an issue between the man and the woman. It is NOT an issue for government.
Thank you for pointing out bull shit! Ya, I understand how biology works! I had several children of my own! You still can not change the fact that if you use the same standards for both sexes the moment of commitment toward responsibility in the future is the moment of consent. I chose to have sex there fore I am responsible for the out come. This is what you want to use as the standard for men but not women. How is this fair! Carrying the football? So what billions upon bilions have done it before you. You do not want to get pregnant do not have sex or use birth control! The man is responsible for the future at moment of consent so should the women then! In cases of non consent or life threatining situations then yes there should be more of a discussion! Any way you put it you want more rights than responsibilties and are willing to f over the other sex to get them!
Men have rights, but they exercise them at an earlier time in the relationship, when they decide to have sex or not with a particular woman. The argument that men ought to have "equal rights" 50/50 when conception has already occurred fails to recognize that it is the woman who is in possession of the fertilized egg, zygote, whatever stage it's in, and he cannot exercise such a right without involving the woman and completely canceling out her right. Unfortunately, there is no way in which to transfer the whole operation from the female to the male.
Both man and women decide to have sex. Both enter into it voluntarily but only one of the parties is exempt from the consequences of that action. People argue that the man decided to have sex and are there fore responsible for the out come. The women also chose to have sex but are offered a way out that the man is not offered! How is this fair? If the deciding factor as to trhe mans responsibilty is the decision to have sex makes them responsible why is there a different criterian for the women.

Because the woman has the "football." It's in her body, not his. How would you make this "fair"? Is there some way in which the woman can give the man the zygote so that she is not the one who goes through pregnancy and labor and she is no longer involved, and he is the one who suffers the physical effects? You don't even understand the basics of human biology.

What if the man says he wants the fetus to become a child so she should not have an abortion, and then runs away when it is past time for her to abort the fetus? Is she supposed to go through pregnancy and then give birth and then throw the baby at him? Find him in some bar, hand him the infant, wish him good luck, and then go back to her former life, if it is still there, her health is intact, and she still has a job? At lot of these guys not only expect a woman to carry the fetus they created to term, they also expect the woman to care for the infant, walk the floor with a screaming baby, prepare bottles, change diapers, etc. Are these guys prepared to be a single parent to an infant? Would they have a nursery prepared and care provided when they have to be at work?

BTW: not all sex is consensual. It took a long time for it even to be recognized that a husband might rape his wife.

In any event, this is an issue between the man and the woman. It is NOT an issue for government.
Thank you for pointing out bull shit! Ya, I understand how biology works! I had several children of my own! You still can not change the fact that if you use the same standards for both sexes the moment of commitment toward responsibility in the future is the moment of consent. I chose to have sex there fore I am responsible for the out come. This is what you want to use as the standard for men but not women. How is this fair! Carrying the football? So what billions upon bilions have done it before you. You do not want to get pregnant do not have sex or use birth control! The man is responsible for the future at moment of consent so should the women then! In cases of non consent or life threatining situations then yes there should be more of a discussion! Any way you put it you want more rights than responsibilties and are willing to f over the other sex to get them!
What is it to you if a person does, or does not choose to carry a pregnancy to term?

BTW: birth control methods have a failure rate. Look it up.

You have no personal involvement in this decision.
Men have rights, but they exercise them at an earlier time in the relationship, when they decide to have sex or not with a particular woman. The argument that men ought to have "equal rights" 50/50 when conception has already occurred fails to recognize that it is the woman who is in possession of the fertilized egg, zygote, whatever stage it's in, and he cannot exercise such a right without involving the woman and completely canceling out her right. Unfortunately, there is no way in which to transfer the whole operation from the female to the male.
Both man and women decide to have sex. Both enter into it voluntarily but only one of the parties is exempt from the consequences of that action. People argue that the man decided to have sex and are there fore responsible for the out come. The women also chose to have sex but are offered a way out that the man is not offered! How is this fair? If the deciding factor as to trhe mans responsibilty is the decision to have sex makes them responsible why is there a different criterian for the women.

Because the woman has the "football." It's in her body, not his. How would you make this "fair"? Is there some way in which the woman can give the man the zygote so that she is not the one who goes through pregnancy and labor and she is no longer involved, and he is the one who suffers the physical effects? You don't even understand the basics of human biology.

What if the man says he wants the fetus to become a child so she should not have an abortion, and then runs away when it is past time for her to abort the fetus? Is she supposed to go through pregnancy and then give birth and then throw the baby at him? Find him in some bar, hand him the infant, wish him good luck, and then go back to her former life, if it is still there, her health is intact, and she still has a job? At lot of these guys not only expect a woman to carry the fetus they created to term, they also expect the woman to care for the infant, walk the floor with a screaming baby, prepare bottles, change diapers, etc. Are these guys prepared to be a single parent to an infant? Would they have a nursery prepared and care provided when they have to be at work?

BTW: not all sex is consensual. It took a long time for it even to be recognized that a husband might rape his wife.

In any event, this is an issue between the man and the woman. It is NOT an issue for government.
Thank you for pointing out bull shit! Ya, I understand how biology works! I had several children of my own! You still can not change the fact that if you use the same standards for both sexes the moment of commitment toward responsibility in the future is the moment of consent. I chose to have sex there fore I am responsible for the out come. This is what you want to use as the standard for men but not women. How is this fair! Carrying the football? So what billions upon bilions have done it before you. You do not want to get pregnant do not have sex or use birth control! The man is responsible for the future at moment of consent so should the women then! In cases of non consent or life threatining situations then yes there should be more of a discussion! Any way you put it you want more rights than responsibilties and are willing to f over the other sex to get them!
What is it to you if a person does, or does not choose to carry a pregnancy to term?

BTW: birth control methods have a failure rate. Look it up.

You have no personal involvement in this decision.
I would have a personal involvment if it were my child being aborted! It takes two to tango for every women who has an abotion there was a father for that kid! This is where empathy comes in. I put myself in the shoes of those who are effected by the occurence and test how I would like to be treated in the same senario! If my moment of truth is at consentual sex and I am no longer in control of my own destiny at this point why should the women be afforded addtional outs to their decisions that I do not get!
People have taken more control of their lives, and got rid of the traditions that forced them to be slaves to the system.

That doesn't mean we need to be like South Africa with a ridiculously higher murder rate and fear in the streets. There can be a balance. But your way just sucks so much balls it's ridiculous.

You'd probably be happy in Saudi Arabia.

Life is not about pleasure it enjoyment. It’s about Right and Wrong.

I’ve looked at SA several times. Unfortunately you must be a Muslim to get citizenship and I don’t believe in organized religion.

No, life isn't just about right and wrong. But you're welcome to believe it's about whatever you like.
No, life isn't just about right and wrong. But you're welcome to believe it's about whatever you like.

In the end we’ll see which of us is Right and Which one is Wrong. If I’m Right you’ll be in for some unpleasantly in the afterlife. If you’re Right I wouldn’t want to be in Heaven anyway.
No, life isn't just about right and wrong. But you're welcome to believe it's about whatever you like.

In the end we’ll see which of us is Right and Which one is Wrong. If I’m Right you’ll be in for some unpleasantly in the afterlife. If you’re Right I wouldn’t want to be in Heaven anyway.

As if heaven exists anyway.

This is the point, isn't it? We don't know what's "after", so we might as well get through this life in the happiest way possible.
No, life isn't just about right and wrong. But you're welcome to believe it's about whatever you like.

In the end we’ll see which of us is Right and Which one is Wrong. If I’m Right you’ll be in for some unpleasantly in the afterlife. If you’re Right I wouldn’t want to be in Heaven anyway.

As if heaven exists anyway.

This is the point, isn't it? We don't know what's "after", so we might as well get through this life in the happiest way possible.

In Science, when does a human life begin frigy?

Liberals just don't want to take responsibility for their actions and the death of an innocent human life is insignificant to them.

Hell, they even want American taxpayers to pay for it... how pathetic is that?

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