Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

Traditions exist because people don't have anything better to replace them with. In the modern world, as we get more intelligent, we're able to replace rubbish traditions with better things.

You're saying that we should continue to do stupid stuff simply because our under-educated ancestors did.

I am saying that Traditions need to trump technology when the technology creates a situation contrary to Traditional Mirals and Values. It’s that plain and simple. That’s what I was taught and what I believe, and what I pass on to others.
...right up until the moment your daughter pours a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep, or spikes your dinner with rat poison.

When they are taught properly and not exposed to Lefyist/Feminist/Progressive crap like the Public Schools and the media that is not very likely to happen.

I can say that with the authority of someone with a sister in law and nieces raised properly who do not resent their Husband, Father, or other Male figures.
My husband had every right concerning his children...fug off and relax on your tirade over abortion. You look like a tool

Once they are born. No I'm not going to "fug off" and I get sick of males telling women what they can and can't do and you telling me I'm a tool. What kind of tool am I?

A pathetic one? Does it feel liberating when a woman kills her unborn baby?

My husband had every right concerning his children...fug off and relax on your tirade over abortion. You look like a tool

Once they are born. No I'm not going to "fug off" and I get sick of males telling women what they can and can't do and you telling me I'm a tool. What kind of tool am I?

A pathetic one? Does it feel liberating when a woman kills her unborn baby?


Men can and should take responsibility for not spreading STD's if they want sex; and for not getting the woman pg. Its time to make men take responsibility. If a man gets a woman pg, his rights to her body stop there.
Yeah, freedom's hard, having to consider all people is just a pain in the ass, if I just have to worry about what I want, then life is simpler.

But one is not free in a symbiant relationship, one is obligant to the other

That is the way we are designed.

And so, it really boils down to those who wish to buck the system

... If a man gets a woman pg, his rights to her body stop there.

Then her rights to his wallet need to end there as well. It took two people to create the child. If one is to be removed from the decision making process they need to be removed from the responsibilities as well.
... If a man gets a woman pg, his rights to her body stop there.

Then her rights to his wallet need to end there as well. It took two people to create the child. If one is to be removed from the decision making process they need to be removed from the responsibilities as well.

No , this is not about abortion, its about men taking responsibility for their actions, its about time. Why should a women take hormones into her body when a man should don a condom to prevent the spread of STD's. I feel strongly about this.

If men took responsibility you'd see abortions go way down and so would the spread of STD's.

Also its healthier for a young woman not to take hormones.
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No , this is not about abortion, its about men taking responsibility for their actions, its about time. Why should a women take hormones into her body when a man should don a condom to prevent the spread of STD's. I feel strongly about this..

She shouldn’t be taking hormones. She/they also shouldn’t be having sex until they’re in a committed relationship with a path to monogamy and marriage and they’re both ready to have children.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.
Fair enough...if the woman has 100% of the say, should she not bear 100% of the responsibility?
She does...during the 9 months that the fetus is inside HER body.
The "place" that both halves of human society is TOGETHER building a civilized society. in bed and out. Why are you so in love with the fact that you have a penis and another person has a vagina and a uterus? What's the fear?

Remember that you can from the body of of female and she gave her blood and pain so that you might come into the world. Your disrespect and honor to her and her experience in having you is your own, and it is disgusting.

Our place is together, but it is not the same. A coin cannot be used if it has two heads or tails. It must have a head and a tail for the coin to be considered correct. Likewise, we must have Men and women together. No Feminists. No man-children. 1 Man and 1 woman.

Her place was to give birth to children. She is far happier about being a mother than any of her jobs, as she should be. I embrace women like her, rather than the Feminists most of my female classmates are.

It’s all about YOU in your world. You’ve bought into your cave man bullshit. 6000 years of education and enlightenment have just passed you by completely.
The "place" that both halves of human society is TOGETHER building a civilized society. in bed and out. Why are you so in love with the fact that you have a penis and another person has a vagina and a uterus? What's the fear?

Remember that you can from the body of of female and she gave her blood and pain so that you might come into the world. Your disrespect and honor to her and her experience in having you is your own, and it is disgusting.

Our place is together, but it is not the same. A coin cannot be used if it has two heads or tails. It must have a head and a tail for the coin to be considered correct. Likewise, we must have Men and women together. No Feminists. No man-children. 1 Man and 1 woman.

Her place was to give birth to children. She is far happier about being a mother than any of her jobs, as she should be. I embrace women like her, rather than the Feminists most of my female classmates are.

It’s all about YOU in your world. You’ve bought into your cave man bullshit. 6000 years of education and enlightenment have just passed you by completely.

Typical older male and some young ones.
It is you who are wrong on every level. All you talk about are the rights of the fetus. It doesn’t have rights. It doesn’t have opinions. It’s not a person.

ALL innocent human beings have the right to not be murdered or aggressed against. The pre-born is a human being, that is a scientific fact that your indoctrinated mind keeps ignoring.

There are many more reasons to have sex that have nothing to do with procreation or “fun” and much to do with our good health and well being.

Straw man, I never claimed that. Obviously there are more reasons to have sex than procreation. But you can't completely separate sex from its life giving potential, which is precisely what you cultural Marxist proaborts have been trying to do. Your entire philosophy is based on lies, that is why it is a failure. That is why so many young people end up either pregnant, or with STDs, or with emotional damage, confusion, etc. That is why I said that an intellectually honest person would be willing to re-examine their views, but you are so blind and indoctrinated that you see nothing wrong with abortion.

A healthy sex life is important to both physical and mental health and well being. It strengthens the relationship and bonds between a couple.

Straw man, I never claimed otherwise. In fact, I probably believe that stronger than you do. So you are either being dense by not comprehending my points, or dishonest by trying to change what I'm saying in order to win an argument. Either way, you fail debating 101.

Look at the abortion statistics. Poor women are getting abortions. Poor women who are in a relationship and already have at least one child.

It’s not the free living party girls, or teenagers. It’s adult women who can’t afford to lose their jobs because they’re pregnant.

The right rejects this image over and over and tries to sell the idea that the abortion rate is fueled by hedonism when in reality is it fueled by Republican policies towards the working poor.

I have seen the abortion statistics. Obviously it's not all one or the other. It doesn't matter though, you are still teaching people lies which result in unwanted pregnancies and numerous other problems...whether it's a poor adult woman, or a naïve girl.

You’re the one who is lying, twisting and deflecting from the true intent of your “theories”. Your goal is to strip women of the right of free will which God gave them.

You don’t care about “innocent babies” at all. If you did, you’d be in favour of social programs to help mothers carry through their pregnancies.

The United States has the highest abortion rate and the highest rate of maternal death in child birth of any first world country.

Republican policies are not only anti-family, they are extremely hostile to women and children and directly drive the high rate of abortion and maternal death in childbirth for American women.

Your only solution towards reducing abortions in the US is to restrict a woman’s access to abortion.

You could support and enact policies favourable to working women and parents, but you won’t. Because the goal of the right wing mindset is to punish women for having sex.

The misogyny in your weasel worded posts is sickening. That you want to justify your hatred of women by claiming it’s all about innocent lives is laughable.

If you cared about innocent lives, you’d support policies to help poor working families. Not cut off the health care subsidies or allow employers to fire pregnant women at will.

Like every other First World nation, sex education would be mandatory so teenagers would at least know who their bodies function and know how to maintain good reproductive health.

And employers’ health care would be required to cover all reproductive decisions made by the EMPLOYEES, not their bosses. If health care is part of your employment package, it is part of YOUR wages and employers should not have a say in what YOUR health care coverage provides.

Again, the USA is the only first world nation that allows employers to determine basic health care insurance for their employees, based on the religious beliefs of the employer. Madness.
Traditions exist because people don't have anything better to replace them with. In the modern world, as we get more intelligent, we're able to replace rubbish traditions with better things.

You're saying that we should continue to do stupid stuff simply because our under-educated ancestors did.

I am saying that Traditions need to trump technology when the technology creates a situation contrary to Traditional Mirals and Values. It’s that plain and simple. That’s what I was taught and what I believe, and what I pass on to others.

Have you ever thought that maybe the traditional values are not the best values?

You're stuck in tradition too much. There's a place for tradition, and there's a time when tradition has to make way because people have found something better.
Yeah, freedom's hard, having to consider all people is just a pain in the ass, if I just have to worry about what I want, then life is simpler.

But one is not free in a symbiant relationship, one is obligant to the other

That is the way we are designed.

And so, it really boils down to those who wish to buck the system


Problem is, people ignore their obligations, which causes the problems.
It’s all about YOU in your world. You’ve bought into your cave man bullshit. 6000 years of education and enlightenment have just passed you by completely.

Meanwhile you’ve thrown 6000 years of Morality and Values out the window. Keep your education. I’ll keep my Soul. Thank you very much.
Have you ever thought that maybe the traditional values are not the best values?

You're stuck in tradition too much. There's a place for tradition, and there's a time when tradition has to make way because people have found something better.

Based on what I was taught, what I’ve experienced in life and where those things have led my beliefs; in my mind Traditional Values are the ONLY Values. Everything else is garbage designed to lead people astray and into improper ways of life.
Have you ever thought that maybe the traditional values are not the best values?

You're stuck in tradition too much. There's a place for tradition, and there's a time when tradition has to make way because people have found something better.

Based on what I was taught, what I’ve experienced in life and where those things have led my beliefs; in my mind Traditional Values are the ONLY Values. Everything else is garbage designed to lead people astray and into improper ways of life.

Today I read about some Egyptian man working in Saudi Arabia who was arrested for having lunch with a woman while at work.

Tradition. Saudi tradition. The woman was covered head to toe, only her eyes sticking out of the letter box. Tradition. Complete and utter bullshit tradition that makes no sense to me.

"improper ways of life"? Am I a robot? Was I born to be the tool for someone else to live the good life while I suffer? No. Fuck that shit.

People have taken more control of their lives, and got rid of the traditions that forced them to be slaves to the system.

That doesn't mean we need to be like South Africa with a ridiculously higher murder rate and fear in the streets. There can be a balance. But your way just sucks so much balls it's ridiculous.

You'd probably be happy in Saudi Arabia.
Don’t you think it’s ironic that the party who preaches against interpreting the Constitution any other way than they way the Founders intended, has passed laws which violate women’s rights to make her own decions about whether or not to have a baby? This Party has repeated subjected women seeking an abortion to unnecessary coercion by the government, which adds hundreds to her costs in obtaining a legal medical procedure.
It’s all about YOU in your world. You’ve bought into your cave man bullshit. 6000 years of education and enlightenment have just passed you by completely.

Meanwhile you’ve thrown 6000 years of Morality and Values out the window. Keep your education. I’ll keep my Soul. Thank you very much.

Bullshit. Prohibitions on abortions are a very recent invention. And they are promoted by people who, while professing concern for the “lost innocents”, are doing nothing to eliminate the root causes of abortion, and much to exacerbate them.

Controlling abortion occurs in societies where men fear women’s sexuality. You and your kind are all about control. You believe in authoritarianism, and putting a woman who disagrees with you “into the ground”.

You should have your voting rights revoked for your extreme animosity towards the Constitution by which your country is governed.

Inside you strut around like a Banty rooster all puffed up and crowing about your make privilege. I’ll bet people laugh at you behind your back everywhere you go little man.
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