Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I hope you're not saying that having an abortion is taking responsibility. Taking responsibility would be either keeping the baby, or giving the baby up for adoption, which is a beautiful, selfless gift. Having an abortion is not "taking responsibility" – it is the exact opposite. It is destroying a unique individual human life, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.
You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I hope you're not saying that having an abortion is taking responsibility. Taking responsibility would be either keeping the baby, or giving the baby up for adoption, which is a beautiful, selfless gift. Having an abortion is not "taking responsibility" – it is the exact opposite. It is destroying a unique individual human life, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Again what you hope is irrelevant. And yes having an abortion is taking responsibility. And again these decisions ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

One in four women in the United States will have an abortion by the time they’re forty years old. Very few of the decisions to have an abortion will be made for convenience or selfishness.

Your opinion of the women who have abortions says far more about you than it does about them.
It is you who are wrong on every level. All you talk about are the rights of the fetus. It doesn’t have rights. It doesn’t have opinions. It’s not a person.

ALL innocent human beings have the right to not be murdered or aggressed against. The pre-born is a human being, that is a scientific fact that your indoctrinated mind keeps ignoring.

There are many more reasons to have sex that have nothing to do with procreation or “fun” and much to do with our good health and well being.

Straw man, I never claimed that. Obviously there are more reasons to have sex than procreation. But you can't completely separate sex from its life giving potential, which is precisely what you cultural Marxist proaborts have been trying to do. Your entire philosophy is based on lies, that is why it is a failure. That is why so many young people end up either pregnant, or with STDs, or with emotional damage, confusion, etc. That is why I said that an intellectually honest person would be willing to re-examine their views, but you are so blind and indoctrinated that you see nothing wrong with abortion.

A healthy sex life is important to both physical and mental health and well being. It strengthens the relationship and bonds between a couple.

Straw man, I never claimed otherwise. In fact, I probably believe that stronger than you do. So you are either being dense by not comprehending my points, or dishonest by trying to change what I'm saying in order to win an argument. Either way, you fail debating 101.

Look at the abortion statistics. Poor women are getting abortions. Poor women who are in a relationship and already have at least one child.

It’s not the free living party girls, or teenagers. It’s adult women who can’t afford to lose their jobs because they’re pregnant.

The right rejects this image over and over and tries to sell the idea that the abortion rate is fueled by hedonism when in reality is it fueled by Republican policies towards the working poor.

I have seen the abortion statistics. Obviously it's not all one or the other. It doesn't matter though, you are still teaching people lies which result in unwanted pregnancies and numerous other problems...whether it's a poor adult woman, or a naïve girl.
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having an abortion is taking responsibility.

You just lost all credibility. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, thinking that no one could be foolish enough to actually believe that. But apparently my initial feeling was right, it is what you believe. How very sad and blind.
You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I hope you're not saying that having an abortion is taking responsibility. Taking responsibility would be either keeping the baby, or giving the baby up for adoption, which is a beautiful, selfless gift. Having an abortion is not "taking responsibility" – it is the exact opposite. It is destroying a unique individual human life, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Again what you hope is irrelevant. And yes having an abortion is taking responsibility. And again these decisions ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

One in four women in the United States will have an abortion by the time they’re forty years old. Very few of the decisions to have an abortion will be made for convenience or selfishness.

Your opinion of the women who have abortions says far more about you than it does about them.

As abortions are regulated, by laws crafted though the democratic political process, it is deluded to claim the men, who vote, do not have a say.
Who determines what is right or wrong? You? You do not appear to be exceptionally qualified for this task.

Nope, not me. Nor you. Those things were determined thousands of years ago when the first human societies were formed.

And I'm sure that everyone had a say. Yeah. Right. There is a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell to you cheap.

Remember that these things come down to us only from males, and even then, only from the ones that were literate, not all. Women were kept illiterate, and, therefore, women's input, thoughts, philosophies, ideas, did not come down to us in posterity. Their intellectual input was neither encouraged nor preserved. Most times, their input was discouraged or punished, within Western cultures, and in other cultures, as well.

You can't slice humanity in half, and then claim that conclusions of your half are somehow "authentic" conclusions that come down from us from the ancients. They aren't.

Even in fairly "modern" times, with the European settlement of North America, males rejected any input from female persons on religious questions. Here is only one single instance out of many of this, regarding Anne Hutchinson, a religious leader living in the colony of Massachusett:

Anne Hutchinson | American religious leader

and then the hanging of Mary Dyer on Boston Common:

Mary Dyer - Wikipedia

For the crime of being a Christian who was a member and leader of the Society of Friends (Quakers).

I won't even go back to Hatsheput in ancient Egypt. The Gnostics. Boadicea leading the Icenae in standing up to the Romans in Britain.

What happened to the ancient "wise women" in European lands? Besides being burned to death?

Where are the female leaders and philosophers in the modern "Christian" churches?

At least some indigenous peoples, in North America and elsewhere, honor the wisdom of their grandmothers, mothers, and wives, and sisters.

You cannot reject sneer people out of society just because you have a penis.
You cannot reject sneer people out of society just because you have a penis.

Not only can we/I, but many of us do. Each gender has its lace in Society. Always have and always will... whether people accept that or not.
You cannot reject sneer people out of society just because you have a penis.

Not only can we/I, but many of us do. Each gender has its lace in Society. Always have and always will... whether people accept that or not.[/Qized

The "place" that both halves of human society is TOGETHER building a civilized society. in bed and out. Why are you so in love with the fact that you have a penis and another person has a vagina and a uterus? What's the fear?

Remember that you can from the body of of female and she gave her blood and pain so that you might come into the world. Your disrespect and honor to her and her experience in having you is your own, and it is disgusting.
It is you who are wrong on every level. All you talk about are the rights of the fetus. It doesn’t have rights. It doesn’t have opinions. It’s not a person.

There are many more reasons to have sex that have nothing to do with procreation or “fun” and much to do with our good health and well being.

A healthy sex life is important to both physical and mental health and well being. It strengthens the relationship and bonds between a couple.

Look at the abortion statistics. Poor women are getting abortions. Poor women who are in a relationship and already have at least one child.

It’s not the free living party girls, or teenagers. It’s adult women who can’t afford to lose their jobs because they’re pregnant.

The right rejects this image over and over and tries to sell the idea that the abortion rate is fueled by hedonism when in reality is it fueled by Republican policies towards the working poor.
Agreed. Our society needs to protect innocent life. The women you describe need assistance and legal protections during their pregnancy. They can then choose adoption should they and the father approve. Adoption networks which use to exist before the abortionists terminated them, should be reestablished.

Innocent life like the life of cows, pigs, chickens and sheep? They're killed in the BILLIONS every year.
Damn a human fetus is no different from a cow, pig, chicken or sheep?? Good God that’s dumb.

Listen to yourself.

You said "Our society needs to protect innocent life" didn't you?

Is a cow innocent or not?

Also, why is the life of one animal more important than the life of another? You've just evoked God. This being the supposed God who have life to all these creatures, and apparently the only one that's important is the human one.

Clearly you are making an ignorant argument. Why?

You may want to eat unborn babies, but sane people do not. .

Do you consider the unborn guilty and sinful?

Ignorant how?

All you have for your argument is to throw words at me. Telling me that my argument is bad because... because... because you don't like it.

So you're telling me that animals are considered less by God because you don't want to eat unborn animals?

The point here is you used the word "innocent", and cows are innocent and yet you have no problem killing them. So, your argument is contradictory.

Do you want to kill innocent life or not?
Agreed. Our society needs to protect innocent life. The women you describe need assistance and legal protections during their pregnancy. They can then choose adoption should they and the father approve. Adoption networks which use to exist before the abortionists terminated them, should be reestablished.

Innocent life like the life of cows, pigs, chickens and sheep? They're killed in the BILLIONS every year.
Damn a human fetus is no different from a cow, pig, chicken or sheep?? Good God that’s dumb.

Listen to yourself.

You said "Our society needs to protect innocent life" didn't you?

Is a cow innocent or not?

Also, why is the life of one animal more important than the life of another? You've just evoked God. This being the supposed God who have life to all these creatures, and apparently the only one that's important is the human one.

Clearly you are making an ignorant argument. Why?

You may want to eat unborn babies, but sane people do not. .

Do you consider the unborn guilty and sinful?

Ignorant how?

All you have for your argument is to throw words at me. Telling me that my argument is bad because... because... because you don't like it.

So you're telling me that animals are considered less by God because you don't want to eat unborn animals?

The point here is you used the word "innocent", and cows are innocent and yet you have no problem killing them. So, your argument is contradictory.

Do you want to kill innocent life or not?
Oh stop with your stupidity.
]Ah yes, don't question people no matter how wrong they are.

Because it's the only way they can keep face.

Sorry, but that's idiotic. Respect older people, yes, but then respect all people. Let them make decisions even when they're wrong, no.

Traditions exist, and have existed, for thousands of years for a reason. You may not like or agree with them but many of us do. If these ideals and values worked for all those generations there is no need to change them now.

Traditions exist because people don't have anything better to replace them with. In the modern world, as we get more intelligent, we're able to replace rubbish traditions with better things.

You're saying that we should continue to do stupid stuff simply because our under-educated ancestors did.
Innocent life like the life of cows, pigs, chickens and sheep? They're killed in the BILLIONS every year.
Damn a human fetus is no different from a cow, pig, chicken or sheep?? Good God that’s dumb.

Listen to yourself.

You said "Our society needs to protect innocent life" didn't you?

Is a cow innocent or not?

Also, why is the life of one animal more important than the life of another? You've just evoked God. This being the supposed God who have life to all these creatures, and apparently the only one that's important is the human one.

Clearly you are making an ignorant argument. Why?

You may want to eat unborn babies, but sane people do not. .

Do you consider the unborn guilty and sinful?

Ignorant how?

All you have for your argument is to throw words at me. Telling me that my argument is bad because... because... because you don't like it.

So you're telling me that animals are considered less by God because you don't want to eat unborn animals?

The point here is you used the word "innocent", and cows are innocent and yet you have no problem killing them. So, your argument is contradictory.

Do you want to kill innocent life or not?
Oh stop with your stupidity.

And that's all you've got, isn't it?

You can't argue, you can just tell people that they're being stupid.

Which means you lost.
Your way is a quick fix that leads to future problems.

You can hit a kid to make them behave, but when they become adults, they're more likely to turn that violence on others.

Is that a good solution to a problem? How does making the problem WORSE for a quick fix become a suitable solution?

You see that as a problem. I call that Proper Discipline.

...right up until the moment your daughter pours a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep, or spikes your dinner with rat poison.
round & round it goes.....
Yup. . . .

We probably made a mistake letting the broads come out of the kitchen and vote. . .

Nothin' but down hill since then. Hell, this wouldn't even be an issue if they couldn't vote I suspect.

round & round it goes.....
Yup. . . .

We probably made a mistake letting the broads come out of the kitchen and vote. . .

Nothin' but down hill since then. Hell, this wouldn't even be an issue if they couldn't vote I suspect.


Yeah, freedom's hard, having to consider all people is just a pain in the ass, if I just have to worry about what I want, then life is simpler.
It is you who are wrong on every level. All you talk about are the rights of the fetus. It doesn’t have rights. It doesn’t have opinions. It’s not a person.

ALL innocent human beings have the right to not be murdered or aggressed against. The pre-born is a human being, that is a scientific fact that your indoctrinated mind keeps ignoring.

There are many more reasons to have sex that have nothing to do with procreation or “fun” and much to do with our good health and well being.

Straw man, I never claimed that. Obviously there are more reasons to have sex than procreation. But you can't completely separate sex from its life giving potential, which is precisely what you cultural Marxist proaborts have been trying to do. Your entire philosophy is based on lies, that is why it is a failure. That is why so many young people end up either pregnant, or with STDs, or with emotional damage, confusion, etc. That is why I said that an intellectually honest person would be willing to re-examine their views, but you are so blind and indoctrinated that you see nothing wrong with abortion.

A healthy sex life is important to both physical and mental health and well being. It strengthens the relationship and bonds between a couple.

Straw man, I never claimed otherwise. In fact, I probably believe that stronger than you do. So you are either being dense by not comprehending my points, or dishonest by trying to change what I'm saying in order to win an argument. Either way, you fail debating 101.

Look at the abortion statistics. Poor women are getting abortions. Poor women who are in a relationship and already have at least one child.

It’s not the free living party girls, or teenagers. It’s adult women who can’t afford to lose their jobs because they’re pregnant.

The right rejects this image over and over and tries to sell the idea that the abortion rate is fueled by hedonism when in reality is it fueled by Republican policies towards the working poor.

I have seen the abortion statistics. Obviously it's not all one or the other. It doesn't matter though, you are still teaching people lies which result in unwanted pregnancies and numerous other problems...whether it's a poor adult woman, or a naïve girl.

What lies are being taught? Teaching people while they are young to recognize their sexuality, how to understand it and handle the feelings that are involved, including teaching them what technology is available to prevent pregnancy until they are ready and willing to be parents, is not lying. I hope that doing so is not part of your assertion that people are being lied to.

Enforcing a program of denial about these topics and refusing to educate the young IS lying.
The "place" that both halves of human society is TOGETHER building a civilized society. in bed and out. Why are you so in love with the fact that you have a penis and another person has a vagina and a uterus? What's the fear?

Remember that you can from the body of of female and she gave her blood and pain so that you might come into the world. Your disrespect and honor to her and her experience in having you is your own, and it is disgusting.

Our place is together, but it is not the same. A coin cannot be used if it has two heads or tails. It must have a head and a tail for the coin to be considered correct. Likewise, we must have Men and women together. No Feminists. No man-children. 1 Man and 1 woman.

Her place was to give birth to children. She is far happier about being a mother than any of her jobs, as she should be. I embrace women like her, rather than the Feminists most of my female classmates are.

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