Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

Yes, I have no doubt you see physical violence as "Proper Discipline". But I also know that you're causing more problems than you're solving.

That you don't see this, is part of the problem.

In that we will have to disagree.
Society used to enforce these expectations in the days before reliable birth control. Women were shamed and humiliated if they were pregnant out of wedlock with no husbands. The unwed mother’s homes were filled as were the orphanages. Shotgun weddings were common.

People stopped doing that shit BECAUSE IT DIDN’T WORK.

You seriously need to be taken out behind the barn and horsewhipped. It’s a punishment applicable to the stupid ideas you promote.

Society played at enforcing those expectations. Instead the fed and clothed the women and children and did nothing to the fathers. In a proper society all three would have been thrown out in their asses to fend for themselves. That would have worked far better.

Bring your whip. Just make sure I don’t t get up afterwards, or there will be issues.
In every way human life and their potential begins at conception.. You may deny their soul but you can't deny the science.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ——"
You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I most certainly have rights over any individual who I financially support. Every woman I ever dated was made aware of that, and my wife knew that long before we got physical.

I agree condoms are a good idea, but not having sex with anyone you aren’t willing to marry and raise a child with is a far better idea.
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
How are you going to make sure that the woman does not go through nine months of pregnancy, perhaps dangerous, vomiting, and does not bleed or suffer pain in the birthing process, and the father will be right there to comfort her, and accept the infant, and take it away if she does not want it.

Sorry, men just don't go through pregnancy and childbirth or risk their lives in any way. At most, they spend five minutes having a feel-good time. Never is there any risk to their lives, health, or any interference with their daily lives. No blood of their's is shed.
Why would any woman have unprotected sex, when pregnancy is so dangerous? Are they dumb? In addition, why should such dumb women be allowed to play God with their fetus’ life?

First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

And you can avoid getting a female pg by wearing a condom or get yourself fixed. Why is it men do not want to take responsibility??
You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I most certainly have rights over any individual who I financially support. Every woman I ever dated was made aware of that, and my wife knew that long before we got physical.

I agree condoms are a good idea, but not having sex with anyone you aren’t willing to marry and raise a child with is a far better idea.

No actually you don't. Men can rape their spouse,

When did it become illegal for a husband to rape his wife?
The legal history of marital rape laws in the United States is a long and complex one, that spans over several decades. The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes.
Marital rape (United States law) - Wikipedia
Marital rape (United States law) - Wikipedia

you guys had your cake and ate it too, well now you don't have any cake.
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
How are you going to make sure that the woman does not go through nine months of pregnancy, perhaps dangerous, vomiting, and does not bleed or suffer pain in the birthing process, and the father will be right there to comfort her, and accept the infant, and take it away if she does not want it.

Sorry, men just don't go through pregnancy and childbirth or risk their lives in any way. At most, they spend five minutes having a feel-good time. Never is there any risk to their lives, health, or any interference with their daily lives. No blood of their's is shed.
Why would any woman have unprotected sex, when pregnancy is so dangerous? Are they dumb? In addition, why should such dumb women be allowed to play God with their fetus’ life?

First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

The unborn have no rights. They’re not “innocents”, they blobs of tissue that have the potential to become a baby if allowed to develop and grow. Your way strips rights from everyone involved except that blob of tissue.

It is you who is the zealot here. Being pro-choice has no effect on you whatsoever. If you believe abortion is wrong, your choice is to carry the child to delivery and good on you. Pro-choice is right for all. You don’t like abortion. Don’t have one. Can’t afford another child, terminate the pregnancy.

Either choice has no effect on anyone but the women and their families. And those are the people whose choice it is.
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
Why would any woman have unprotected sex, when pregnancy is so dangerous? Are they dumb? In addition, why should such dumb women be allowed to play God with their fetus’ life?

First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

And you can avoid getting a female pg by wearing a condom or get yourself fixed. Why is it men do not want to take responsibility??
Zealots. Ugh!
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
Why would any woman have unprotected sex, when pregnancy is so dangerous? Are they dumb? In addition, why should such dumb women be allowed to play God with their fetus’ life?

First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

The unborn have no rights. They’re not “innocents”, they blobs of tissue that have the potential to become a baby if allowed to develop and grow. Your way strips rights from everyone involved except that blob of tissue.

It is you who is the zealot here. Being pro-choice has no effect on you whatsoever. If you believe abortion is wrong, your choice is to carry the child to delivery and good on you. Pro-choice is right for all. You don’t like abortion. Don’t have one. Can’t afford another child, terminate the pregnancy.

Either choice has no effect on anyone but the women and their families. And those are the people whose choice it is.
Why do you like killing human beings?
You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.

I most certainly have rights over any individual who I financially support. Every woman I ever dated was made aware of that, and my wife knew that long before we got physical.

I agree condoms are a good idea, but not having sex with anyone you aren’t willing to marry and raise a child with is a far better idea.

You have no rights over anyone but yourself, no matter what you think. You may have had rights over underage children when they were younger.
What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

The unborn have no rights. They’re not “innocents”, they blobs of tissue that have the potential to become a baby if allowed to develop and grow. Your way strips rights from everyone involved except that blob of tissue.

It is you who is the zealot here. Being pro-choice has no effect on you whatsoever. If you believe abortion is wrong, your choice is to carry the child to delivery and good on you. Pro-choice is right for all. You don’t like abortion. Don’t have one. Can’t afford another child, terminate the pregnancy.

Either choice has no effect on anyone but the women and their families. And those are the people whose choice it is.
Why do you like killing human beings?

Do you like being a total idiot?
No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

The unborn have no rights. They’re not “innocents”, they blobs of tissue that have the potential to become a baby if allowed to develop and grow. Your way strips rights from everyone involved except that blob of tissue.

It is you who is the zealot here. Being pro-choice has no effect on you whatsoever. If you believe abortion is wrong, your choice is to carry the child to delivery and good on you. Pro-choice is right for all. You don’t like abortion. Don’t have one. Can’t afford another child, terminate the pregnancy.

Either choice has no effect on anyone but the women and their families. And those are the people whose choice it is.
Why do you like killing human beings?

Do you like being a total idiot?
Here I thought you were reasonable. You are just another zealot.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

No rights and 100 per cent responsibility.

And that is a liberal's idea of fair.
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.

No he won’t. None of your hair brained ideas are coming to fruition so go take your meds.
Why would any woman have unprotected sex, when pregnancy is so dangerous? Are they dumb? In addition, why should such dumb women be allowed to play God with their fetus’ life?

First, birth-control methods have what they call "failure rates. Look it up. The sex was not necessarily "unprotected." Second, it is not "playing God" to have an abortion. That depends on what religious choices the woman makes.
THIRD: THIS IS ALL NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Mind your own sex and reproductive life, and the rest of us will mind ours.
BS as expected. You cite failure rates which are minuscule and entirely off topic.

Second you claim a woman’s right to murder her child without legal consequences, is not playing God. Logically and obviously it is. Think before posting.

Thirdly you cite the long discredited propaganda by the abortion industry, that the father has no say in the life or death decision of his child. Very convenient no? Entirely illogical.

You men have no rights over a female's body and her reproduction rights. Wear a condom, then all would be taken care of , except a few mishaps, its about time men take the responsibility instead of women.
It is not about men’s rights. It is about the rights of the innocent unborn.

Zealots like you are incapable of logically thinking.

The unborn have no rights. They’re not “innocents”, they blobs of tissue that have the potential to become a baby if allowed to develop and grow. Your way strips rights from everyone involved except that blob of tissue.

It is you who is the zealot here. Being pro-choice has no effect on you whatsoever. If you believe abortion is wrong, your choice is to carry the child to delivery and good on you. Pro-choice is right for all. You don’t like abortion. Don’t have one. Can’t afford another child, terminate the pregnancy.

Either choice has no effect on anyone but the women and their families. And those are the people whose choice it is.

When do you consider them human enough to have rights?
No actually you don't. Men can rape their spouse,
you guys had your cake and ate it too, well now you don't have any cake.

She’s smart enough to know that any accusation against me puts us both on the street homeless in 60-90 days. She doesn’t want that. Besides, sex isn’t even a major part of our relationship.
You have no rights over anyone but yourself, no matter what you think. You may have had rights over underage children when they were younger.

LOL. Thankfully my wife is brighter than you. When I pay all the bills I make all the decisions. She can leave any time she wants to go wander the streets, but as long as she lived under my roof she lived by my rules. Period.
You have no rights over anyone but yourself, no matter what you think. You may have had rights over underage children when they were younger.

LOL. Thankfully my wife is brighter than you. When I pay all the bills I make all the decisions. She can leave any time she wants to go wander the streets, but as long as she lived under my roof she lived by my rules. Period.

Just wondering.. how would she react to your post..?

Mine, not so well.... :lol:
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

Abortion is not a women's health issue. You fail.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

Abortion is not a women's health issue. You fail.

I'm thinkin many liberal women came up short on the, "Mom" gene unless it's a show for political convenience and free stuff.
Just wondering.. how would she react to your post..?

Mine, not so well.... :lol:

Mine knows, understands, accepts and embraces her role in life. This is the type of relationship she was looking for as much as I was.

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